The Franklin Sun from Winnsboro, Louisiana (2024)

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The Franklin Suni

Winnsboro, Louisiana

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vs 1 -Vj The Franklin Sun Winnsboro La Sept 7 1967 Page 7 for the youngsters with acute respiratory disease is a great idea in many things but better to be miserly with your coughs and colds Your TB association has an informative leaflet called Cold the Ask for it free vention to be held later this month The alternate committeemen will also serve as alternate delegates to the convention Delegates to the convention will elect farmers to fill vacancies on the ASC parish committee and they will also determine which of the regular parish committeemen will serve as Chairman and vice-chairman for the coming year Questions on eligibility to vote and to hold office or on the election procedure will be determined by the ASC parish committee subject to appeal to the ASC state committee- Fire Protect ion intsAre Given" is the time 'of year when children all over the parish are returning to school and a good time -for -grownups to take a cue from the kids and brush up on our fire prevention Murphy of Winnsboro 'Louisiana Forestry Commission ranger said Wednesday: The ranger urged area residents to review the rules for good outdoor and safe use of fire SUCh as burning brush or trash only' in the early morning or late afternoon only when the wind is low and humidity high keeping fires small having hand tools water and help nearby and reporting all burning (rovville Vehicle Is Stolen From Used Car Lot An automobile was stolen from the Ray Garner Used Car lot on Prairie Street in Winnsboro between Friday night and Tuesday morning probably Monday night Mr Garner said the missing vehicle is a two-door white 1962 model Ford Fairlane It is not known Mr Garner said' whether or not the ignition key was left in the car or taken from the office adjacent to the lot however it had not yet been found on Wednesday Four Myths Of Nutrition Respiratory Diseases Plague Children -r Acute respiratory conditions colds coughs sore throats and other short-term diseases of the breathing system are commonly thought of as the major villains in childhood illness Recently a team of government medical investigators set out to chart the actual experience of a large group of children and see how it compared with the prevailing notion 'r Their findings as described in the the monthly publication of the American Thoracic Society (medical section of -the National Tuber-culsosis Association) overturn any accepted ideas' But it shed some interesting light on ust what is apt to be ailing Junior when he stays home from school -1 The research team seeking a more or less representative samp-: ing of US school children chose he city of Omaha Neb as the site of its operations A study was made of the frequency and causes of absences on the part of 3102 pupils in grades from kindergarten through high school Acute respiratory diseases came out at the top of the list thus confirming through actual observation the estimates made by health experts on a' national level Respiratory infections caused more than a third of all absences Unlike those in adults which attack the nasal passages mainly illnesses among the school children were divided about equally between head colds and throat or tonsil infections Incidentally only two per cent of absences were caused by "childhood such as measles and chicken pox Though it enter into the study most doctors would agree that home was a good place to be Subscribe for The Sun Oak Grove By Mrs Tommy Herrington i Shower -Is Given For Peggy Parker Miss Peggy Parker' the then bride-elect of hanalfe co*ckerham was complimented last Thursday with a miscellaneou shower at the home of Mrs Wesley Herrington Hostesses for the occasion were Mrs Herrington Mrs Jerry McCain Mrs Pete Gulmbellot and Mrs John Gulmbellot' The honoree received many gifts The hostesses presented a bedspread to her Cake and punch were served Golden Wedding Day Celebrated Mr and Mrs Gilbert Sisk celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Sunday at their home Hosts and hostesses for the occasion were their children Mr and Mrs A Wilson Mr and Mrs Wade Sisk and Mr and Mrs John A Cuney Sharing serving courtesies were the honored "granddaughters Mrs Joyce Sisk Mrs Sharon Sisk Miss Karen Cuney and Mrs Ganeath McCain Gold was the predominant coloring in the decorations 1 Anniversary cake punch and coffee were served to approximately 150 relatives and friends who called to pay their respects The honorees received numerous gifts A kitchen and recreation room have been added onto the rear of the church building The Rev and Mrs Moore are back home from their vacation Visitors at church services on Sunday were Mrs Mandy Moore of Ball Mrs Billy Ray Johnston of Monroe and Mr and Mrs Roger Jungles of Winnsboro Ronnie Ellerman and Mark Johnston celebrated birthdays 1 Mr and Mrs Boyce Guimbel-lot and children Bettie and Freddie Mr and Mrs Pete Guimbel-lot Mr and Mrs Newt Slaughter and Miss Susan Gulmbellot attended the wedding of Miss Carolyn White in Lafayette during the weekend Mrs Spruill is undergoing medical tests and examinations in New Orleans Mrs Jodie Ellerman who has been a hospital patient is now at home Mrs Mandy Moore of Ball is visiting with the Rev and Mrs Moore Facts' About Older People a -ByGaniita Jo Lovell'4 (Louisiana Extension Service) The 'recent years have seen public agencies giving-increasing attention to concern for the aging population People themselves have become increasingly concerned about their own old-age situation These trends are the result of deep-seated economic and sociological changes of the times Look at some of the facts about the aging situation today The average man and woman can expect to live longer than ever before into their or More people will -have longer periods of retirement We have about 18-500000 people age 65 or more in the United States today which Is 94 par cent of the total population Another 17000000 or about 9 per cent are age 55-64 This means nearly 18 per cent of the total population are 55 or over -The rural population contains even larger percentages of older people nearly 11 -per cent 65 or over and another 12 per cent 55 to 65 The Louisiana percentages of older people are somewhat less than those for the United States By1 1980 it is estimated that there will be 365000 people age 65 and over in 1 Louisiana compared to the 242000 today or a 51 per cent increase Soon our society will have not one but two generations of senior citizens We need to think of the older population in terms of subgroups Those 60 to 65: not quite retired or just beginning retirement are In different situations and conditions than those for example 70 to 80 and those over 80 or 85 Another important subgroup is those in the 55 to 64 bracket who need to be seriously thinking about preparing for their later years Health and economic security are the two greatest concerns of aging people The big question for everyone is: Will my health hold up so I have to cut into pensions and savings too much in order to pay for big medical and hospital bills? Of course the advent of Medicare supplied a big answer for millions of old people now and in the future worries can be lessened for many Some 50 to 60 per cent of the people over 65 have incomes of less than $1000 per year About half have assets of less than $1-000 not counting insurance- With longer life spans many people will live 20 years or more beyond retirement More will work beyond 65 Of course many- older people are not employable and the educational and skill levels of those that are employable are much lower 1 than for the labor force under 65 About 80 per cent of file 8 million citizens 65 and over today are fully retired from regular Committee Vote Set this Month The approaching election of ASC community committees- for farm program administration in Franklin Parish was annnimwH Wednesday by Kimble chairman of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Parish Committee He called particular attention to the fact that the community committee elections thin year are a little earlier than in "former years They are being held during September in all agricultural communities throughout the nation in order to increase the awareness of this important farm-program function on eligible voters Mr Kimball said The community committees assist the ASC parish committee in administering the price support acreage diversion agricultural conservation and other farm-action programs in the parish They are particularly responsible for keeping their neighbors informed about the programs The parish committee" supervises the ASCS parish office and is responsible for the administration of the various programs Voting will be by mail the chairman explained1' and ballots are being sent to each known eligible voter In case eligible voters fail to receive a ballot through the mail they may request one at the parish office Generally a farm owner tenant or shore cropper is eligible to vote if he is eligible to take part in one or more of the programs administered by the ASC committees Envelopes containing marked ballots may be mailed or returned to the parish ASCS office anytime before September 18 Ballots will be tabulated publicly by the parish committee September 20 at 8 am at the ASCS office in Winnsboro The public is invited to witness the vote counting Following are the slates of nominees for ASC community committees: Ward 1 John Elbert Berry Mathew Burnett Charles Fer-rington Raymond Hoggatt Samuel Hoggatt William Newman and Oliver Jr Ward: 2 George A Armstrong Clovis Bringol -R Brown Harry Calhoun Morgan Ezell Lb McMahan and Elector Stribling Ward James Davis- Flint Ray Magee Roy Reeves Spell William Ulmer and Elijah Williams' Ward 4 Bobby Cox James Harper Robert Kennedy Earl Stroud Felton Vickers Quit-man Walters and George Washington Ward John Armstrong Marion Chapman Roy McIntyre Ernest A Ogden Sidney Payne Tom Stout and Woodie Williams Ward 6 Charles Banks George Baskin Jr Don Bums Edward Franks John Gray Huey Lee Cleon Rawles Frank Reese and David Slack Ward 7 Bennett" A Browder Clifford Ezell Fred Hitt Neal Guy Peoples Harold Robinson and Louis Rose Ward Bennett Erskin Willie Ignont Johnston George Ross Sidney Ray Ross and James Paul Smith Ward 9 Colvin Jr Norman Ferrington Paul Knox Steve Moore Desha Turner Dorsey White Scott Wiggers and Van Wpoldridge For each committee three regular members and two alternates will be elected The chairman vice-chairman and third regular member of the elected ASC community committee will also serve as delegates to the parish con- The American consumer is a-ware of important nutritional developments but usually he cannot distinguish between sound nutritional advice and nonsense Words such as vitamins minerals protein' polyunsaturated fat enriched and fortified are hurled at him daily He is constantly being told that if he wishes to enjoy good health he must supplement his diet This methods of promotion are so similar that the four chief selling points might well be called the four myths of nutrition: 1 That almost all diseases ere due to- improper diets To correct this chemical imbalance he is told he must have food supplements However very few diseases in the UJS are caused by dietary deficiencies Our food supply is unsurpassed in volume variety nutrition all of it in any supermarket 1 2-That soil depletion of minerals causes malnutrition and plants and animals lack nutrition But -the composition of the soil has little effect upon the composition of the plants grown on it Plants will not grow or reproduce unless certain soil elements are present The quality of the soil has an effect on the quantity but little on its nutritional quality 3- That commercial food processing destroys nutritive value White flour refined cereal canned food -pasteurized milk are said to be no good and food that has been stored and cooked is supposed to have lost its vitamins and nutritives But modern methods have been designed to produce foods of great value Fruit and vegetables are canned or frozen at the peak of their nutritional' value Flour bread milk margarine are all nutritionally improved Some raw fruit and vegetables are desirable in the diet but food is usually cooked because it is more palatable and more easily -digested 4 That most Americans suffer from deficiencies ones that have no observable symptoms Thus anything from falling hair to tired blood might be called a subclinical deficiency This is an appealing argument when a dietary supplement salesman says there are vitamin deficiencies that doctors cannot detect: What one should realize is that no person can go through life without feeling tired But it cannot be blamed on a subclinical deficiency or the phase of the moon If tired 1 feelings persist one should see a doctor (Special to The Sun) ELECT (Bud) SHAW SHERIFF 7 of Franklin Parish Your Solid-Choice i By the People for the People and Dedicated to the People ENGLANDER MATTRESSES BOX SPRINGS McDuff-Harris Furniture A Hdwe Inc McDuff Jr A Martin Harris Phone 435-5144 614 Prairie Winnsboro By Mrs Dee Arnold Birthday Celebrated Judy Smith celebrated her 13th birthday on Sunday at the home of her grandparents Mr and Mrs Vince Fox of Jonesboro aunt Mrs Charles Fox of Quitman surprised her with a birthday cake Others enjoying the occasion with Judy who is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Smith were her sister De wanna an aunt Mary Catherine Huff and two uncles George and Richard Huff of Jonesboro' 'rVi Personals -Mr and Mrs Simmons and son Mrs Annie Lee Wade and Mrs Maloy Beall spent several days in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee They departed last Wednesday and returned Saturday night Mr and Mrs Brumfield and children of Rayville spent Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs Maloy Beall Mrs Theron Coosard visited in Winnsboro on1 Saturday with Mr and Mrs Fred' Wiggins Spending last week with Mr and Mrs I Lanier were her sister and her niece Mrs King and Miss Oleta King of Livingston Tex While here they also visited their two brothers Last Wednesday they went to Swartz to see Mr A Pittman and on Thursday they visited Mr Pittman of Sicily Island Mrs Earl Stamps and son Thristan of Ashdown Ark visited her parents last week Mr Stamps joined them' Saturday night and they returned home on Monday Labor Day weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Caldwell and two sons of Shreveport and another grandson Rodney Cook of Monroe Allen Netherland of Dallas Tex is visiting relatives i here Mr and Mrs Leporati of Monroe were visitors on Saturday in the Wallace King home He left Monday to begin service in the Navy Mr and Mrs A Cooper of New Orleans visited her sister Mrs I Marshall over the weekend The children of Mr and Mrs Vester Busby were home for dinner with them on Sunday Their three daughters and two sons and members of their families were present They are Mr and Mrs Monroe and children Mrs Judy Fitzgerald and son Bill of Killeen Tex Mr and Mrs Jerry Wallace and son Mark of Delta Point Ronnie Busby of Shreveport and James Lee Busby The Ronnie Newsoms have moved into this community Bill George and Debbie Johnston of West Monroe visited last week in the home of their grandmother Mrs Johnston Guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Paul Williamson were his brother and sister and their husbands Mr and Mrs Clifton Williamson and Mr and Mrs Shelby Sinclair of Winnsboro Sunday evening visitors in the Williamson home were Mr and Mrs Latt-niss Netherland Mr and Mrs Jaitrell Busby and daughters of Monroe spent Sunday night with his mother Mrs Busby Visiting last Monday in the home of Mr and Mrs Theron Coosard were her sister and her nieces Mrs Smith and Miss Janie LeVasseur of Ruston and Miss Gravelle of Rayville The two girls reenrolled at Louisiana Tech on Wednesday Mrs Busby and Mrs Ju- Shaw) (Pd for by Fortjy-ifive Franklin Parish young men will report Tuesday for armed services physical examinations Five were sent Tuesday by the local Selective Service Board for induction into the Army The Winnsboro Chamber of Commerce will hold its September dinner-meeting tonight beginning at 7:30 The Franklin Parish School Board will meet Friday morning in regular session for the month Audley Girault Bird of Wisner -was among graduates of various schools of pharmacy who last week successfully completed licensing examinations given by the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy at Louisiana State College in Monroe I 7 A white coon is a rarity but 11-year-old Glen Kelley using a 22- caliber rifle killed one Saturday in a cornfield on the farm of his grandfather Ernest Wallace The parents are Mr and Mrs 'Cecil Kelley Route 1 Delhi (Pictures of Glen with the coon are on display at The Sun office) Many Franklin Parish young -men and women are enrolling in college this month most of them at Northeast Louisiana State Monroe and Louisiana Tech 'Ruston Down at Eunice in Southwest 'Louisiana downtown businessmen are engaged in revitalizing the central commercial area "Operation Is what they call their project which is a fine example of a business community having the foresight determination the physical and economic energies to do something constructive about solving their problems to keep pace with the march of progress The same kind of thing could be done here in Winnsboro on Prairie Street if the will to do it were strong enough The ability to do it already exists The magnificent functional new Monroe Civic Center is indeed a credit to the people of Monroe and it will be of benefit not only Monroe and Ouachita Parish hut to our entire area The theatre the arena and the convention provided at a cost of $55 million by the taxpayers of Monroe with no financial assistance from other sources would be credit to any community regardless of its size The Sun was -represented last Thursday nigh at a pre-dedication banquet a the center with approximately a "thousand public officials and news media representatives from throughout Northeast Tnisiana in attendance and we too felt a deep sense of pride along with "Monroyans at what has been ac-compllshed through this project Mr and Mrs Glllis Emfinger of -Gilbert are reopening the former Paradise Cafe in the Owen Shopping Center Winnsboro The new establishment open for business -today will be known as Highway 15 Cafe The former Planters Implement Company on Prairie Street in Winnsboro which has been "headed by Lee Sr is now "the Winnsboro Implement Co Inc owned by Mr and Mrs Cecil of McGehee Ark and "Mr and Mrs Elmer Brown formerly of McGehee now of Winnsboro Mr Bowen is president and general manager of the company which has the John Deere dealership The Bowens are parents of six sons four of whom Tom Ted Jade and Mike are at home here Another son John will attend Northeast Louisiana State College in Monroe and the other son Joe resides in Little Rock Mr Bowen became a member of the Winnsboro Lions Club at its luncheon-meeting Tuesday at noon The Gilbert Club will hold Its first meeting of the new dub year Tuesday beginning at 7 pal at the White Way Cafe No game is so widely viewed with as little knowledge of the rules as football the Rev Causey of Oak Grove told members of the Winnsboro Lions Club at noontime Tuesday Then he proceeded to give the Lions an interesting review of 10 basic rules (which incidentally are divided into 73 sections and 180 different articles) to enhance their enjoyment of the game and increase their respect for the officials Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Oak Grove the Rev Mr Causey was a football official for 10 years Hack-ett executive director of the Louisiana Department of Commerce and Industry will be the principal speaker on the Lions Club Program next week automatic ives dy Fitzgerald spent Monday night in Sikes Visiting during the weekend with Mrs Mae Arnold Lucille and Millard were Mrs Lois Till and Mrs Charles Till and children of Route 3 Delhi Mrs Jerry Hays of Delhi Mrs Wayne Hays of McComb Miss Mr and Mrs Arthur Arnold and of Shreveport Mr and Mrs Bobby Joe Arnold of Route 1 Delhi Mrs Judson Warren and Dale of Mang-ham and Mrs Leo Esters of Olla Negro News By Joe Singleton FPEA to Meet The second meeting of the Franklin Parish Education Association has been set for October 2 beginning at 7:30 pm at the Franklin Parish Training School Winnsboro The association has scheduled an "honors program for teachers who retired at the close of the last school term This program to which the public is invited will be held at the beginning at 3 pm The teachers to be honored are Sadie Woods Cora Wilson Lucy Smith and Lula Taylor P-TA Meeting Set The first regular Parent-Teacher Association meeting at the Gilbert Elementary School has been set for September 22 beginning at 7:30 pm A Powers president of the organization urges all of the parents and teachers to attend the meeting Boltons Complete Tour Employed by IBM Frank Bolton seventh-grade social science teacher at the Franklin Parish Training School Winnsboro and his wife Addle Bolton fourth-grade teacher at -Wisner Elementary School have completed three tours sponsored by the social science department of Grambling College The first tour in 1965 carried them to the western area of the United States and into northern Mexico The 1966 tour was to Europe and the Middle East The third tour this year went out of the into three provinces of Canada They visited Expo 67 in Montreal Back in this country they toured Boston Mass New York i EE Ditto Motfil DAL City Philadelphia Pa Gettysburg Pa Valley Forge Pa Williamsburg Va Jamestown and Yorktown Va In Tennessee they went to Lookout Mountain and the atomic energy installation at Oak Ridge1 They also went to St Louis Chicago and Detroit Fifty cities in 19 states were visited In all the trip covered 5000 miles in 22 days DPG means Durable Press Care! No more Ironing Durable Press clothes! fabrics coma out ready to wear creases in wrinkles out BARGAIN BUY AT Timer has special settings for diylng i Durable Press clothes crisp and smooth all over! Gentle Flowing Heat pampers all fab i rlcs dries them billowy soft fresh 1 as all outdoors! Rust-resistant Porcelain Enamel drum snag or mark delicates! i No-Heat setting on Timer too! i $128 7 tT-V- 4 it Two grants totaling $14000 have been announced by the Foundation for Cotton Research and Education to renew cotton studies at the USDA Southern Utilization and Research Dab in New Orleans ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO founded by Sears Roebuck and Company will employ a part-time agent in Winnsboro This agent will have all lines of insurance to offer (Auto Home-owner Fire Commercial Life Health and Auto Finance) This is an excellent opportunity for a man who has some free time on his hands and wants to represent ALLSTATE Insurance Company on a Part-Time Basis If interested give details in first letter VINCE AUTHEMENT 2526 Captain Sawyer Dr Shreveport Louisiana An Interview will be arranged in the near future LOOK FOR THIS EMBLEM ON THE DRYER YOU BUY! Shop Bills Too High! (Buddy) Erskin WINNSBORO Office: Phone 435-9058 Winnsboro La Residence: -Phone 435-4171 Winnsboro La Life Group Pensions Hospitalization Metropolitan Life Ins Co 1 Madison Ave NYC (VMi light toss our water bUl) Stag inuour car Phone 435-4492 It Pays.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.