The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

RY. NOTICE. 4. 1001 will be Cartel rille Washing Southern 4th, Kaliway, caring m. at 7 and p.

do, thus City. giving The nearly trait Capital of Thee1. 0.0. F. of from this their Com careful attention and beautiful of its many or rall racked fullowing might being most Chesapeake attractire of the Glee year Echo, Cable Carry Chase, liali and Arlington, River 25 miles of street rall.

makes expert guide and intercal. departs from Rh A Maryland mand avenue trip, excuralon $1.75. on or say is ascat of Company. 1 escarvion ratce from alt Railway announces and Inter. stations to sad Atlantic return, city good or tickets on sale routes for Indi- traine via ares named, K.

as followe: July 18th, 15th. uh, fattinore Ohio K. 250, August 8th, 22ud, agent laformation uf write la 6. call on General Agent, Washlugton TOKENNIE, Estate Insurance, Postodice Daliding, ALOTTESVILLE, VA. MORRIS, D.

D. North Fourth Street, ARLOTTESVILLE, VA. APPLE, D. re Specialist FEST MAIN STREET. IRER.

1. G. FERNEYHOUGH, Veterinarian, C. Collage uf Veterinary durra Yurtet moL Na Kruldrare Phone al lastion .0. E.

Driscoll, DENTIST. Charloticarille, Va. July 18 1g? Charlottesville Undertaking Company T. STEVENS, restment. Loans.

REAL ESTATE. 07 ALBEYARLE Cher lotterilla, National Bank, BOX CO FOR uno Tuning a of rascable PIANO REPAIRING figures by A. LATENEAU, PATXE'S MUSIC STORE. orchestra music for par one 41 LEADS TO William Shepherd's and Unise up and get prompt W. PHELPS actical Plumber HAR FITTER Bargain IN BEDDING PLANTS, DUSTY MILLER, CANSAS, 1 FLOWERS ADd DESIGNS.

Non King. PRESIDENT AT BUFFALO Today in "MoKinley Day" at the Pan- American. THE PARTY ARRIVED LAST NIGHT Walting Thousands Greeted Chief Ex ecutive and Mrs. McKinley With Cheer- -They Are the Quests of Mr. Milburn During Their Stay.

Datalo, Sept. la McKialey at the Es punitina. 1 The Premident, la whose botur the day was set aside on the Esposition dar, catered Buffalo last might the portals of the Rainbow l'Ity A few of the party left the presidential train the Central She but the dent and Mre. Kipley. the Nisans Barber and Mine Sarab Duncan, the Presidents and the members of the rereption committee were takeo al once to the north rate of the pruition The screeching of whistles the booming of cronted the Presideat's trala as it passed slung the Jake and river fronts over the Belt line tracks to the grounds.

As train dashed pant the front a salute of 21 guas buomed forth from Fort Porter, An immense crowd bad amembled al the railroad terminus at the Ea punition grounds to' await arrival of the From the electric tower down the aide of the court of fountains as far the triumphal bridge people were parked closely that there was scarcely any room to more. At 6.30 the blowiss of whistles la the factories purth of the Exposition grounds aapounced the approach of the train. A few minutes later President Mr. Klaloy with, Mra. McKinley leaning on bis arm and surrounded by the pa ton commitice, emerged from the trance to the terminal station.

A great cheer went up from the thousands who caught pan of the party, and it was taken up and bard by the others fartber bark, who, although they could nut see the President, knew a bat the cheering mast. President Klaley, with Mra McKinley and Air. Joba O. Alibura, president of the position company, entered the Arat carrace, which was draws by four hand. some bays.

it was with diMculty that the police kept a passageway clear fur the carriages, which pros coded slowly toward Lincoln Parkway entrasco. The Presideat acknowledged the salutations of the crowd by bowing and raining his bat, Mrs. McKinley. who looked remarkably well after the tiresome journey, also smiled bappily. The carriages paused fur a muineat the triumphal bridge to sire the members of the party a momeat to take is the beauties of the grounds.

They Fore then driven rapidly out of the Lincoln. to Parkway Delaware entrance, up to the the bome of Mr. Milbura, buse kuct I'resident and Mrs. McKinley and the men. bars of their party will be during their stay la the city.

This morales at 10 o'clork he will leave Mr. house, accompanied by escort of mounted police and cavalry, and proreed directly to the Exposition grouada, where ceremonies w111 the held in hopur of the day. Never before das so distinguished a fathering of foreign omcia's visited Buffalo as are present to attend the today. Eleven couutrics are represented, with the ambassador from Mexico as the ranking ofcial Among the countries represented are the lowing: Mexico, Bebor Don Manuel de Aspiros and secretaries of legation: Japan, Kogoro Takabira; Spain, Inke de Arous; Colombia, Carlos Martinet Silva; Peru, Manuel Alvarez Calderoo; Costa Rica. Honor 1 Ber.

pardo Calvo; China, Ou 8bo Tobun; Turkey, Calkik Dey; Venezucla, Henor Don Augusta F. Pulldo: Korea, bul Cleveland's Landslide Buried Three. Clevelaad, Sept. men were killed and three others seriously Injured to a landalide at the new Lake bore bridge over the Duulerard trance to Gordon Park. buadral tons of earth, loosened by the Band of Bunday, suddenly slid down from the bank.

burying a force of laborere coraged in work UD the bridge. The comrades of those who were buried mediately began the work of rescue, but it was pearly two and a half hours before the last body was dug out. McKinley Will Go to Cleveland. New York. Sept.

Daniel F. Kel. ley, of Philadelphia, grand marshal of the G. A. R.

encampment and naval parade in honor of Perry's rictury on lake Erie, to- te beld next Turtlay in Cleveland, announces 'that President Mic Kinley has oncially notined the erative committee that be Le in Cleveland and We of pert week and will participate la the events of the two daya Goebel Conspirators Fight In 'Jail. Frankfurt, Ky. Rapt Howard and ex of State leb Powers. convicted as Gorbel mar der conspirators, quarreled in jail here a afternoon. Howard threw Arary yesterday inkstand at Powers, striking him in the brad.

Powers was knocked down and bled profusely. Colon, Colombia, Sept -The L'ab Battle Imminent in Colombia. ted by Herr Beckman, the Ger Fruit company's steamer Buurine, man chartered consul at Boras del Toro, arrived with. 1 dew of obtain bere presence of the United Slates yesterday ins the Machias at Boras del Toro. run where boat 1s to begin at ADJ ter Care for Chronic Constipation, Take two cups of bot water half br fore.

hour going to before bed, cach also a meal drink and of water. just about two hours after each hot or Take lots of outdoor exercise cold, meal. walk, ride, drire. Make a regular chronic hate it of this may be cared without and is many of constipation say medicine. When a tire la lite Chamberlain's Stoma required take mild gentle Lirer Tableta.

For sale by and ach and all druggiata. LANKENAU'S GENEROUS OINTE Dead Philanthropies Left For Hospital and Home. dolphia. -Jabs she well pallaataro plat and member of the family, who die last nor a ad was burial terday, left upwarda al to disided equally triwara the German Hospital, of this city, and the Stery d. llome fur Agent Patients of the bospital.

The estate la to be worth tittte more than 000 valued at Que to the Iresi las. found. of by Anthony and stout 1 SA are diridot amops survitine relatives of the do canal. Mr. tante president of the hard trustcum of the German Hospital, and was the founder of the Sept.

-Ileutenant lies sard, of the Third Cavalry. bae brought here Artbur llosard, the Ament. 1 an downer, who was recently captured by the lieutenant while in command of scoute. 1t the of Ile was plan out la jail and will abortly to court martialed Howard denies that he was ever American soldier, lie claims that he has bora la Spain, that bie father Engitab and big mother Spanish, but that he the ranse of the Fill pinos. lie cast his lot with A at the time of the rupture with the Americans, and he say.

that be brought in 16 Ameriran prisoners der far of truce. at Angeles in Heir 1539. Two forwer Califoruta volunteers lloward a 'de from their regiment, named Wat ley, of Company A. who deserted from the compasy la 18 HOWARD A DESERTERS Cartured Macabebe Scout He to Regular Crawfordarillo, Bopt. 6.

Abraham (rant, of Indianapolis, Ind. who la holding the Indiana annual of the African M. Epleropal Church, la addrrasing the ministers yesterday, said that the man agor of a Now York bank in making a protest against being placed to a hotel with Aruut, Tanner, and and other colored poop'e, who are attending the rumeniral run ference, remarked. "W'hea Europeans know the negro knuw him they will curtail bia Another one of the party stated that a negro would not to allowet in the hotels to America are dated The bisbop stated that nue of these capused his ignorance and the men posed his Ignorance and the other misrepreacated bia country, fur be know that in the states of Now York, sala, Oblo, Indiana, 111 pula, lowa, and clear out to California be bad stopped at hotels where any other resportable man could stop bu would pay bie billa. Hunting Mayor For Greater New York New York, Arpt 4-The committer of 100 of the I'nton mot last night to consider the list names prepared by the of twelve at the meeting last Thursday.

The committce of tweire prepared list of six names for candidates for wafer, as follows: F. It abody, Into pendent Down Brooklyn: George L. Independent Man. hattan: Seth low. Independent ile publican, Manhattan: Bird 8.

Cuter. rat. Brooklyn, V. Norton God dard, Republican, Manhattan; John De Witt Warner, Immocral, Mauhat BISHOP GRANT SPEAKS OUT Colored Minister Save He Can Stop at Any American Hotel. pevery Hits Back at Policeman O'Neil.

New York. Arpt. Cuinmis stoner P'olice Insery has preferred charges of 0 Insubordination against l'o Iceman Edward Nell for the latter' utterances and de neanor at his trial on charges of mimonduct last Thurs day, when be tuld the deputy commie stoner that he would not stand for "bake down," and refused to the Apr imposed by Intery. Clark to Purchase Daly's Stock Farm. Butte, Mont, Sept.

6-The announce Is ment about to berume the no net of the is inade that Henator W'. A Clerk fatuous Bitter Rout stork farm founded and Marrus br faly, to The ranch Is by the famous late as buen the former bome of such noted borses as Tammany. Montana, Order, Lu I Cantata and many othera Largest Session of True Reformers Richmond, Va, Sept. 6. -What said to be the largest convention ever held by t1.4 Grand Fountain of the in True more (rolored) la acanion at the Reformera' Ifall in this sis city.

One thousand and twenty delegates are bore. Fought Fatal Duel With Shot -At Guns. Memphis, Tons, pt. lugton, last night, Monroe lite b- ford fourbt a and duel with guDe and both Spender Wright, of them were killel Hazieton Colliery Closes Down. Handy Hazletop.

l's, Rept. -The 8. Kaw Run colliery, operated a by M. aDd mO are throws out erer closed preterdas of employment thereby. Nasturtium Won This Race.

York, Hey. 5 Whitney's cult In rad such rate woo the stake Futerty. at Sheepabead Bay yesterday. Nine hour Day Didn't Go Here. Pa, -The a coplegas al the la bee the pa a Burka, this elty.

meat on enterday the bears of late from 1 4 16. creased NUGGETS OF NEWS. Munis Nay. the at ratera to France, bars ordered to 1 the dare Er at the of Promident 010 Home at Norwich. pall, CUED.

His bearers the fuss red Margaret it to reported that the of the the crater the international Dialae, Wash, on the Chambers Says Stories of Extraor dinary Wagers Aro Fallacies. THE SYNDICATE TALE FALSE No Wager of $130,000 On America's Defender Made Dy Hie Fellow send-Deutechiend'e Paler RAGINg! Were For a 14 Limit. Nope 1. Mr James Chambers, preeideat al the Window Glass company. barn nard to copsetta with stories cambias GA the ravat uf the I and an of the ejadirate, was alleged be 1250.

la the American cup defender, last alght taved the following signed statement: Mr. M. K. McMullen and oral other rontleme We the ladder. which nad 1p shaft.

(aly Are were bland and there met IDeal Piltaburgera, amose them being A. N. I'rico M. phreye Miller, K. Mustin Some of them Ins from their and baring business a atro sere enjoyiar them.

sal on, "Every day we had aurtion pole the day's rue of the ship. men -ore to pool to laud, Dat ber day had use large or decimal this 10. Med ba put tn making 12 60. All the other parole were for, 18 or the altogether, of our party plared puber day during the are. The limit of our cause being 15.

a has puttished. The There as De such bettius In the largrat pert on the entire trip did There was no other or card game participated by 00. In la the stakes any higher them the came that the tutting was pot entraordinary the alleged $260,000 to 1150 said to by a ayadhate of which suppuand 10 La wewlar, I want plataly 'and, diatiartly there la such far are concerned No rate of was formed la Now York in this city to put up 1 or any other sum and 'certified on say promiurat bank or any utber bank for that purpose. bere yesterday. do nm thaw Intention of of the publication of the story of the and I the do taut camuline, but kaur there de no truth in them.

"Owing to the wide publicatina, the matter has received within she peal few days. I dorm to make this statement on beball of say aud friende. (Bicued) J. A. Air.

Muslia was showa the statement of Mr. ('bambers and said: "As for the gambling on the ship have already entered my a and euplirit dealal. For far as pa tic with the wager tat the result of the jarht race is concerned, aider the Incident cined, and under no will I to quoted in the matter." To Celebrate John 8t. Louie. At the raquel ut Ilev.

Ramuel 11. Pre vial publist Ins agent of the Methodist Church, the following cablegram was scat: "I'resident Cooter once of London, The world's fair committee Invite airersary of the Jobs Wesley Stethodiam to celebrate, the Zwh In this city In 1003. (Sigued) D. C. Frame la." Nebraska Ripe for Prohibition.

1ducoln, Not, Nebraska Probibittoniate held their state convene tion yesterday and a the ket, The tenor of the a pees bee were in fact that Nebraska la ripe for tion. and the ports the bright rat for years, The plat fut cu la practically to tau p'anka. a declaration for the total of the lique trade and woman no Farmers Will Run Deserter Down. Muncie, 1 Ind. Hept 4 laude Mo Sorell, who bee coca pedi frows the mull.

Itary authorities three times, after lax arrested for Arsorting from the P'hilippine army service, la hiding to the words Yorktown and GU man, and a fart will try to run him down Seventy five Found On a Ladies. Now York, Rept When the areute for the let for the of ('rime raided a uta tear Waldorf Astoria they found 15 men on BASEBALL GAMES YESTERDAY. NATIONAL, I. At Beret eta. a At rail delphia.

Cleveland Sal AMERICAN. LEA mitts a Standing the Clube. NATIONAL pita ire Tort AMERICAN LEAGUE tat he 14 without Chamberlain's Pain Balm if it cost Sre dollars bin from belera cripple. No external application in equal to this at for stif'and a peck, sprains 0d and macular paine. Is Na cared ca urs partial paralyate, It to for kale by Came Near a Cripple.

Josh of The Sm Lila Assurance Company, Of Canada, ISSUES tho Best Policies, PAYS tho Largest Dividends, and is one of the Mst Pr sper us Companies in the Land. Agents Wanted for Charlottesvillo Any who would like to addl to present inantur without with regular employment should call on R. M. BROWNING, Dial No. 10, P.

0. Building, Charlottesville, Va. Virginia policies ate payable in Ichmond. U. Frociala (J Palat.

June 2th. July 25th. mh, Ned, and temsber St ba 1 10 daze idle 014 Inim, Va. 40. every bunday September Cab.

Kulug 00 No. returning on No. J.ame day. Atlantic City and Nay. N.

40. sale June 271m, July 11th, path, 256 August let, 2nd, Mah, Sett and 16 day a 1n34 toe One fare for the roand trip all and Kich. mond. on sale each hendey only until Nept. going on No.

1 and returning Nu da r. Hunday Sunday, July Shh and continuing each Hunder 10 and Including hunday, Septemtar 1900, and 0. train No. 1 which mawally will Brave at and Sunday stations three then time and arriving Chifton m. On the Mandate mentioned the hate add ferr, no charge to he fur found trip tinne Iratel and Clifton Forge for train No.

10, returning same day on train No 1 only. Tale will To latestme the famous. bled N. 19, 19, ante Balm) new hums, 111 away treatments. 14.

11 case all blunt aud salu troubire- ac rotala, a Ing its bing. hampra, pimples, hune catarrh, eRecting of tames, patches, persistent pimple or 1. 1. 1. the bland pure sud heals every or eruption, and all hea Diseciate, For Irre treatment, address lined Allaute, Gia.

trouble, and free metiral advice cured. 0. 1. 14. cures old, that refuse to heal wader valent medicines of doctora' treatment, 11 9.

com pused of pare tutasic drugs and the facet blond in the world. Date A the Weatria Mallway In connection with Special eaceralone Norfolk the K. June 20, July sad IN, 1, 15 and 20, Heptemier 12, tickets wilt he sold oral for trains Nue. 4 and 24 on dates of caraitine, all fraise curth vanta Limited, and valid to Datura karlag the ashore and Philadelphia within daye, ins ludlue date ut A at of ten daze will be allow. quoted: rd at Philadelphia on the de smelt Ticket Agent Bruad Binet Mistlun, l'hiladciphia, Immediately arrival.

Ailantic City trains from tion, the Delarate Hirer Bridge Hunte, only line. fur the other pointe named will trains from Market p'hiladel phila. J. V. BR Traveling P'assenger W.

It, Ar't. e14 ,12 A Cartala Cure for bye miery and Diars hens. sco1 a party that Intended mablug a bicrele F. la Tortes of New Al. trip," sage Bradford commiy, l'a.

4 taken suddenly with sad was' a to give op the in p. editor Ward of the Me ker Chawterialn'e that Conte, 1 take a a Remedy. I a and Lastile and two to fine startles and. one on the sunte. I made the trip usual never any (VI Again tael commer was almost coin run duta with attach of 4j 1 taught hottie of this same remedy and this time one done cured me." Bold by all O.

K. Bakery thiak that light bread and mi Invite trel under. each with the quality dol soppira Case. 416. are W.

IL. WATSON, la E. WAT OX pare, whicume me LIGHT BREAD AND CAKE health, all Thant who not tasted the af 4 The Greatest of the Great SIPE'8 3 RINGS, ELEVEVATED STAGE EDUCATED ANIMAL AND LILLIPUTIAN Shows. Miniaturo Monagorio Wonder Romun Hippodromo. Charlottesville, -ONE: DAY ONIT- TUESDAY, SEPT.

10 Goodman's Show Lot Ohio Ry. IN TIL TAT JUNK. MI, 1'AI. J'ase. Agent OLD W.

Leave Male street station, as futions: 12.16 1', for to Mich. mond, New York. Dining Car to 1.20 A. Y. V.

Limited, Hit and Dialex Car tor: Washington, Yuh, solid train. 1', a for Mich. 9,15 from M. Shelly' Kg. 11,45 A.

Dally -To dons rille, Nichmond, and lute. 140 A. V. V. Dally, Cincinnati.

Irate and c'hicago, West Car, 1 SO toe A.M.. 1 Forge, 1 be. Lamia me. and Chicago. Car.

W. Va. M. Dally -Janet to J. A.

fut Chum further Information 10 lichel N. agent, W. PULLER, pre on applies CHA.S, LINK. Ok, J. PAOLI.

At. Charlottesville. Va, 14 Realty Bond Investment COMPANY RICHMOND, VA. Aallorized Cavil $600.00 fur $200.00, TE A F2 TON WITH Madam Dear's Southern Ry. la a Mar 2.

1901. Trains XORTUROUND, 1 A M. No J4, dally, 1 and Kast. Mol trale. A M.

No 40, Washington and pointe north. class day Ne M. dally, New Yarb Vine Washings Naw and palate North am class Fratibaled day coat a No dally. Local for and 10 a 1, dally, lot and Ales of Washing 1 sad lot all North 43. M.

No dally, Mall Washington, 1 phis and New and Inning Pirat ad 11. dally, logion and Intermediate atations. leave a a follows 13 a M. Xe dell New Yet and lie pesos, lie and 9't with from and Richmond Thing he sardi has Jar and to Man or INning 44 4 No Washington and Ta die bets. to Knos and New tu Dining M.

No 37, to rille, Kans and lanta, Macon, INning This trata net carry N. AN quired to hold tie beta 04 No 9, dally, for Charlotte and mediate 3 04, M. No the Nail. Ne as villa, at fallabary Memphla, 490 with ales per a ad al with trela ton to New M. No 11, tacal artiste 1 a fur tiane, a sud lose Trala No 13 tea ree Koch m.

with to and later mediate al tient. No 14. arrives from Washing tons a Freight, Mouth. The City Th het of the 1 pees HON IN BOOK tree to mudation aud farther te re In of the W. T.

Asst, Tre me M. Western 34 179, Trains Icare dolly 4 AT AND MOUTHROUND. a Had bald, and A and Chatta a he and Alcott from le he Chine 14, Puta Krnove, Cadumbe. bbe to fur Bristol, Kaos rille, Inter mediate Kushibe Kees Care Nortets toy no lot case a a4 later, KANTHOUND. trove to a fut tile, la Mb.

1 fats 10 Arrive 1'alace Dian pat by -it be ready at to fo the A from the set DANITAN DIVISION, as 4.16 dally, VALLEY DIT. la Cay, 12 Yet Kusabbe dad la Ila riane berg, and 12 W. D. DEVILL Va LAU H. JONES LAUNDRYSOLICIT LA LINENT.

WORK. ICES THE WOLS. 111 Last rictl aD iel RE or. ling caly 10 61104 IN I Al..

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.