The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

Is. f- 18 INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1022J. PHOVLER Hi THIS CASE VMS LOOKING FOR CAT Frcra Rocf, Disappears Dsfcrc PcKco Arrive. BUHGLAHS COMTIfiUE WORK A prowler who itl1 he wm looking for when be wa found on tfc of tfc plant cf th Bwl Clean rs. 112t Korth UJJnol trt, arly to-Jr.

brought a p'llc emergency siuad to the seen. IX lft th "cat" to If fate, bowerer, and slid iwn a.wstey sp'ut and escaped before th rrlvl 'of the police, Th pfvwUr wti en ta roof by HerWt rail. 1121 V.AaoKt ttrttt, w'o to fcira. stfcirg hie what 1 i doing. rrvn- In anvrr that fc was looking for fc eat.

rn th police the rin then ran to rear of the down the tr spout with tn eirilltr of trained acrobat, and disappeared Ja the alley. XVmtrk 'a ad Sdeaey Stale frinV Kmnon, JIJ East Merrill street, reported to tij polk tfc at hi was nler.d and a watch yalucd at II In Currency vii stolen, A burglar ntrd th horn cf Mrs. M. K. rosier, 2151 Kirth Ull-r-ol street lat Friday whll i waa aittirg rn th front porctj, rerrld tir Jewelry, inctijcir.g wtrh, -halm and rings valued at III).

Kn trnc was eram-d to tK ru by unlocking rn floor in th rear. Dry DrfaX riae Entered. Ifurtlar Iif ilorphy Jry drift 31 Wat Hhicn 'rt hy cutflu ft panel out of th rr lor ant unlocking th door. 1.a rar ki th tac not. It hUvr3, 'r frictitenad away IM I'tntlr, an otloy.

whaa i rndir a r-ParAl -tir wtrk, Ilothmg wa.a Mliint, til police wtrt told. iEoliiiiiii ftEW IRISH OUTBREAKS Killings at Cms Crook Believed Rtprlsalj CARDIffAL' AGAIfr HELD UP tfc AiU4 rrM I CHLFABT. Jun mn.an4 om womin we)" hrt di1 n4 twa man wr wou'le4 toay tn th yI infinity of J.i I rock, known an eoun 7 Armach'a 'rn'j'ScI viJUg. Th joui fcf tbrc royalMt wr i turn. Th Affair It tfllfv to ftav ben In rrll for th hootJB two tnn on cf whom llrd In It I bttvd two vinti In th kllJln! Th firing nl xplotona wr bard plainly In Nwt jr.

Tnoa klllj wr a man and VI on, hot throttith th toaadi an fd man and hi irlfa, who war alaln totthr, and younc 7fln. A tnan and Ma on wr woundad. and an Mhr toy and 1. alrl war Injured by bomb apttntara whan th homaa of two of vuttm wara daatroyt-d. Mimktn of another nouaahold narrowly aca jd han th prm lr war on fir.

Attempt wr mad to barn vral other hotnaa, and nnn at Cloufhraa, near UrooK, vm attacked with rifle ar bomb. Lc Agate Held Vp. Cardinal Loiru. primal of Ir land, and Ma ooadjutor, Archbllvoj i f'lonnII, again wer held up by I member of tho L'latar conatabutary .1 Jaat nlht when their automobile wa i atopped nar Nwry by a patrol of apactala, Th conatabti at flrat demandei lit ehaufrur' Uce, which proi at, tha.tamn tlm Informing of th Identity of hi paaaen The teacer of th conatable arderad th prelate to alight land eubmlt to aearch, to which they rinaentel. although again giving their name.

A number of barb In th ear wer eearrhert and document rrll by the prute were artef wblch th party wa permitted to 1 Thle la that third onctott i recently on Cardinal Loitu ha. 5 been held up by conetablea. 1 4 -Cbarrblll Ktpreaee negrrt. -r AVlntton Churchill. Brltlah colonial eacretary; fallowing th second hold-x up Cardinal t.ogu, eipreaaed grV In vh houa of common ovr th Incident.

11 aiild Sir Jam Craig, r' th tMatrr premier, had told him It wa far from th wlahee of the north 'i rn government that any lack of con- I l.trtton should hava been ehown any hlth dignitary of th Cathollo "rhjri-i. Mr. Ohurrhltl alaoi eald thoe concerned" had been officially rehuked. r.rook la near th Fr Stat bonier. Th attack th Central New cor Mr mad by trmed Af Sinn rtnri anit th vl lim wer I'roteatanta." 1 aae'l lived alon a cottage.

Tho rtder urat in th tloor. ordered th two out of bed r' and hot them aa they atood aid by aid. A platoon of apeclal eonatabte waa mbuhd yeaterday at Forkhiit. on th A riuhIxuth border, near Bee lirook on waa killed and another 1 wounded. dkatii roa nnr.orci.

trUter rarllameat Keie4 te laa Eitrtw ratalty.f Jun IT. Th campaign of ineendiajrUm la Belfast haa b-om ao alarming, saya' th Morning Toat'a cor.reapondent. that when th Water rasmbt Tue. tay th northern government la like. lr to introduce llalatlon Impoalng tn death penalty on pcraons convicted of aettlng flrea.

Th wfiter aacrlbea th burning to a plot to strangle th InduatrUl Hf of destroying man gfacturing and bualnea premises. Artl)e of lacorpe-ratieeu Articles of Incorporation and o-tlee hav been riled with th secretary of stat a Oreal Iake Cooatrortlmt 0mpay, an It- Hnote ArporUfn. 'ihfir to la buacneea In Irv1ljn: uatxtat to true elate. tlU.Oh; I "nrmi eontractin atul row. ro.

tioo acent. Cju-1 ooaerUad. niur.f; iiuiirr fonndtirt. Innne.poQs, amended tie mUcIm rf Uoa. Krtrr gW pmrrrfny rrtl fii-ilt tt tlioiaUoru Trr tl ami Compujr.

Kicli-pao-i-1. tfiO of Tirtwoanoe Lke Country Cluh. EiMdoiko ennmr: il club: Uredor. Jtn- hepr1, J-nr t. IVterwn.

Jamee U. Urrr. XcM W. Rytir. Jjine Compauy.

ViW fri; -ar)tl. 5.u..0K: to mairxuin a tmUimi tJirrtor. U. IflT, IX. S4Mir.

L. E. 3 -Mtt. J. T.r HM): r.trn-r, Hrry S-hopi.

Tfi John. l-r Cmi.ijr. IinUnpoiv. tn-114 t4tl iux.j( from 91VO.OOO to H. N.

Arrtmett Company, Iwfl. "'i'i inrr''t it tplti etoc from ii.i.(H,'. SMt.00 fri Motor Coiopur, a Xlcttiran corporation. U. J.

blujuaeU a tU axent If'naaa. KATE MARTINDALE VISITS ANTON LANG; SEES PASSION PLAY TOWN IN ZERO SETTING fBy Kat XartfdIl GREAT contrast to the i heat, the dust, and. the 1 crowds, which visitors to Oberammeryaa will encounter this summer was our solitary journey thither cn the coldest, bleakest, snowiest day of the last severe winter. lutuai friends had written Anton Lang: of our desire to see the little town, before leav ing Bavaria, and a prompt invitation was received to spend the day with him, on the fol lowing Thursday. Am lock would tare it, regralar Elberign blizzard let in on the ere of oar depgrture.

Bat 6 Vdock th tollcnrir.g morning' found ns rwad-dd in woolens, tun and and lmot extiralahed bj tbetg ciinbtnotne rttUntnti at we atir-ered and drank hot eotit In early morrdnar darkneaa jot th Munich Ilauptbahnhof, waiting jfor the train to mada It waa not yt daylignt -aa passed th Bleeping euburba of Pa-I ng. manning, KreUlng and Stock dorf. But at Starsberg. with it ancient castl. th fd winter sun jb gan to emerge reluctantly frost lb hiod th ley lake, and aign of llf bwtrn vtelble under th multi-gabUd roof a of th stre.nse old tovm Thncw pd through great for eat preaerre of oturd plnea, boast lag torn forty or fifty yara' growth, th aafcty deposit vault of liavaria.

Evry tr had bn I planted and reared with "Oerman fflincy," and ther were mil and mile of the tremendous fraeta. I Her and thereupon th lonely road. osen. carefully blanketed, from th sharp wind, stolidly plodded onward with their heavy load of peat, and wer encouraged In' thlr progrea by tall, muecular glrla, sans teat, aans.bat. aana gloves, aan moat aveythlng but rar good Malta and strength.

4 aturdines and lf-rHano mt th eye la all sections of Partenklch-enerland. Cven th tall hedge of jlnr fantastically trimmed and deft, ly shaded on that morning with a brush of snow, in constant process Of aelf-yepalr. As th traveler approaches Mum a a. be begin to ae and feel th -Tyrolean influence In architecture, color ant custom. Th fac that look smilingly sp at Mm from the railway platforma ar no longer Teutonic.

Clear, bright eyes, hand-ora mouth and teeth, are rlaibl under th raklahly co*cked hate, with their waving feather and multi-colored, ribbon. i i At Murnau," small, but comfort abl lctrlc train, await th visitor to point not connected with th main From It pleaaant tmpratur emrged to follow ear ruida. through deep snow and a chilling wind, toward th prlnclpl street of that meat onlQU community th quaint, simple, world-famou vlUag of Oberam-mergau. -4 i V'Tli tartaaf llaa. On our right, ross th.

tall con of th Kofet, a ahr 800 meter overhead, it' hard to lmagln how th betrothal of Ylllag forrarly took plac. All that crown It now la a hug wooden replaced under great difficulties, every flftaeo or twenty Thl Impresaly peak, guarding th ntrane to th vally of th Aramer, wa one In flam, from th baa to splr and must bar presented a rrsagntflcent spectacle to all th vll lace of th neighborhood. It wal) ar a atronr temptation to ellmbera. but extremely dangerous, vn with an experienced ruldo. 1 i Th yery sight of th vlllag tm preaaea ua with the consciousness that thl waa no ordinary town, it's unlou houses alon.

would mak It a Mecca for. thoe who eeek th tin usual and curious. Every llttl dwelling look Ilk a gayly painted Chrlatmaa box. handed i hy fnta Clan from aom glgantto tree! In fact on almost expect to the broad-veti roof open up with a sprlnr. to dlsclos och surprises bonbon, mechanical toy and other mysteries of th holiday ea ion.

Hut obliged, aa wer. to enter by -doors. In a regular way. found them stocked Instead with homelike potteries, cosy wood-earV-Inar eohpa and spotless kitchens. Fuch a rlare.

le th bom of Anton Tnr, 'the "Chritu of th Passion flay. In 1109. 110 and lilX. Nothing could more slmpl. laln and unaffected than thl dwell-ng of Herr Lans'a A long narrow halt running straight through from entrance door to dining room contains no architectural aecreta, A door to tho right frankly' facea a door to th left, and on down, until four on On aid and four on the other hav been counted off.

Knocking at several of thee failed to bring aa anewer, and we wer about to conclude th family had not received our letter, and waa off for a holiday tn th mountain, when a good-looking young girl of about fifteen cam smilingly Into th general sitting we had ensconced ourselves. Sh reported the her father had ben called to a town meeting, and we wer to mk ourlv at horn until hi rturn. A SkJlM Workaaaaw Rows aVat shelve on two ld of th room display th attractively decorated object of clay. and. pottery that pro-v Lang a kUUd a workman aa 1 an actor.

Thero ar vases, pitcher, plates, candlesticks, plaques, statues, bas-reliefs ad Infinitum, and. apparently no 13 IN GRADUATING CLASS. Annaal Coaaaaencesaent at Ollcge of Meualo 'and Ftn Arts. Th fifteenth annual commencement of the Indiana College of Frbytrlan Church, Friday v-nlng. -Thlrtn wr graduating; clasa Th commencement address was mad by Dr.

Robert J. Aley. president of Butler College, who poke oa "The Liberalising Power of Truth." Membesr of teh graduating class were: llasel Carlton. Mildrd Clark, Theirea Schlffman and Irma Waldvo-eel. teachers' diploma in vole; Wllma Lav la and Janet Shirley, teacher' diploma la dramatic art; Dorothy Anderson.

O' Verdi Oerst-baueir, Bernioo Hawkins, Louise Martin. Thelma Swift and Ann VanDe-venter, certificate tn-publlo school muato. Harry O. IIllL president of the col-lego, in presenting the diplomas announced that aefea new instructors bad been added to th faculty for next year, and that the summer term would open Monday. Th commencement program Included organ number by Horace Whttehouae.

director of music at the college, and piano and vocal selections by Miss Jlenora Beauchamp and Ml Marion members of the faculty. An Informal reception, followed the porgram. at the college parlors. Steps were taken for the rg-anUa-t ion of an alumni association. A committee was appointed composed of Miss Flora Lyon, chairman: Mra.

Mabel Lei re, secretary; Xtlss Mabel liendetman. Mra. Maud Krause and Mis Olady Loucka. to plan th or-gaalxauon of th association. as a 1 IF mmh WQf THE CMUftCH, C5EAMMCAU IT LOOKS EA5V fearv of dlhonsty pervades th household.

For when th tinkling hop bell announced a customer, jw saw with om surprla that It Waa not. answered, and th purchaaer taking what Wished, left hi money on th desk and walked away. But though th abop haa its Inter-. we found th sitting room more rmarkkbl.i -It I not over fourteen fet aquar and aerves aa office, council chamber, commute room, tudy haJl and general living apartment, Sign and symbol of all these occupation ar In plain view, but no confusion. 1 Iler the master of th hous r-ceivea the many delegations that mak to Oberammergau.

Ther are autographed picture of artist, author, actors, statesmen and titled persons from all parts of th world attesting th breadth and dignity of hi acquaintance Mlnsrllnr with these ar children's ehooJbooks. baskets of sewing, and large assortment of not yt opnd. i A. vruu umu --s -f 1 i shall not soon forget that first tmpTstoa of Anton Laagt coatl and with th frh now glistening, on hi fin head and his tall llth figure Incased la a dark blu carpntr apron, and a manner as cordial a If had been friend for yeara. greeted us In th moat perfect English had encoun tered in Havana.

Tho who tnlgrat ImDcrseaa- tor In tho pathetic leave-taking at Bethany, th antry into or standing be for Pilate, will find It hard to plctur him in everyday fife, a lrapl pttr bending over hi bench and faithfully pursuing hi traa. -Cora this aald, and led ua down th hall to a buoy kitchan, where a handaom. dark-haired wo man wa Juat removing some delicious kuchen from th oven, tier pleasant fee was becomingly flushed by th heat 'of th stov. and ah, quickly wiped hr hands on her apron, appearing not In th least surprised or vxd at her huaband' announcing ua so un ceremoniously. i It one sees in Anton lanv tn quiet, unaggresslv.

enduring strength that makes It possibl to play th double rol of modt workman and world-famous actor, with perfect success, also sees in Frau Lanr the ateady, unruffled directness, of purpose that has born a full snar in th ach lavement. 1 Thr I no pretn, or false humility about them. Their contact with the outside world has not made them commends! or desirous of leading an easier life. They beloag heart and soul to the village, and the -village Is a strictly hard-working one. The question is often naked, particularly by those who know little of the history of the Paaaion Play, if it is not becoming unduly commercial.

Taelr Faita raansiw Ther i but on anwer. faith in which the popl live 1 aa strong a vr. Moreover th obligation to their ancestor would carried out. whether there were any visitor to. tha prforroanc or To sur th great crowds have necessitated a tremendous amount of extra work.

Not a household in the town that Ja not renreaented in the play, and not on that doean't have to taae us run snar 01 summer boarder. Considering th act that everybody work and thr ar fw ervanta, thla mean that many man, women and- young person must e.ter to the needs of their guesta. at the same tlm that thy are playing their rolea Th heavy snow which had been falling all' morning ceased about noon, and the long, sunny, brlghtly- chlntsed dining room was a cheery plac In which to ait down to Frau Lang's excellent dinner. As we wished to se th church, the Pasalon theater, the Wood-Carv ing School and drive on to Ettal be fore tn evening anaaows oegan to fall, our good host and hostess arranged for our doing all these things, and obtained the post sledge for, our trip to the great monastery. In the meantime it was becoming hard to leave this most unusual household, for though many Inter ruptions occurred to distract the attention of Herr.

Lang, or his wife. CITY OF CANTON CAPTURED lu Tit 8as Palace Gaard StfU Flfktlif Cata't Ferm. jr (By Asseolate Prese PEKING. June 17. While the troop of General Chen CMungtMlng had captured the city of Canton, capital of the south China.

republic, the bodyguard of President Sun Tat-Sen still fought from the presidential palace, according to dispatch from Canton, filed at o'clock yesterday afternoon. Sua was supposed to have escaped to Whampoa' on a gunboat. A Canton telegram of the Eastern News Agency reported that the coup that resulted la the fall of Canton waa carried out at o'clock yesterday morning by Commander Vehchui. acting presumably under order of General Chen. PRIEST LOSES DAMAGE SUIT SLOOO la Awardea to Mike jaase Par-.

paioff by. Shelby Coaaty Cawrf. ISpectsl to The Indianapolis Kewsl WSHEITVILLE Jane 17--Damages of 11.000 "were awarded to Mike James Parpnloff, of Indianapolis, against Nichotaa Pavloff, a priest of Indiariapolla, by a Jury In th Shelby circuit court, at th conclusion of a hearing on a complaint for damagea filed by Parpnloff against Pavloff. Th complaint: had been received hern on change at vna from Marion county. 1 1 f.

PW-: rsi mt ANTON LAK5 MOULDING A BOWL. THE SOMBRE. DOME Or ETTAL It waa plain to 5 a that both had acquired th art of attending to vral matter at one, a when on returning to the sitting room after Fran Lang, without fuss or flurry, sat down to the formidable plle of mall, and opening the let tera quietly as aha talked, sorted them- into groups with notatlona for Her husband recounted to torn of th apprehensions they held for the success of the Passion Play this sum men The rest of Bavaria had not ahown a spirit of co-operation, and Munich In- particular 1 wa beginning to grumble leat the price of foodstuffs would go up. whn Oberamrrier-gau began to buy what-wa ndd to fd th i 'Mm A' xpectea ActeCf risen Baey. HOwrver, each -Incoming mail filled with letter from.

tourist companies, railroads and private parties asking for' accommodations, and It naturally seemed that all the world desired to mak Its periodical visit to the Itttle town. i It! was also interesting to hear on such good authority -how every family In the plac was working on Its particular assignment for the aon. and -a walked about th snowy streets a Ilttls later th actor-cltlsens were pointed out aa they aat at their work benches over delicate pottery or Ingenious carving. There were Guido Mayr. the Judas; and; Paula Rendu the Magdalene, and a number of apostles, member of th council; tradesfolk, witnesses, courtier, hangmen and acourger.

At 4 o'clock th post sledge waa ready to start and wr nugly packed Insid It. Reluctant fare walls wer exchanged with our hospitable host and hostess, and many hopes expressed that we might meet again. i The driver and postman, 'a Krl Krlagte sort of looking person, very Jolly as well a respectful, had first wrapped our feet In a fur robe, then put another over each on of ua, and, finally a third over We protested aome what, but Mr. Lang assured us it waa none loo much for the Journey up the mountain side and we discovered before going far that he was right. Every foothill, for th Brat few mile waa covered with what looked from a distance.

Ilk small black ante, on th pure white slopes. But they turned out to be ski runner. Hundreds of them, and aa cam up the novice could be seen starting out bravely. thn suddenly wollapsing. Into th most unheard of contortion.

saw on girl, rigged out In th latest approved costume tor th aport. with knickerbockers, sweater, cap and a shlntngnew pair-of She had svldcntly entertained- the notion, hkd; that It flocked easy. so after trapping tbnv onconfldntly truck out' to "Join a. group of rlnd. What happened I am not abl to aay, only: JLbat there 'was a grand melange oj irmi, lege and akla.

th two former stretched wildly Into the air, and the four latter, twining themslve about on another in th most Inexplicable fashion. It waa Impossible to keep from laughing. After leaving the skiing parti th road became more bleak and desolate. Here and there a solitary-shrine appeared to cheer tho lonely traveler, but tt became more still and cold aa the horses crunched on, through the deep, heavy snow toward the beautifully attuated monastery of Ettal. and the church was Icy aa a barefooted monk, with strong Scotch accnt.

conducted us into tt. Tet in every direction we were Impressed by. the grand proportions of thla wonderful retreat. Looking up Into the great dome, we itemed to be fathoming Imraeaaureable space. Madonna Lifted Down.

Th famous Madonna, wonderfully carved Tof Indian porphyry, and brought to, the spot by Ludwig the Great, who carried, out hia promise to build a church around it. was lifted down by our accommodating guide, with great pride and respect. It Is Indeed a delicate and Interest lng piece of carving, and were sorry to learn that the nam of th sculptur Is not known. Th school In connection with the monastery surprised us with Its modern sanitation and equipment. We had little expected to find auch perfection tile, plumbing and nickel-plated ac-cessories In this out-of-the-way mountain district.

Also sucn up-to ror an sX UUUIIUUMWV Vll vntu beatitx mn incuse JTcrplcfdc I STRtCT IN THE. TOWN OT THE PASSION PLAY THE POSTMAN, Ou DRIVER eM-M-Meaw-M-wssMs aeaa-aMM-a-jwweiM OXAWtNGS BY fiTJf osrow5r date locker, rooms. dormitories and class After an hour's tav In th clols tcrs. crypts, vaulted passages and other portions of th Immense plac. where somber Benedictine monks pur sued their strict and silent devotions, we were ready to accept the offer-of hot coffee' and fresh kuchen at the llttl wayaid inn.

eppoalt th great gat. Th postman, already stationed Id a glowing fir, gave ua twenty minutes to regale ourselves before starting on the long, perilous descent of the mountain to Oberau, wher we were to tak th train. This was a much steeper rout than that had ascended, and it Is safe to say, we did not draw an- unanxlou breath during the Journey." The road, winding aharply around the mountain, ta not particularly safe vn In summer. With the drifting now piled, high on th Inner sld. and th horse slipping first on way then the other, we were not able to forget for a single moment the yawn lng valley 00 fact below.

It waa noth lng but a miracle that we did not meet a single conveyance during the entire fifteen miles. What would have happened in such a caa can only surmised. When It was over we cordially thanked our conductor and felt that the crude, steaming laborer's hut. Into which; je took us for a bowl of soup, wa the most attractive and delightful place we had ever seen. He laughed and cracked his whip good-naturedly when we expressed regret at his having to make the return trip that night, and was still smiling pleasantly; at us ss the eve-ninr trafn nulled out for Munich.

la 1 'I ll SMALL NATIONS FORCE-. ACTION AT THE HAGUE Subcommisslons of Thirteen, Not Eleven, Approved. HERO OF 2EEBRUGGE TALKS fBy the AsseeUtit Prceal THE HAGUE, June 17--The prs-ur et th smaller European countries, especially those adjacent to and having vital political and commercial Interests; Russia, hav forced Th Hagu conference to form subeom-misslons of thirteen Instead of lva members, as ii ad. been, piaaned by th aJUed 1 This is interpreted by all the del-gate aa indicating not only a determination-not to shut out of th Important discussion- -by-th greater powers, but also aa manif eating eag-erneaa about the of the die-organised Russian state. Tho pressure surprised everybody by Its fore.

Forelxrn Minister Van Karnebeek. of Holland, waa intrusted by th conference with the task of naming th members; of the three subcommts ion and the personnel will be announced Monday, to which tlm yesterday's session was adjourned; Van Karnebeek already haa begun nego-tlatlons with the smaller powers, especially the Baltic states, in an effort to satisfy all nations tn th formation of th committee of th Conference. Tv ty-a! Xatlene Represented. Virtually all th twenty-nin coun-trie represented at The Hague have aiguifled their Intention to Join the main Russian commission. Franc haa rsrdved her decision regarding participation until after the meeting in London between M.

Po In care, French premier, and David Lloyd George. British prime minister. The feature- of the afternoon session yesterdsy waa an address by the second British, delegate. Edward Hilton Toung. whose gallant action In the British narar operation In closing Zeebrugg against German submarine brought hire fame and honor.

Every delegate gav a rousing welcome to the young officer whose heroism cost him an arm. Toung ra phaslsed th urgency of keeping poll tice absolutely outside The Hague meeting and getting down to cold bust neaa hav: no concern with polities, or questions of political principle, said th former lieutenant-commander, who now Is financial secretary to the British treasury. We are ex-perta, not plenipotentiaries; and our decision can: not bind our governments to which we must rfer our dcilona Urge lAetlen. -i Mr. Toung.

recommended "that th main formed by non Russian countries, should met th Russians Juna 2. and Immediately auggest the formation by- the Russians of subcommittees which could meet the European commtaslona and get down to -practical conaideratlon of problems On the agenda. Cattler. Belgium, voiced com Flete approval of th Britiah position. 1 eepeclallf urged4 avoidance -of politics which he said was certain to prove dangeroua Hungary made a point that If any country was not represented on a subcommission thl should not interpreted as meaning that such country waa disinterested All th delegstes agreed to thla Prior to the arrival of the Russian th subcommlsslons will meet and exchange Information and 'view, ad as to be prepared to tak up practical pour parler with th Bolsh vikl Immediately.

Blr Philip Lloyd-Graeme, of the Britiah delegation, announced that India and ali -th British -dominion ar intensely- Interested In the fu ture of Russia rnit that the British deleetoo here will art fur the entlr gate rr.t pot eiTit nJO una mo tu "ictrOWrrg TJte most marvelous warni-air heating plant in the world today. Sdves more than one-half the fuel. Ihvfesti ike Section al Hester Spend 15 minutes at our factory and let us demonstrate the new principle of wing-ed which increases and acceleratesthe low of heat in the HAT JNEAL Sectional Heater. If you can't spare ttie time to see this heater, write for complete data of UNIQUE test which shows absolutely nag SHAKtS SHAKX! an 05 siaj ao 110 TKTorirrrR, aXAMHCS-IttaREry 400 I I Nar-TLOW CTAllL 1 vJO TrfRflUGK HEAT PIPE srcnoNAL aiDc --J S50. i i atAotwosi Jr v- SccnoitAL free f' plain tivz.

PiPX pTT v-TT 130 I 1 AiSr too--. 'a if casino Jf JlX 5XTtoiAU $ipg i I I id '-t i 1 1 -11 1 to th' various rPPER glLESIAIf TRAJf SFER. Ptrav Mrtag Day ta Partition Be twee 'Poland" and tYytW'Assoetaied Pre BERLTN. Jun 17. Today was th first day" under th part I-Uoa'of Upper Silesia between Germany and Poland.

Th ceremonte, which will clatlnu twenty -four daya, tnclud th exchange of th various administrative offices and -the replac-ingof the civil servie personnel. When the ceremonies ar completed, the Interallied commission's flags, watch hav. been flying la th various center, will replaced by German and Polish standard. All prisoner held by tha allied commission for participation tn dla-turbances connected with th partition will transferred to th Rhlneland for trial tn German courts. HO OBSERVER AT THE HAGVE.

Assert caa Govrassteats i Peatttea rtaal, Saya RlgV Antiertty. WAEHIXQTOSf, Jun I7.The United States government, ft was said yesterday oa high- authority, has and will hav no unofflcal obaorvert at Th Hagu meeting on Russian affair. COMPROMISE IH SeWTE IS EXPECTED TO STAfiD Tariff-Bonus Procedure Is Be Settled Monday. to REPUBLICANS WILL CONFER fBy ta A -sedated Press WASHINGTON, Jun IL Adoption by th party conference of Republican enatora nxt Monday9, of a compro-mls plan whreby th soldier' bonus bill would hav nat right-of-way aftor dl tpoaal of th tariff. measur waa regarded a ured today as th eaolt of negotiation btwen th R-publlcan factions favoring and opposing displacement of the tariff, bill In favor of the bonua The plan waa reported virtually to have been agreed on at conferences yesterday after Informal caavaases of the Republican membership had dta closed that a larg majority was prepared to stand with President Harding tn favoring priority for the tariff measur.

American Legion representative also wr ald to have riven their approval to" tha. arrangement, under which the bonus measure would hav abaolut priority aHer disposal of th Urlff lgllatlon. 'Deasecrats May Make Flgkt. Democratic senators, however, w'r said to be prepared to mak a fight of their wn tor precedence for the bonus meaaura Senator McCumbr. chairman of th finance committee, who haa been urg.

lng tmmedlat consideration of th bonus aald he would withhold hi proposed motion to displace the tariff bill If th. Republican con- ference would definitely pledge the Lilt. party to owpvfai vi wvvu viitm vaivri adjournment. f. When Lev Crew Celd, (FltUburr CbJcs-TsletTaph Tb widower had mad hia proposal and waa awalUnf the reply: Haurhtily she sroee.

and fixing him with atern ixe. ahe exclaimed: couldn't marry a widower; the very idea I Catch me walking- in another woman's boeel' th Ught of triumph learned in his w.ji.m im Ml timed. 4 "1 had InUn. hm At afferlar you my 1st wife' shoe-- eon couldn't rt them onl'V-' Sold for empire and 'report dominion. WW vs'i lilSlfti ATTEMPT OFT.

J. IB the superiority of this wonderful yet inexpensive heating" plant The savings made in coal consumed 'will pay for it. Come in or write today. Don't delay getting- the The HALL-NEAL Furnace Co. Facte 1 Office Salesroom T- 1322-26 N.

Capitol Ave. MA la lOOd. TO END LI II BulIet Sent Jnto Mouth May Destroy Sight of Ona Ey. ACT AT SOUTH GROVE CLUB Physician at St. Vincent's IIo pltal said todays thai Thorns King.

2H College avenue, who ahoft himself in th mouth In th lockr room of th South Grov Colt Ou hous late Friday in aa attempt- to nd his probably 'will recover. Th bullet ranged upward -and cam out aear th right which will probably result In King ltng sight of th y. -r- Th sulcld attempt was th suit nines -following a nervoug breakdown several weeks ago. Be for placing the revolver ln-htg mouth and pulling the trigger, Kns wrote a note and tucked it in hi undershirt. The note said: 'l can no lonerer endure thes shattered nerves which torture and torment me until I think I shall lose my mind." -The note instructed tha police to notify Arthur B.

Mar gileth, 1311 Ashland avenue. Xing was found lying on th floor of the locker room by Henry Dlener, im North Cdney street, car taker at th clubhouse. Diener at4f waa on a lower floor of the clubhouse when beard th shot, went upstalra to Investigate and found King lying In a pool of bloody with th revolver by his std. King waa at th South Grov cours Friday morning and playd several rounds of golf. Dlener told the police, lie said King sat on the porch of the clubhouse for several hours Friday II had apparently gone to th lockr room to dress when th shot waa heard.

Whn King regained at th hospital, he asked that his wife not notified of his act. Mr. Margileth came to police headquar tera and King not and. an envelop addressed to his wife, which wa found in his clothing, wer turned over to htm. Mr.

Margileth ordered klm removed to incent'a Hoa pltaL Until February 1 Mr. Klng had beea ale manager for th Diamond Chain Manufacturing Company, il resigned to become a speotal agent tor tha Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, officials of the Diamond Chair) Company HIGHER COURTS' RECORD. 3 APPELLATE COURT 11158. Joha O. Jloye vs.

John R. Orsy et at Appellant's peUtlon transfer ia auperme court and brieta- 10V03. Loeemoure Enrlneenf Xutnal Llf aad Andat Ianran Company va. WiUlaia H. Hirrs et al.

Mor(A C. C. Ap pelianl'a petition for r-heertne and briefa. 11414. CWeland.

dftdnnaU. Chicaro Loui Railway Coaopeay Franna M. Beck. Wabaah C. C.

Appellant a paUtioa for time, which is rrantcd. including Sep tember 80. 11411. Henry WeHa et a. vs.

Kelson Well et al. Koco*ck C. Appellant' tittoa for APPELLATE COURT NEW sCTTS. 1144. Jama Winters VS.

Ed ward Thompeon Company. Marten S. C. Hecord. Aenirnmeot of errors.

In tnn. Bond. PotHp Caito et al. r.niil Pith. man et al.

Marlon C. Record. Aaatta. mnt of error. In t-rm.

liond. 29ttc served blow. '11400, Stat of Indian en th relation of Taylor Mason va, Tbornaa Jacobe -et al. paeie C. C.

Record. AaairHmeut of error. Notice wrved below. 11407. Warren Creamery Company corporation! et aL va.

rarmers State BaMt ef Kedkey a corporation. Jay C. t-Record. Awtrnment of errors. Praecipe for notice, la-ued, Application lor vunredea sod brief.

r- cash' or on easy terms' A sr3 FE TiTAY FAIL! The Chart to the Lreft shows protTress. of recent unicpie test. The special winji and fins. ((seo Illustration) were reraorved Ifrom one side of HALLNEAL Sectional Heater, learing" it plain, The jacket was divided into two equal parts by' Vertical partitions. Fire was started and; was.

kept evenlyt. distributed. -Ther-tnometers and anemometers on outlet pipes, fully checked by observers, showed that side 'with -sectional wing averaged GREATER FLOW OF AIR; and 100 DEGREES' HIGHER TEM PERATUKE. If you are Interested In a heating plant we! repeat this test for you without putting you under any oblig-ation..

The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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