Official Govt & Legal Notices For June 25 2024 - Bernews (2024)

June 25, 2024 | 0 Comments

Theofficial Government and Legal noticesfor today [June 25] includenotice, acting appointments, appointments and notice of intended marriage.

PATI Statement Education Appeals Committee

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: PATI Notice
  • Notice ID: GN0618/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

Government Of Bermuda

Ministry of Education

PATI Information Statement

Name of Public Authority: Education Appeals Committee


The purpose of the Public Access to Information Act is to—

give the public the right to obtain access to information held by public authorities to the greatest extent possible, subject to exceptions that are in the public interest or for the protection of the rights of others;
increase transparency, and eliminate unnecessary secrecy, with regard to information held by public authorities;
increase the accountability of public authorities;
inform the public about the activities of public authorities, including the manner in which they make decisions; and have more information placed in the public domain as a matter of routine.

The purpose of the information statement is to provide information to give the public sufficient information about the public authority to help them to make requests and share to what information is already publicly available.

Section A: Structure, Organization and Legislation [s5[1]a]

Education Appeals Committee:

  • Chairman – Mr. Curtis Williams
  • Dr. Ali Arouzi
  • Mr. Antione Augustus
  • Mr. Harry Matthie
  • Ms. Dorothy Trott
  • Ms. Gwendolyn Maxine Esdaille
  • Ms. Richelene Woolridge
  • Ms. Beverly Issac
  • Legislation

Education Act, 1996

Education [Applications for Registration of Schools] Rules 1987

Education Rules 2006

Education Rules [Tutorial Sites] 2003

Education [School Support] Rules 2004

Bermuda Educators Council Act 2002

Policies and Procedures Manual for Principals, [2008]

Policy and Procedures Manual for Teaching Staff

Student Code of Conduct

Collective bargaining agreements of the Bermuda Union of Teachers, Bermuda Public Services Union and the Bermuda Industrial Union

Section B: 1] Functions, powers, duties of the Authority [s5[1]b]

The Governor shall appoint not less than seven persons to form a panel from which the members of the Appeals Committee shall be selected. The Governor appoints a chairman of the Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee has the power to regulate its own proceedings. Fees shall be paid to members of the Appeals Committee in accordance with the Government Authorities [Fees] Act 1971.

Any person aggrieved by the refusal, transfer, or expulsion, as the case may be, shall have the right to appeal to the Appeals Committee. Pending any decision of the Appeals Committee on any appeal the decision appealed against shall stand.

The Appeals Committee shall fix a date for the hearing of the appeal and on that date may either determine the appeal upon the facts contained in the notice of appeal and in the reply thereto, if any, or they may hear such further evidence as may be required and available.

The Appeals Committee shall communicate its decision in writing to the appellant and to the respondent, and that decision shall be final.

Section B: 2] Obligations under PATI Act [s5[1]b]

To provide an information statement for the public and promulgate it [s5],

To provide other information to the public so that the public needs only to have minimum resort to the use of the Act to obtain information [s6]. This includes:

General information, e.g. activities of the Authority

Log of all information requests and their outcome

Quarterly expenditure [upon request] [s6[5]]

Contracts valued at $50,000 or more.

To respond to information requests in a timely manner [s12-16]

To track information requests, and provide this data to the Information Commissioner

To respond to requests from the Information Commissioner [s9]

To amend personal information held by the Authority that it is wrong or misleading following a written request by the person to whom the information relates [s19]

To conduct an internal review if formally requested [part 5]

To give evidence for review by the Information Commissioner [part 6, 47[4]], or for judicial review [s49], if required

To provide an annual written report to the Information Commissioner of the status of information requests [s58 [3]].

To do anything else as required under the PATI Act and subsequent Regulations [s59, 60], including:

Fees for Requests for information

Management and maintenance of records

Procedures for administering the Act

To train staff and make arrangements so as to facilitate compliance with the Act [s61]

To designate one of its officers to be the person to whom requests are directed [s62]

Section C: Services and Programmes [s5[1]c]


Right of Appeal: [1] Where –

A child is refused admission to a particular aided or maintained school

A child is required to transfer to a school situated in a parish, zone or area, in which he has taken up new residence; or

A child is expelled pursuant to section 26[1][e] or section 67[7]

Any person aggrieved by the refusal, transfer, or expulsion, as the case may be, shall have the right to appeal to the Appeals Committee. Pending any decision of the Appeals Committee on any appeal the decision appealed against shall stand.

The Appeals Committee shall fix a date for the hearing of the appeal and on that date may either determine the appeal upon the facts contained in the notice of appeal and in the reply thereto, if any, or they may hear such further evidence as may be required and available.

The Appeals Committee shall communicate its decision in writing to the appellant and to the respondent, and that decision shall be final.

Section D: Records and documents held [s5[1]d]

Policy and Procedure information


Templates of standard correspondence


General correspondence

Section E: Administration [all public access] manuals [s5[1]e]

Education Act, 1996

Education Rules, 2006

Education [School Support] Rules

Education [Tutorial Sites] Rules 2003

Education [Applications for Registration of Schools] Rules 1987

Bermuda Educators Council Act 2002

Student Code of Conduct

Section F: Decision-making documents [s5[1]f]

Policy and Procedures for Registration into Preschool, Primary School, Middle School and Senior School

Section G: The Information officer [s5[1]g]

Lisa Smith


Tel: [441] 278-3308

Section H: Any Other Information [s5[1]h]


Section I: Any Other Information To be Provided? [s5[1]i]


Section J: Information Statement: Copies and Updates [s5[2,3,4,5]]

Every public authority shall update its information statement at least once a year, and make it available for inspection by the public at reasonable times by [s5[1-5], PATI Act]:

Date Information Statement was updated: 30 January 2023

Locations of Information Statement:

Your principal office: Ministry of Education Y

The Department of Libraries & Archives Y

Available electronically, Y

Website for public authority []. Y

Have you published a notice in the Gazette indicating the places where the information statement is available for the public? N

With the Information Commissioner. Y


Jasmin Smith

Permanent Secretary

Date: 25 June 2024

PATI Statement Bermuda Educators Council Exemption Committee

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: PATI Notice
  • Notice ID: GN0617/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

Government Of Bermuda

Ministry Of Education

PATI Information Statement

Name of Public Authority: Bermuda Educators’ Council Exemption Committee


The purpose of the Public Access to Information Act is to—

give the public the right to obtain access to information held by public authorities to the greatest extent possible, subject to exceptions that are in the public interest or for the protection of the rights of others;
increase transparency, and eliminate unnecessary secrecy, with regard to information held by public authorities;
increase the accountability of public authorities;
inform the public about the activities of public authorities, including the manner in which they make decisions; and have more information placed in the public domain as a matter of routine.

The purpose of the information statement is to provide information to give the public sufficient information about the public authority to help them to make requests and share to what information is already publicly available.

Section A: Structure, Organization and Legislation [s5[1]a]

Committee Members:

  • Chairman – Mrs. Valerie Williams
  • Mrs. Shana Williams
  • Ms. Crystal Lightbourne
  • Ms. Joan Goulbourne
  • Ms. Murricea Iris

Governing Legislation:

Education Act, 1996

Education [Applications for Registration of Schools] Rules 1987

Education Rules 2006

Education Rules [Tutorial Sites] 2003

Education [School Support] Rules 2004

Bermuda Educators Council ACT 2002

Public Service Commission Regulations, 2001

Policies and Procedures Manual for Principals, [2008]

Policy and Procedures Manual for Teaching Staff

Collective bargaining agreements of the Bermuda Union of Teachers, Bermuda Public Services Union and the Bermuda Industrial Union

Section B: 1] Functions, powers, duties of the Authority [s5[1]b]

The Committee reviews applications received from the Bermuda Public School System [BPSS] for required teaching staff who do not meet certain qualification criteria to be employed for a specified period. Upon completion of review they provide the Ministry of Education with their recommendation.

Section B: 2] Obligations under PATI Act [s5[1]b]

To provide an information statement for the public and promulgate it [s5],

To provide other information to the public so that the public needs only to have minimum resort to the use of the Act to obtain information [s6]. This includes:

General information, e.g. activities of the Authority

Log of all information requests and their outcome

Quarterly expenditure [upon request] [s6[5]]

Contracts valued at $50,000 or more.

To respond to information requests in a timely manner [s12-16]

To track information requests, and provide this data to the Information Commissioner

To respond to requests from the Information Commissioner [s9]

To amend personal information held by the Authority that it is wrong or misleading following a written request by the person to whom the information relates [s19]

To conduct an internal review if formally requested [part 5]

To give evidence for review by the Information Commissioner [part 6, 47[4]], or for judicial review [s49], if required

To provide an annual written report to the Information Commissioner of the status of information requests [s58 [3]].

To do anything else as required under the PATI Act and subsequent Regulations [s59, 60], including:

Fees for Requests for information

Management and maintenance of records

Procedures for administering the Act

To train staff and make arrangements so as to facilitate compliance with the Act [s61]

To designate one of its officers to be the person to whom requests are directed [s62]

Section C: Services and Programmes [s5[1]c]


The Committee reviews applications received from BPSS for required teaching staff who do not meet certain qualification criteria to be employed for a specified period. Upon completion of review they provide the Ministry of Education with their recommendation in a timely manner. The decision must then be gazetted.

Section D: Records and documents held [s5[1]d]

Strategic policy and planning documents

Minutes of Meetings


General correspondence

Section E: Administration [all public access] manuals [s5[1]e]

Bermuda Educators Council Act 2002

Public Service Commission Regulations, 2001

Policies and Procedures Manual for Principals, [2008]

Policy and Procedures Manual for Teaching Staff

Policy and Procedures Manual for Scholarship Committee

Collective bargaining agreements of the Bermuda Union of Teachers, Bermuda Public Services Union and the Bermuda Industrial Union

Section F: Decision-making documents [s5[1]f]

Bermuda Educators Council Act 2002

Section G: The Information officer [s5[1]g]

Lisa Smith

Tel: 278-3308


Section H: Any Other Information [s5[1]h]


Section I: Any Other Information To be Provided? [s5[1]i]


Section J: Information Statement: Copies and Updates [s5[2,3,4,5]]

Every public authority shall update its information statement at least once a year, and make it available for inspection by the public at reasonable times by [s5[1-5], PATI Act]:

Date Information Statement was updated: 30 January 2023

Locations of Information Statement:

Your principal office: Ministry of Education HQ Y

Department of Libraries & Archives Y

Available electronically, Y

Website for public authority – Y

Have you published a notice in the Gazette indicating the places where the information statement is available for the public? N

With the Information Commissioner. Y


Jasmin Smith

Permanent Secretary

Date: 25 June 2024

PATI Statement Bermuda Educators Council

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: PATI Notice
  • Notice ID: GN0616/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

Government Of Bermuda

Ministry Of Education

PATI Information Statement

Name of Public Authority: Bermuda Educators’ Council


The purpose of the Public Access to Information Act is to—

give the public the right to obtain access to information held by public authorities to the greatest extent possible, subject to exceptions that are in the public interest or for the protection of the rights of others;
increase transparency, and eliminate unnecessary secrecy, with regard to information held by public authorities;
increase the accountability of public authorities;
inform the public about the activities of public authorities, including the manner in which they make decisions; and have more information placed in the public domain as a matter of routine.

The purpose of the information statement is to provide information to give the public sufficient information about the public authority to help them to make requests and share to what information is already publicly available.

Section A: Structure, Organization and Legislation [s5[1]a]

  • Chairman – Mrs. Tamicia Darrell
  • Deputy Chairman – Mr. Gladstone Thompson
  • Mr. Anthony Wade
  • Mrs. Crystal Richardson-Trott
  • Ms. Ria Grenardo
  • Ms. Yvonne Bean
  • Ms. Cindy Corday
  • Ms. Jenaia Curtis
  • Ms. Joan Gouldbourne
  • Ms. Kim Lightbourne
  • Ms. Michelle Laylaw
  • Ms. Theresa Miller

Governing Legislation:

Education Amendment Act 2021

Education Act, 1996

Education [Applications for Registration of Schools] Rules 1987

Education Rules 2006

Education Rules [Tutorial Sites] 2003

Education [School Support] Rules 2004

Bermuda Educators Council Act 2022

Public Service Commission Regulations, 2001

Policies and Procedures Manual for Principals, [2008]

Policy and Procedures Manual for Teaching Staff

Collective bargaining agreements of the Bermuda Union of Teachers, Bermuda Public Services Union and the Bermuda Industrial Union

Section B: 1] Functions, powers, duties of the Authority [s5[1]b]

The principle aims of the Council in exercising their functions are:

To improve standards of teaching so as to enhance the quality of learning: and,

To maintain and improve standards of professional conduct of educators in the public interest.

Section B: 2] Obligations under PATI Act [s5[1]b]

To provide an information statement for the public and promulgate it [s5],

To provide other information to the public so that the public needs only to have minimum resort to the use of the Act to obtain information [s6]. This includes:

General information, e.g. activities of the Authority

Log of all information requests and their outcome

Quarterly expenditure [upon request] [s6[5]]

Contracts valued at $50,000 or more.

To respond to information requests in a timely manner [s12-16]

To track information requests, and provide this data to the Information Commissioner

To respond to requests from the Information Commissioner [s9]

To amend personal information held by the Authority that it is wrong or misleading following a written request by the person to whom the information relates [s19]

To conduct an internal review if formally requested [part 5]

To give evidence for review by the Information Commissioner [part 6, 47[4]], or for judicial review [s49], if required

To provide an annual written report to the Information Commissioner of the status of information requests [s58 [3]].

To do anything else as required under the PATI Act and subsequent Regulations [s59, 60], including:

Fees for Requests for information

Management and maintenance of records

Procedures for administering the Act

To train staff and make arrangements so as to facilitate compliance with the Act [s61]

To designate one of its officers to be the person to whom requests are directed [s62]

Section C: Services and Programmes [s5[1]c]


The Council shall establish and maintain a register of educators. The Council shall develop, establish and maintain qualifications for the continued registration of educators, and shall issue certificates of qualification therefor. The Council shall issue a Code of Practice laying down standards of professional conduct and practice expected of registered educators and shall make copies of the Code of Practice available free of charge to all registered educators.

Section D: Records and documents held [s5[1]d]

Strategic policy and planning documents Minutes of Meetings

Memoranda General correspondence

Section E: Administration [all public access] manuals [s5[1]e]

Bermuda Educators Council Act 2002

Public Service Commission Regulations, 2001

Policies and Procedures Manual for Principals, [2008]

Policy and Procedures Manual for Teaching Staff

Policy and Procedures Manual for Scholarship Committee

Collective bargaining agreements of the Bermuda Union of Teachers, Bermuda Public Services Union and the Bermuda Industrial Union

Section F: Decision-making documents [s5[1]f]

Bermuda Educators Council Act 2002

Section G: The Information officer [s5[1]g]

Lisa Smith


Tel: 278-3308

Section H: Any Other Information [s5[1]h]


Section I: Any Other Information To be Provided? [s5[1]i]


Section J: Information Statement: Copies and Updates [s5[2,3,4,5]]

Every public authority shall update its information statement at least once a year, and make it available for inspection by the public at reasonable times by [s5[1-5], PATI Act]:

Date Information Statement was updated: 30 January 2023

Locations of Information Statement:

Your principal office: Ministry of Education Y

The Bermuda National Library; Y

The Bermuda Archives; Y

Available electronically, Y

Website for public authority []. Y

Have you published a notice in the Gazette indicating the places where the information statement is available for the public? N

With the Information Commissioner. Y


Jasmin Smith

Permanent Secretary

Date: 25 June 2024

PATI Statement Ministry Of Education

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: PATI Notice
  • Notice ID: GN0615/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

Government Of Bermuda

Ministry Of Education

PATI Information Statement

Name of Public Authority: Board of Education


The purpose of the Public Access to Information Act is to—

give the public the right to obtain access to information held by public authorities to the greatest extent possible, subject to exceptions that are in the public interest or for the protection of the rights of others;
increase transparency, and eliminate unnecessary secrecy, with regard to information held by public authorities;
increase the accountability of public authorities;
inform the public about the activities of public authorities, including the manner in which they make decisions; and have more information placed in the public domain as a matter of routine.

The purpose of the information statement is to provide information to give the public sufficient information about the public authority to help them to make requests and share to what information is already publicly available.

Section A: Structure, Organization and Legislation [s5[1]a]

Board of Education:

  • Chairman – Mr. Jason Wade
  • Deputy Chairman – Mr. Alexander Abbot
  • Mr. George Dowling
  • Mr. Lloyd Smith
  • Mr. Carlos Symonds
  • Mr. Todd Fox
  • Ms. Ardette Hardtman-Gardner
  • Ms. Iesha Musson
  • Ms. Keisha Webb
  • Ms. Lloydquita Symonds
  • Ms. Nishanti Bailey
  • Ms. Zoe Smith
  • Ms. Akinyi Apopa
  • Ms. Diamond-Lynn Binns
  • Ms. Rhonda Woods-Smith

Ex-Officio – Commissioner of Education

Ex-Officio – Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education

Ex-Officio – President of Bermuda College

Governing Legislation:

Education Amendment Act 2021

Education Act, 1996

Education [Applications for Registration of Schools] Rules 1987

Education Rules 2006

Education Rules [Tutorial Sites] 2003

Education [School Support] Rules 2004

Bermuda Government Scholarships Act 2008

Bermuda Government Scholarships Regulations 2013

Public Service Commission Regulations, 2001

Policies and Procedures Manual for Principals, [2008]

Policy and Procedures Manual for Teaching Staff

Collective bargaining agreements of the Bermuda Union of Teachers, Bermuda Public Services Union and the Bermuda Industrial Union

Section B: 1] Functions, powers, duties of the Authority [s5[1]b]

It is the Mission of the Board of Education to improve teaching and learning, building a national consensus via improved communication/outreach on strategies being employed to improve teaching and learning.

The function of the Board of Education is to:

make recommendations to the Minister regarding the evaluation of the Commissioner of Education and directors of the Department of Education

make recommendations to the Public Service Commission regarding the appointment of the Commissioner of Education, directors of the Department and principals;

make recommendations to the Minister regarding educational policy

make recommendations to the Minister regarding a statement of vision, values and strategy for education;

make recommendations to the Minister regarding its budget, the budget for schools and the allocation, within the budget for schools, of funds for individual schools

evaluate, in conjunction with the Commissioner of Education, the performance of schools and boards of governors

make recommendations to the Minister regarding the curriculum for schools

make recommendations to the Minister regarding methods for assessing the performance of the educational system and monitoring the implementation of plans for improving the system

make recommendations to the Minister for the design and implementation of an effective risk management strategy for schools, including policies and measures to control risks relating to the provision of education, security of persons and property and health and safety.

Provide monthly reports to the Minister

Section B: 2] Obligations under PATI Act [s5[1]b]

To provide an information statement for the public and promulgate it [s5],

To provide other information to the public so that the public needs only to have minimum resort to the use of the Act to obtain information [s6]. This includes:

General information, e.g. activities of the Authority

Log of all information requests and their outcome

Quarterly expenditure [upon request] [s6[5]]

Contracts valued at $50,000 or more.

To respond to information requests in a timely manner [s12-16]

To track information requests, and provide this data to the Information Commissioner

To respond to requests from the Information Commissioner [s9]

To amend personal information held by the Authority that it is wrong or misleading following a written request by the person to whom the information relates [s19]

To conduct an internal review if formally requested [part 5]

To give evidence for review by the Information Commissioner [part 6, 47[4]], or for judicial review [s49], if required

To provide an annual written report to the Information Commissioner of the status of information requests [s58 [3]].

To do anything else as required under the PATI Act and subsequent Regulations [s59, 60], including:

Fees for Requests for information

Management and maintenance of records

Procedures for administering the Act

To train staff and make arrangements so as to facilitate compliance with the Act [s61]

To designate one of its officers to be the person to whom requests are directed [s62]

Section C: Services and Programmes [s5[1]c]

The Board of Education reviews and, if necessary, revises its Committee Structure and mandates each year to take account of system progress. The Board of Education has standing committees in the following areas:

Curriculum & Assessment Committee

Student Services

Finance and Operations

Policy & Research Committee

Human Resources Committee

Technology Committee

The Scholarship & Awards Committee

Section D: Records and documents held [s5[1]d]

Ministry Headquarters

Strategic policy and planning documents

Minutes of Meetings


General correspondence

Section E: Administration [all public access] manuals [s5[1]e]

Education Amendment Act 2021

Education Act, 1996

Education Rules, 2006

Education [School Support] Rules

Education [Tutorial Sites] Rules 2003

Education [Applications for Registration of Schools] Rules 1987

Bermuda Government Scholarships Act 2008

Bermuda Educators Council Act 2002

Public Service Commission Regulations, 2001

Policies and Procedures Manual for Principals, [2008]

Policy and Procedures Manual for Teaching Staff

Policy and Procedures Manual for Scholarship Committee

Student Code of Conduct

Collective bargaining agreements of the Bermuda Union of Teachers, Bermuda Public Services Union and the Bermuda Industrial Union

Section F: Decision-making documents [s5[1]f]

Education Amendment Act 2021

Education Act, 1996

Education Rules, 2006

Education [School Support] Rules

Education [Tutorial Sites] Rules 2003

Education [Applications for Registration of Schools] Rules 1987

Bermuda Government Scholarships Act 2008

Bermuda Educators Council Act 2002

Public Service Commission Regulations, 2001

Policies and Procedures Manual for Principals, [2008]

Policy and Procedures Manual for Teaching Staff

Policy and Procedures Manual for Scholarship Committee

Student Code of Conduct

Collective bargaining agreements of the Bermuda Union of Teachers, Bermuda Public Services Union and the Bermuda Industrial Union

Section G: The Information Officer [s5[1]g]

Darlene R. Hartley


Tel: 278-3344

Section H: Any Other Information [s5[1]h]

Plan 2022 – Bermuda’s Strategic Plan for Public School Education

Section I: Any Other Information To be Provided? [s5[1]i]

Records pertaining to individual members of the Board of Education are personal to those individuals.

Section J: Information Statement: Copies and Updates [s5[2,3,4,5]]

Every public authority shall update its information statement at least once a year, and make it available for inspection by the public at reasonable times by [s5[1-5], PATI Act]:

Date Information Statement was updated: 30 January 2023

Locations of Information Statement:

Your principal office: Ministry of Education Y

Department of Libraries & Archives Y

Available electronically, Y

Website for public authority []. Y

Have you published a notice in the Gazette indicating the places where the information statement is available for the public? N

With the Information Commissioner. Y

Signed: Jasmin Smith

Permanent Secretary

Date: 25 June 2024

PATI Statement Ministry Of Education Bermuda Educators Council

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: PATI Notice
  • Notice ID: GN0614/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

Government Of Bermuda

Ministry Of Education

PATI Information Statement

Name of Public Authority: Bermuda Educators’ Council


The purpose of the Public Access to Information Act is to—

give the public the right to obtain access to information held by public authorities to the greatest extent possible, subject to exceptions that are in the public interest or for the protection of the rights of others;
increase transparency, and eliminate unnecessary secrecy, with regard to information held by public authorities;
increase the accountability of public authorities;
inform the public about the activities of public authorities, including the manner in which they make decisions; and have more information placed in the public domain as a matter of routine.

The purpose of the information statement is to provide information to give the public sufficient information about the public authority to help them to make requests and share to what information is already publicly available.

Section A: Structure, Organization and Legislation [s5[1]a]

  • Chairman – Mrs. Tamicia Darrell
  • Deputy Chairman – Mr. Gladstone Thompson
  • Mr. Anthony Wade
  • Mrs. Crystal Richardson-Trott
  • Ms. Ria Grenardo
  • Ms. Yvonne Bean
  • Ms. Cindy Corday
  • Ms. Jenaia Curtis
  • Ms. Joan Gouldbourne
  • Ms. Kim Lightbourne
  • Ms. Michelle Laylaw
  • Ms. Theresa Miller

Governing Legislation:

Education Amendment Act 2021

Education Act, 1996

Education [Applications for Registration of Schools] Rules 1987

Education Rules 2006

Education Rules [Tutorial Sites] 2003

Education [School Support] Rules 2004

Bermuda Educators Council Act 2022

Public Service Commission Regulations, 2001

Policies and Procedures Manual for Principals, [2008]

Policy and Procedures Manual for Teaching Staff

Collective bargaining agreements of the Bermuda Union of Teachers, Bermuda Public Services Union and the Bermuda Industrial Union

Section B: 1] Functions, powers, duties of the Authority [s5[1]b]

The principle aims of the Council in exercising their functions are:

To improve standards of teaching so as to enhance the quality of learning: and,

To maintain and improve standards of professional conduct of educators in the public interest.

Section B: 2] Obligations under PATI Act [s5[1]b]

To provide an information statement for the public and promulgate it [s5],

To provide other information to the public so that the public needs only to have minimum resort to the use of the Act to obtain information [s6]. This includes:

General information, e.g. activities of the Authority

Log of all information requests and their outcome

Quarterly expenditure [upon request] [s6[5]]

Contracts valued at $50,000 or more.

To respond to information requests in a timely manner [s12-16]

To track information requests, and provide this data to the Information Commissioner

To respond to requests from the Information Commissioner [s9]

To amend personal information held by the Authority that it is wrong or misleading following a written request by the person to whom the information relates [s19]

To conduct an internal review if formally requested [part 5]

To give evidence for review by the Information Commissioner [part 6, 47[4]], or for judicial review [s49], if required

To provide an annual written report to the Information Commissioner of the status of information requests [s58 [3]].

To do anything else as required under the PATI Act and subsequent Regulations [s59, 60], including:

Fees for Requests for information

Management and maintenance of records

Procedures for administering the Act

To train staff and make arrangements so as to facilitate compliance with the Act [s61]

To designate one of its officers to be the person to whom requests are directed [s62]

Section C: Services and Programmes [s5[1]c]


The Council shall establish and maintain a register of educators. The Council shall develop, establish and maintain qualifications for the continued registration of educators, and shall issue certificates of qualification therefor. The Council shall issue a Code of Practice laying down standards of professional conduct and practice expected of registered educators and shall make copies of the Code of Practice available free of charge to all registered educators.

Section D: Records and documents held [s5[1]d]

Strategic policy and planning documents Minutes of Meetings

Memoranda General correspondence

Section E: Administration [all public access] manuals [s5[1]e]

Bermuda Educators Council Act 2002

Public Service Commission Regulations, 2001

Policies and Procedures Manual for Principals, [2008]

Policy and Procedures Manual for Teaching Staff

Policy and Procedures Manual for Scholarship Committee

Collective bargaining agreements of the Bermuda Union of Teachers, Bermuda Public Services Union and the Bermuda Industrial Union

Section F: Decision-making documents [s5[1]f]

Bermuda Educators Council Act 2002

Section G: The Information officer [s5[1]g]

Lisa Smith


Tel: 278-3308

Section H: Any Other Information [s5[1]h]


Section I: Any Other Information To be Provided? [s5[1]i]


Section J: Information Statement: Copies and Updates [s5[2,3,4,5]]

Every public authority shall update its information statement at least once a year, and make it available for inspection by the public at reasonable times by [s5[1-5], PATI Act]:

Date Information Statement was updated: 30 January 2023

Locations of Information Statement:

Your principal office: Ministry of Education Y

The Bermuda National Library; Y

The Bermuda Archives; Y

Available electronically, Y

Website for public authority []. Y

Have you published a notice in the Gazette indicating the places where the information statement is available for the public? N

With the Information Commissioner. Y


Jasmin Smith

Permanent Secretary

Date: 25 June 2024

Assistant Justice

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0613/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: The Judiciary
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

Government Notice No. _______

Judicial Appointment

Judicial Department

Her Excellency, The Governor, after consultation with the Chief Justice, has approved the appointment of Mr. Jeffrey Elkinson,

Barrister & Attorney, to act as Assistant Justice for the period of 8th July 2024 until the matter is complete in accordance with section 73[6] of the Bermuda Constitution for the following matter:

2022 No. 166 civ. Dawnette Tucker et al v Sonja Gibbons-Richardson

Dated this 25th day of June2024


Deputy Governor

Mr. Tom Oppenheim, MBE

Dental Professions Complaints Committee – Amendment To GN0153/2024

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0612/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Minister of Health is pleased to make the following appointment.

Dental Professions Complaints Committee – Amendment To GNO153/2024
Dental Practitioners Act 1950

Alternate-Member – Ms. Shannon Cann LLB has been added to the Board with effect from 18th June 2024.


  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0611/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Government House
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

Government Notice No.

Constitution Of Bermuda

In accordance with section 19[1] of the Constitution, Her Excellency the Governor is pleased to appoint Mr. Tom Oppenheim MBE, Deputy Governor, to act as Governor on Wednesday, 26 June to Saturday, 6 July 2024 or until the Governor’s return.


Rena Lalgie

Governor and Commander-in-Chief

Deputy Governor

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0610/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Government House
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

Government Notice No.

Constitution Of Bermuda

In accordance with section 18[2] of the Constitution, Her Excellency the Governor and Commander-in-Chief has been pleased to appoint Lucinda Pearman, Collector of Customs to act as Deputy Governor from Wednesday, 26 July 2024 – Saturday, 6 July 2024 or until the Deputy Governors return.


Tom Oppenheim MBE

Deputy Governor

Director Department Of National Drug Control

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0609/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: National Drug Control
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

Acting Appointment

Director, Department Of National Drug Control

Ministry Of Legal Affairs

Kyla Raynor, Senior Research Officer/ Policy Analyst, has been appointed to act as Director, Department of National Drug Control from the 2nd July to 8th July, 2024.

Cherie-Lynn Whitter
Head of the Public Service

Permanent Secretary Ministry Of National Security

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0608/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

Government Notice No.

Acting Appointment

Permanent Secretary

Ministry Of National Security

Dana Lovell, Chief Fire Officer, Department of Fire and Rescue Services has been appointed to act as Permanent Secretary, Ministry of National Security from 15 July 2024 until 21 July 2024.

Cherie Whitter

Head of the Public Service

Director Department Of Financial Assistance

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0607/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Financial Assistance
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

Government Notice No. ____

Acting Appointment

Department of Financial Assistance

Mr. Dave Banarsee, Deputy Director

has been appointed to act as

Director for the Department of Financial Assistance

for the period June 24, 2024 to July 5, 2024

Cherie-Lynn Whitter

Head of Public Service

Director Department Of Court Services

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0606/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Court Services
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

Government Notice No.

Acting Appointment

Director, Department Of Court Services

Ministry Of Legal Affairs

Mr. Derek Flood, Manager, Assessment and Treatment Unit, Department of Court Services has been appointed to act as Director, Department of Court Services

from the 1st July 2024 to 2nd August 2024.

Cherie-lynn Whitter

Head of the Public Service

Maritime Marriage: Adele Fulner & Michael Wight

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0415/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Adele Esther Fulner of
United Kingdom [Single]
Michael Stephen Wight of
United Kingdom [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Allen Cavedo III & Elizabeth Dehaven

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0414/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Allen Cavedo III of
Midlothian, Virginia
U.S.A. [Single]
Elizabeth Ann Worly Dehaven of
Midlothian, Virginia
U.S.A. [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Tara Whittaker & Patrick Johnson

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0413/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Tara Rachelle Whittaker of
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada [Single]
Patrick Dwayne Johnson of
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Natasha Wild & Nicholas Hallam

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0412/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Natasha Andrea Wild of
United Kingdom [Single]
Nicholas Ross Hallam of
United Kingdom [Single]]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Simon Lawrence & Tracy Crighton

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0411/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Simon John Lawrence of
United Kingdom [Divorced]
Tracy Crighton of
United Kingdom [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Jasmin Oxer & Matthew Glover

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0410/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Jasmin Sian Bryany Oxer of
South Yorkshire
United Kingdom [Single]
Matthew David Glover of
South Yorkshire
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Jack Hobden & Sharleen Robinson

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0409/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Jack Hobden of
Little Sutton
United Kingdom [Single]
Sharleen Robinson of
Little Sutton
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Ryan Lewis & Kelly Birkinshaw

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0408/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Ryan Sean Lewis of
United Kingdom [Single]
Kelly Birkinshaw of
United Kingdom [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Calum Mcpherson & Tori Tompkins

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0407/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Calum James Mcpherson of
United Kingdom [Single]
Tori Anne Tompkins of
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Antonia Simpson & Benjamin Catten

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0406/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Antonia Madeline Clare Simpson of
United Kingdom [Single]
Benjamin Thomas Catten of
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Nigel Grandison & Rosalind Wood

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0405/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Nigel Robert Kay Grandison of
Isle of Wight
United Kingdom [Single]
Rosalind Susan Wood of
Isle of Wight
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Luke Shephard & Kelly Clout

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0404/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Luke Robert Shephard of
United Kingdom [Single]
Kelly Ann Clout of
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Bryan Bath & Hazel Cannock

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0403/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Bryan William George Bath of
United Kingdom [Single]
Hazel Marie Cannock of
United Kingdom [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Mario Costa & Maria Kane

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0402/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Mario Costa of
United Kingdom [Widowed]
Maria Alice Veronica Kane of
United Kingdom [Widowed]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Kathryn Rost & Darrell Sittig

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0401/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Kathryn Rost & Darrell Sittig of
Lafayette, Louisiana
U.S.A. [Single]
Darrell Robert Sittig of
Lafayette, Louisiana
U.S.A. [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Laura Roughley & Matthew Hays

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0400/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Laura Jayne Roughley of
United Kingdom [Single]
Matthew Paul Hays of
United Kingdom [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Malcolm Cox-Rogers & Alison Potter

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0399/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Malcolm John Cox-Rogers of
United Kingdom [Widower]
Alison May Potter of
United Kingdom [Widow]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Rachael Buckley & Gary Bache

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0398/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Rachael Margaret Buckley of
United Kingdom [Single]
Gary Bache of
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Nigel Boanas & Laura Phillips

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0397/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Nigel Boanas of
Ebbw Vale
United Kingdom [Divorced]
Laura Kimberley Phillips of
Ebbw Vale
United Kingdom [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Andrew Morris & Kim Etherington

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0396/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Andrew Simon Morris of
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom [Single]
Kim Victoria Louise Etherington of
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Daryl Pretlove & Amy Cope

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0395/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Daryl Pretlove of
United Kingdom [Single]
Amy Elizabeth Cope of
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Neil Walmsley & Vicky Slaney

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0394/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Neil Jonathan Walmsley of
United Kingdom [Single]
Vicky Leanne Slaney of
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Jason Woodco*ck & Adele Cowie

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0393/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Jason Lee Woodco*ck of
United Kingdom [Divorced]
Adele Jade Deanna Cowie of
United Kingdom [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Jason Squibb & Jane Evans

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0392/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Jason Leslie Henry Squibb of
United Kingdom [Single]
Jane Lindsey Evans of
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Zoe Harrison & Jonathan Woozes

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0391/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Zoe Marie Harrison of
United Kingdom [Divorced]
Jonathan Craig Woozes of
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: David Rogers & Kerrie Corden

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0390/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

David Edward Rogers of
United Kingdom [Divorced]
Kerrie Ann Corden of
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Amelia Carter & Luke Burton

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0389/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Amelia Scarlet Carter of
United Kingdom [Single]
Luke Arthur Joseph Burton of
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Andrew Howarth & Susan Lees

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0388/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Andrew John Howarth of
United Kingdom [Divorced]
Susan Estelle Lees of
United Kingdom [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Ryan Golightly & Jennifer Birch

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0387/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Ryan Matthew Golightly of
United Kingdom [Single]
Jennifer Michelle Birch of
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Samuel Reeks & Alicia Navas Diez

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0386/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Samuel Howard Reeks of
United Kingdom [Single]
Alicia Navas Diez of
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Shelley Hardman & William Foote

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0385/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Shelley Hardman of
United Kingdom [Divorced]
William Stanley Foote of
United Kingdom [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Shelley Hardman & William Foote

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0384/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Shelley Hardman of
United Kingdom [Divorced]
William Stanley Foote of
United Kingdom [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 21st day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Melissa-Mae Dunnett & Daniel Gionet

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0383/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Melissa-Mae Young Dunnett of
Winchester, Ontario
Canada [Single]
Daniel Gionet of
Winchester, Ontario
Canada [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 24th day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Gary Dunning & Marie Prince

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0382/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Gary Liddel Dunning of
Thackley, England
United Kingdom [Single]
Marie Adele Prince of
Thackley, England
United Kingdom [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 24th day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Pamela Hawthorne & Terry Mccafferty

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0381/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Pamela Jean Hawthorne of
Fremont, California
U.S.A. [Single]
Terry Wayne Mccafferty of
Fremont, California
U.S.A. [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 24th day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Charles Schaefer & Elva Baldauf

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0380/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Charles Walter Schaefer of
Tyrone, Pennsylvania
U.S.A. [Divorced]
Elva Victoria Baldauf of
Tyrone, Pennsylvania
U.S.A. [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 24th day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Robert Mittenmaier & Patricia Chase

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0379/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Robert Palmer Mittenmaier of
Sonora, California
U.S.A. [Widowed]
Patricia Ann Chase of
Sonora, California
U.S.A. [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 24th day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Carrie Kereliuk & Barry Dickie

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0378/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Carrie Dale Kereliuk of
Cranbrook, British Columbia
Canada [Divorced]
Barry Thomas Dickie of
Cranbrook, British Columbia
Canada [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 24th day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: David Birch & Kirsty Meah

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0377/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

David Christopher Birch of
United Kingdom [Single]
Kirsty Meah of
United Kingdom [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 24th day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Richard Ihns & Ravena Labajanan

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0376/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Richard Michael Ihns of
Orlando, Florida
U.S.A. [Divorced]
Ravena Janine Bayoneta Labajanan of
Orlando, Florida
U.S.A. [Single]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 24th day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Dana Tunney & James Dunlop

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0375/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Dana Lynn Tunney of
Haliburton, Ontario
Canada [Divorced]
James Robert Dunlop of
Haliburton, Ontario
Canada [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 24th day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Susan Wood & Trevor Holmes

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0374/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Susan Elizabeth Wood of
United Kingdom [Widowed]
Trevor John Holmes of
United Kingdom [Widowed]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 24th day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Jerry Pribble Jr. & Jean Dorrance

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0373/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Jerry Louis William Pribble Jr. of
Cheyenne, Wyoming
U.S.A. [Divorced]
Jean Ray Dorrance of
Loveland, Colorado
U.S.A. [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 24th day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

Maritime Marriage: Lee Gregory & Teresa Mcmillan

  • Notice type: Legal Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intended Marriage [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: LN0372/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 25 June, 2024

The Maritime Marriage Act, 1999

Notice of Intended Marriage
The persons named and described hereunder have given notice to me of their intended marriage, namely:-

Lee Vernon Gregory of
United Kingdom [Divorced]
Teresa Marcia Mcmillan of
United Kingdom [Divorced]

Any person knowing any just cause or impediment why this marriage should not be allowed should enter caveat forthwith in the office of the Registrar General.

Dated this 24th day of June 2024.

Aubrey Pennyman
Registrar General

The official notices above have been republished from the relevant section on the official Government website. If you wish to view ‘hard copies’, the Department of Libraries & Archives prints them and you can visit the main library on Queen Street or the Government Archives in the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street to view them.

Official Govt & Legal Notices For June 25 2024 - Bernews (59)

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.