The Register News-Pictorial from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Register News-Pictoriali

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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Lard 16 fo Cauliflowers nt Turnips fl to fl dozen Carrots 3 to 4 broth PntatnM to ft Young RadihealtoHY wreradish UIMUM Rhubarbflic lY ADELAIDE RETAIL PRICES Brand6 tta Mb loaf menu mist Mutton 4 to ft Veal to 1 Lamb 3 to 46 quarter Pork 1Y lb Bect4to8 ft DAiar rtoarca rreut uuner Salt ditto I to 110 ft Eggs 3 to 3 tozon Colonia) Cherae I English ditto 2 1b Dutch ditto It ft Swiss ditto boot Capsic*ms 2 to 3 per dos Scarlt Runners 6 per lb ricir Dried Arricuts 1 ft Dried Peaches 1 ft Oranges 3 to each Lentous 8 to 1 each Citrons fl to 1 eseh tttnes to had'iocks 2 to 2 6 each Walnuts 1 ft t' jlouia1 do 3 ft igs Z4tn 8 Colonia) Racon 16 ft C' lnniaj Hams 16 to 19 Yft English ditto 16 ft owls 7 to 0 1 oopls Pigeons 3 to 4' pair Turtrys 15 to 23 each Geese S' to 19 each Ducks to 10 pair vaanaatK Cibbaas'Sto6eachscarv nhalots 'fl ft VilW' lsVw litlll Parsley 4 broth Watercress )) bunch a a in meva (Tillies 4 to fl dozen Pnmnkitiit ft to 1 each Lettuces 2 rh Green Peas 2 fl to 3 Ylck Vegetable Marrows ft to Cucumber I to 1 each3 each Garlie 9 rench Beans to ft ft Tomatoes 3 per lb lowjt iw i avuu Asparagus none Grapes 74 to6 ft Almonds it to 1 ft Spanish Nuts luftt Apples fl to 1 ft Pears 1 to 6 ft duincea fl lb Cape Gooseberries I ft Dstnsona none Medlars ooie fAtiuts nona Pomcrraxates to fl each rriesnone Water Melons lYft ilberts 3 tolflY1 Pie Melons lyft Plums 1 Adelaide April 17 ISfifl SHIPPING INTELLIGKNCK 0 0 0 seminal 6 6 0 0 0 io 0 1 0 0 10 MISCELLAXEOVA 6 uo sales 0 nominal 0 none none 0 40 0 at 10 0 1 10 nominal 6 0 0 3 15 0 0 0 0 i 23 0 0 15 Milled 36 0 0 0 0 50 COMHEBCIAL INTELLIGENCE 0 0 0 18 0 0 8 10 0 10 0 fl 0 13 0 14 0 0 a 0 0 9 fl 0 9 0 0 0 0 3 none fl 16 0 0 0 5 0 0 10 Ifl 9 10 0 til fl Bran JJ 0 0 0 12 0 10 0 15 0 10 0 0 0 0 3 15 3 2 1 0 0 10 10 0 0 7 0 fl 10 nona noe nomiaal none "51 10 0 17 37 0 11 0 18 10 0 fl Bran 1' Pollard 1 1 3 3 10 2 0 Small wwte are good employ ment iu the trade between Adelaida sad the neigh booring eokmirs and with this Hass 'f craft we have none none 0 none 0 0 0 71 0 0 7 0 0 64 0 0 0 0 1 10 no sales fl 0 16 nominal Ditto per dozen pinta Ditto others quarts Ditto ditto pint Salad oil quarts Ditto pinta Ditto half pints Mustards 1 llx per dozen Ditto lb ner doaa REINED Britisti jn lb loaves per lb Dutch and Belgian' tto Sydnev ditto Cmsh 'd lump DRIED miTS Bustos Muscatel in layers per lb Cape in boxes per lb Eh me per lb Craaasn Patras and Zauta English Barter nominal Cape ditto fl to 5 Oats 5 ADELAIDE MERCANTILE REPORT Monday April 21 IsM The general tone of our import market is healthy and owmg to there being no excess of supply there are few goods in aeeortments adapted to our wants which will not readily find buyers at or soon after arrivaL The export trade the whole of ibis season hat been on a profitable Cooling The wool and mineral exports have much increased specially the latter and tta quantity of Soar and grain sent away already exceed that at the whole of last year in amount and value and as we have Mill good surplus to go the returns for this branch uf the ear's production will prove heavier than ever before There ere still two small vessels on the berth taking the remains of the 1156 eBp but ttaseason being over for more to come down this article calls for no remark Gaels asd The average value of the floor of the last sea n' crop exported so far has been about £24 per Un and on reference to the exports we And upward of 8000 ton have gone off chiefly tosupply the Melbourne market The premat price is £22 to Wheat is coming forward in sufficient quantities to keep the mills working of which we hare several new ones opened this season It fetches readily 6s PJamlcvcu foe prime parveK Wtjis Bruns av Mur The stock of port wiae is much reduced and the prices quoted in the list are easily obtained for the better descriptions Gf eberriea the better sorts of pale are saleable but inferior sad dark wines arc neglected Light wines are very dificnlt to sell in quantity to brandies the market is very steady and Martell's is 3d to 6d better Hennes sey's and UV Co's in ease is in fair demand Gins hare lately been much enquired for and Loudon 'id Tom Booth's Browning's or Is worth in bulk 7 eases 23 Bum is not so scares as it was tboegh tlie stock is still small and the consumption rather ou the increase Whisky good Islay Is scarce In bottled ate end porter there is not much doing the warm season being over but as our stock are moderate prices have not given way Id balk ales the txk is rather accu ssulsting and pricee casaot be bad that wen obtainable three months ago Stout is in ftirderaandand little uu hmL Malt aro The latter are dull at Is 4dto Is for English 1155 crop 3 Land Is lOd to2 English malt has been selling at 18 to 18s Rd but as cur own malting goes on this price cannot be expected so continue Bnutixs In timber then Is a slight Improvement observable In the demand for deals but not sufficient to establish any change io the quotations looring boards are plentifal and without they are of very enperior quality thia class of got np wnod gnods is not in favour In colonial timber moot aorta are lower Sydney cedar and polings partiruiai ly In roofing metals galvanised oorrugated iron is improving in value ike are not abundant Of fencing wire though steady in price more ha lately come in so that we are well supplied Prices are very high especially for the Iowa eiasees and with all sorts the market is very in differently supplied A small arrival is just in from Singapore but witboat a much heavier supply prices will Mt give way Rtes The market is dull at the qooutkns the moderate price of pronsxne reducing the ronrampticu 2 16 38 0 GRAIN LCMTR AND PROVENDER MAliiCIT hit uuiai A frt Wheat 8 Bran 1 to 1 1 Wheat 8 8 to fl it) with out bags English Barley 7 to 7 Cape du 4 fl to 5 Ooit white 8 to 5 3 none 2 fl 2 15 unaaleable 0 4 15 0 2 10 IV 0 29 nene Earthenware diSenlt of ssk Gh srare iittu do Paints at 10 to 30 per cent advaiMV Boots and Shoes good assortments 20 to 35 er tent advance Drapery special asaortments 15 to 25 per cent advance Paper 5 to 20 per cent advance Confectionary 5 to 26 per cent advance Cutlery 20 to 33 per cent advance Ironmongery for building purposes 10 to pee eent a lrauce 0 0 nominal nominal Bums Cams aid The en quiry for butter hu slackened a good deal and from 1 Sd lbs market has declined to Is 6d Uhecre also is lower at Is 3d to la 4d for English In hams and baeon the same steady demand continues that we have had all the year and they were quitted as they arrived We are quite bare of mess pork and beef There is a good an a coomderabie advance 'n been established whilst tit* stock on hand is very light rom several late arrirzle the market i wellapplied and our qootationo are reduced for useful con ytnu 10 per chest In Olivas's Sroin generally we have no change to note except in sperni caudles which after touching Is 10J per lb have toll 8d and is ftt They art difficult to plate at the latter qnotatiune The stock ou hand is not Luvr and a regular trade 1 going on ai the quotations Raisins are scarce In currant tle late rie is maintained and dried train generally are not plentiful Cost are in demand more being required for melting than last year and the low prices having induced a con siderable use of them fwolherwirk whilst supplies have been light for a tong period ScT Taiiow CAgntv The latter are Id higher within the last mouth tfoap is moving off and if of the bevt quality is saleable et the quotaUous The euimual make is however erring Ona are hardenisg in price and as the winter a may be dearer Diarnr Goops vt Doors aid Bhois of well as sorted winter goods are saleable at 25 to 35 per cent advance cm invoice Corns bos lately been reduced in price to £110 jer ton which sales are making for export The demand fog labour is etdficient to absorb ths arrivals as they eome in Wages are now st a rate which considering the reduced ecale of ftvmg pals tle working man in a good position Thia applies bi the male immigrants mure particularly Lui a Urge of the fraiaJes who were so iqja' didousW sent out some time rinre have also found their J'leked Vewt cases per lb 0 Common 2 uad 1 cwt brls do Elemi 5 lb losee Ditto and drutns Turkey ditto Malaga Jordans shelled per 1b Ditto in shell pr ibM Barcelona per )b Walnuts per lb Sperm Belmont Ac per 1b Sydney mould London per ton Liverpool ditto Colonia) and Sydney ditto Engli fine per ton Common Split per ewt TOBACCO in Barrett's brand per lb Shellard's and ditto Cavendish per lb OILS Linseed boiled per gallon Ditto raw ditto Turpentine per gallon Pale sea) per gallon British at the Wharf per ton Svdncv ditto ditto TIMBER at the Pine log per cubic foot Deals Balli Pine 9X3 )o do While Woood Du Ameri an Red Pine Do do White Pine Tks Jit finnirab In cargo one halfpenny per foot below these quotations oi a i uk arcorumg io size aj METAUAe Rod aivl liar common ton 12 Best ditto IS Hoop for hay ditto Sheet ditto CLEARED OCT Mondav April The ship Emma 4Wtons lGdl master foe Melbnunte Passengm 17 Chine and part of original earo Additional passengers by the Burra Burra for Mei Mr Wert in the cabin and 6 In ths Sfsetsge Barley Cape English ditto Oats I'ngiwh ditto Colonial ditto Rran ditto Pollard ditto Hams per lb Bacon per lb Butter salt ptr lb Cheese per In dar per tun ia its Tallow per cwt Won) per lb Istqrcjity Ditto 2nd quality ft I to 3rd quality Copper eake Ac per ton ARRIVED Sunday April The schooner Agnes 110 tons Wslsh master from Melbourne April 1 A Collin ton agent Messrs Hall Davis and Mrs Walsh in the cabin CLEARED OUT COA8TW1SI Monday April 21 Tbs cutter (food Intent io tons Nixon master tor Second VaUey 1 cooler Same The eutter Endeavour 20 terns Reid master for Yorke's Peninsula In ballast Barna The bargn Symmetry 21 ns Davisaster for Yorke's Peninsula In ballast SAILED Aped Lapwing cutter for Yaokalilla Margaret Nicol schooner for Meltwunie Sir William orster barge for Onkaparinga Eebeeot schooner for Pen Lincoln sad Port Augusta IMPORTS Cargo of the Agnes from 3 cases ehairs I bate du sacks 29 pkgL Order Port Adelaide yesterday having put tack from stress of weather She had ou board bu Chinese a deck pas sengers who were to tare taco landed at Guk bcu Jby but the strong southerly gale which has been blowing rendered it impossible to fetch that porL Ait beating about for three nights Captain Harper resolved on bearing up lor Port Adelaide more especially as the eoal was running abort twenty five tons that wre stowed on deck baring neeu carried overboard The unfortunate Chinese were washed out of their quarters end stowed away on tbe poop deck bul their stores of food and clothing were completely drenchtd Several heavy seas broke over the vessel and a good deal of water got don into the engine room and tbe pumps Et choked with the il dnt No accident Itowever ppened to tbe vessel beyond tbe breaking of the gaff end tbe splitting of the mainsaiL Tbe Burra reached tbe Lightship at half past 2 o'clock yesterday raorn'ng Het return might have been communicated to town by teiegraph in time for notice in our yesterday's issue had there been any communication with the beach but though tbe Bum fired two runs off ths Semaphore andbowed a blueiigiit no response wai riven from the shore nor was any light viable the passengers speak well of the behaviour of tbe Burra as a sea boat during the heave weather encountered Tbe fatlowing are extracts from tbe log book riday April 18 A fresh gale and a heavy am At 8 pm bove to under foresail and maintrysaii steaming slowly with bead to the south east ship labouring heavily and deck continually fall of water 1045 Maia gaff carried away beet a staysail to the mainmast and set IL The Bumps were carehiUy attended to throughout Satur day April 19 8 am Hard gales with heavy sea and uccsatotiaJ sbowersofrain 830: Tacked tothssouth east and st iff JO to tbe south west At noon heavy squalls and a high sea running 3nra: Turned tbe bands out to save and dear away a large quantity of coals a portion of which bad already been washed away The deeks were at this time full of water At Spun tbe matn and after pumps being choked from water which had fallen from the deck into the engine room all hands were employed to bate it out fl am: Gale not abating and tbe ship labouring heavily in a high sea which was filling the boats in the wait and nearly trashing them sway and not having sufficient coals to proceed on the voyage bore up for Kangaroo Island fl JO: Made Toung Bock bearing NW about seven or eight miles Hsuie 1 to the eastward At 2 pm made Cape Wil louzhby light bore Nby At 5 pm Cape Willoughby light tare wnrt about hve miles At 8 pan NW Blnff bore east about six miles strong breeze and dear weather At 2 Monday morning anchored at the Lightship and at 6 weighed and proceeded up to the Port Arrangements were made test evening for the Bum Runs to start for MeRxniroe at an early hour this woriung It is reported by Captain Welsh of tbe Agnes that he act the Royal Charter steamer from Liverpool off Csr Patten on tbe morning of tbe 16th or within 30 miles of Port Phillip II carte Tlie Aies passed the Mary South riday morning last off Portland and also a seboaocr (na ns unknown) which had Inst her fretopmast A large number of we believe nearly had atgiged passages for Guicben Bay in tbe steamer Young Australian yesterday and it was thought pro bable that that steamer would leave with them early this day BYllItT A BAYLEY Cnrrie Mreet Adelaide April 17 1866 Hour t' tu 4J3 10s English Barlev 6 to 6 6 spe ditto 8 to 5 Guts oolouia' 6' IhlVYriTlt MrtibUPis vflftSMl OB Ktug Wiltain street Adelaide April 17 18M lour firs! braixte £23 5s to £23 10s ft seuond brands £22 IQ to £23 Sec*ntte Sour £20 to £21 Dran 1 without bags Plterd 1 Ito 1 6 do do Ost English 5 3 to 5 English Bvley 7 8 to 8' Cape ditto 53 to A 8 Illi art Bank street Adelaide April 17 Ism loor 4'23 10s COEE Ceykm Native per tb Plantation per lb Singapore per lb Java per lb C1GARS Havanna imitation Manilas No cr I ft 2 ditto Ditto 3 ditto Manila per cwt Cotr East 1 per ton Patua per toa Carolina fine per ton Ginger per tax Assort a per tax BRfTIfl'J AND OTEBH IMB0BT9 OILMEN ST'IKE Bottled ruits pet dozen Rsuees reueii vinegar tr gallon Malt ditto per nBon Pickles fewried and Cruene A Co's per do A quarts 1 10 fl 1 iiununat 15 in IX per tax Sheet cr tun Isos RHvht fir htafk WP ItlYl No 3 and galvanized ditto 3 Corrugated iron according lol rnage ditto i WINES Duty paid and rort per pipe Ditto per dozen Hock ditto Sherry per pipe Ditto' per dozen Cape per pip Ctuunpagne per dozen Claret ditto Marsala per pipe PDRTER Duty paid and delivered Bakday'a and Trw I tnati's per bhd 3 Whitbread's and others ditto luttlod ntf dazen Manetti'a ditto 0 10 Harper's ditto fl 11 nher brands ditto 0 10 ALE Duty paid and Bass's No 3 per hhd Xr 4 dll to Allsop's Pale ditto London brands Ac Rum's tattled per dozen Marsetti's ditto Harper's ditto Other brands ditto SPIRITS BtlSDT and Htmnnacy'a per gallon Ditto per case Other brands per gallon Ditto per case Bordeaux per gallon Ditto per ease Wn India per gtuloa East Indi per i alfon Islay fine ditto Common ditto Booth's No 1 ditto Ditto per case tawnde's Altona ditto Browning's per gallon Geneva Anchor brand Ditto red wr ca'te English per lb Van Diemen's Land ditto CORN SACKS Com woks 3 busbc' per doru Gunny bags per dozen Ore tags new ditto Woolpacks ditto each Europe rope per ewt Wooblashutg ditto Crystals per cwt STARCH per IN English per lb Dutch ditto American ditto II English per lb Westphalia ditto American ditto Saoaan Dais Ditto ditto 0 Ditto per cask 2W lbs fl Irish Bose per lb American ditto Herrings salted pr firkiu Salmon ditto per lb Shetland ling drieil ditto Cod salted ditto ewfoundland ling per tub Mackerel per barrel Herring red per kit Salmon pct 1 lb tin Sardinco 1 taxre per dozen COLONIAL PBODCCE Hour fine za lbs new Seconds ditto Wheat new per bushel of 60 tbs ou tut Mita 40 lbs 40 lbs lbs 20 lbs PRICES every now and then been sparingly supplied To England the rate current are (fl far waul in graaae and id foe washed or weight from 70a to too oe bills Londn the premium has risen to per cent for 30 days' right Tta Rank ratetarged for cashing drafts ou tbe Australian roloujcs and Van Land 1 1 per cent The discountC rent per airnum Money i W1Jrth 10 to 15 per rent for lotos ta HU Gold BAL1 COWI1 Bank Street AUKLA1DE WHOLES ATE CCRRENT BABTEkX PSODl'Cl Oregon per ehrei Ditto per half ehert Ditto pre Ifrentty tax Orange Pekoe 10 catt Gunpowder 10 eatty Toang Won Joest' HysonrMn fine per cftct BuwJvxV CoMpore pre ton Brows Middling to good and nefot brown httjlE and Trill 6 to 0 to 8 to 0 3 0 8 10 0 1 0 I 6 0 iron 1 17 5 fl 1 18 fl I It 1 jfl 0 10 9 53 0 a 0 0 Moo0 0 0 45 0 nre I 37 0 ft 5 fl MOO 9 0 John WILKINSON nlteat and dour bare a downward tendenev Tbe millers have been paying too hirfh for their wheat to enable them to snpply flour to meet the Melbourne quotation for that article Barley andoau have been freqnently enquired for and a slight advance baa been freely paid on former quotation Grain and lour Stores Pine street Adelaide April 17 IMfl BUILDING MATERIALS Retail wire in Adelaide) Deals 9x3 solid 8 to 9 VUL Laths 3 feet 80 foot lOtlO Ditto eewn AM extra Meh fttto3 feet 26 1000 cut Bricks delivered in Town Deals 11 3 solid i ft £3 to £3 6 lOMO Ditto aawn 1 extra each Welsh Slates 30 10 £2S ent 1000 Battens 7 2 solid fif Ghw British plate foot bx Cedar Board inch to Patent Ibinriungle Yfootuper 7to6Ylh Ditto taft 4 to Patent and Ivor 4toirB 2 11 Cut Boor brad to '4 loo feet ft Ditto Batten 30 O0 ft Cut Uth to 4 A Dittobcavjte'Ylta Lead 60 cwt feet Zinc 5w ewt CototodSfctafftafi 9 foet 10 Galvanized Iron plain 40 100 to 60 ewt ftttc Mwe to YW0 Ditto TUev each 4 StDXET CLARE BATES OP EXCHANGE Bjz or AtrsTuusia and the Ubioj iktra op Ats tasLu Issue drafts on LonJou at thirty tight al 2) per cent premium Buy Bills on London at thirty sie'lit al i per cent premium Issue drafts Sydney Bathurst Goultatirn MaitlandMiretou Bay 'kielbaurue Geelong Portland Port airyIklfiut Hobart Town Launceston I Wellington 8 Lyttleton Buy Bills fSydney3 I Bath'ir rt Goultaunt oi Maitland iMoreton Bay I Gcefong 3 Portland pH airy (Belfast kJ Auckland Wellington Lyttletoa Hobart I Launceston At three dsys sight st 1 per cent prcrniirx three ds' sight at 2 cent premium Al fifteen sight at 1 pet cent discount At fifteen right at 2 per cent uisvount At fifteen days' sight at 2 per cent discount The Banks purchase Assayed Geld and Gold Dust at the highest market prices Adelaide March 15 1856 MINEB SHAKE LIST AND MONEY MARKET King William street Adelaide April 21 1858 euaia uaaKit Burras £125 Princre Royal £25 Royals 5 io 7 Iisu uiiasr on freehold to 12) per eeuL Burra serin VI) per cent on dlxunt leaxtald sicail leans sndvthsirarity 0 per rent JNU RICHARDSON MELVILLE Briers SHIP Geueral Past utfire Adelaide Tuesday April 22 1856 Mail will be dispatched as under or Great Britain to Liverpool via Melbunrui by the Oliver Ung to leave Melbourne ou 1st May on Wednesday 23rd April at half past ur Srdtrey and Sew 'ala'Ml via Melbourne or Victoria by tta Haviteh (steamer) to Melbourne on Wednesdav 2Srd April at luilf pat 12 Van Diemen's Land via Mdtaurne ct Western Australia by the lcbinvar to Western Australia this day Tuesday 22nd April at 2 or Kobe by the Boomerang to Guiuhcn Bay lb is day Tuesday 22od April at half past IX SALES HY ACUTIGN THIS DAY By Solomox A At Mr John Stewart's nindler street Stuck of Timber Ac at the Mart Leai of the Halfwit House Port ros By Bortixu At Mr Bundle street Stock in Trade nf Boots and Shore also Household urniture Ac at the corner of Tupbain and Currie lots of Building Materials By Ma Thokss At the Mart Block of Ind in Prospect Village also Miscellaneous urniture amt Effectsof a gentleman amilvCart Horse ilaruess Saddle Wine Ac Ac BrCatairv At the Wadt Swart Tards lot of valuable Horses MARRIED nn Wednesday the 16th instant nt tbe Wreleyan Chape1 orlh Adelaide by tta llcv bpenecr WiRiams Mr Thomas of Wil)uugato Eiza Warden of North Adelaide Qt Jxegtsicr ADELAIDE: TVESDAY APRIL ISM OUR SUMMARY Wo this yuy pualiah a suitttutry of ouch CTeiits Riid occurrences no hare transpin'd since our h'l We have notlung very startling tu record either in the way of prosperity or dis appointment but we can still contemplate wh satisfaction and pride the solid progress ef the cctonv Our import exjrott returns bear a much healthier relation one to die other than at this time last year our markets are in a more natural condition and if trade is not so brisk as could Ijc it is improving and forreev roimnerrial appro heiision yahkctl away The hie harvest23 mated a considerable antouut of inter colonial trade and the large quantitr land taken into cultivation this venr aflbrds still better hope for the future The credit of the rohmy guotl and tle working datr rs gvmrdUy find renmneraiive employment The reduction tliat took place some time ftgo iu wages has beet followed by a considerable reduc1 ion in some of the prime necemrws of lite although others yet maintain a price beyond what a fair remunerative profit requires The Klitica1 condition of the people thoroughly tranquil and satisfactory the new Constitution and tle Electoral Law haring placed the mass of tfco lonumiiiity in possession or iructi jmlitieal power that rv far cnnttitiitiuml reform can ameliorate popular hardships the jople will short Iv have the remedy in their own hands Thu great work of the Legislative Council during the present year has consisted in Adii'tl'istra five Reform an undertaking to which they have no energetically devoted themselves The Got eminent manifest a becoming readiness to comply with the demands of the people and as the people prefiv constitutional prognss to more boisterous or sudden changre then is not the Bln'lttcst chance for violent polit iejan even if we had them The ojening of the new Railway ha been the most conspicuous local event of the past two nion'h although the occupation end tillage of the country is the tnojt important We are yet without 3 great gold field we have not at present demon strated the existence of a coal formation hut our copper mines still yield their rich ores our flocks still supply the British market with no mean proportion of its wools and our wheat land furnish bread for the guldiinders of icturis Our path may not bo that of dazzling suecc jtor even of rapid develop ment but in the steady growth of the popula tion in the progressive development of the country in the remunerative occupation of the people and in the general order harmony and loyalty of all classes wc are fairly entitled to rejoice Occcltation CaptainWreherlv of the Stately inform us that daring thrre'dau 1 re! viou to the occultation ot Mars on riday he was lying off tbe Livbtvhip where he had rood opportunity of regulatinr his chronometer and of urortaining cor rectly the mean time By that chronometer the focal mean time of immersfoa was 6 hrs 31 mln 56 rec areuming the fongitucte of Pcik an Point where thehip was lying on ridarto be Suppxiiig Mr Todd to have taken Pon Adelaide ebatitof his calculation there ia only 4ascoote difference be tween hte meso time (fl bra 32 Mejaod the observation of Captain U'vchcrly but if Adelaide were taken as his basis tbe difference would be 16 second As tbe kv became cloudy afterwards (here was no opportunity of observing the emersion of tta planet Captain Wyeberly expresses a wish that any scientific gentleman ailing lhe Port would call on on board tbe Sistelr and convince himself of the accuracy of hucakidaftoiMi of tbe mean time The presentation of Rin rap to tbe winner took plaee according to appjuit meat at the Napoleon latt evening This taaut tul sad valuable eup now hears tbe following iueriti' cup vroubj LadvoCtbe Lus the fifty of Wood Ere at tbs Adelaide Eoe Mcedrg 1656 1 bestifif a thre t4k LAW AND CBIMINAL COUBTS Duteut Natneef VessuL refused the plaintiff to ele between the tiro trerpaszca complained of and on the ground cf improper rejection I Itfok April 6 Junetti 3 pQDsM May5 July 31 87 Aug Ill Sea June tO Ort 4 Itnrj OctMllS an rw ia a nvt st1 93 Dec 6 March April 129 2100 185 1851 63700 9OOC0 92886 121138306172 382M5 4W17 45092 57828152774 191311 1287X 63310'153398 49088 49520 191631 128851 127O1''02O36 225723 200774 187006 135330 I7tfo67il653 Id 378121 302405316836 40770 52319 1433591229008 73186 19B89M73649 32824 59111 175957 213662 161034 118280204541 U99 422M6 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Uall class 117 second class 382 15 23 Jan 6 eb 6 frvnr EPgland 9C731' 75476145450 95512 Jan 25 eb 10 eb 26 362 517 49 548 2575T7 118 134 133 tej Det 21 Nov Sstamberg Sullins Ocean Chirf Merniaid Marw Polo Population Kbvrvcb Land und Immigration und Revenue availab'e to Local Gov'mnt 1855 eb 12 Mar 20 May 11 )3 Return showing the time occupied la the Traarmluloa of tbs various English Contract Packet Malte to this Colony and also to Meltatwne tn retafiMfrBceo astieu of tta Peninsular and Oriental Ouaputy 0 tract Total increase from 190 tc Population 41 per ecot Ordinary Revenue 38 pef sent Expenditure (exclusive of work) 200 per ceut Adelaide April 22 1856 We avail ourselves of the opportunity afforded by the approaching departure from Melbourne of the Oliver Lang to present our taidero in Enrfard with a summary cf recent events aud occurrences Our last Summary was published ou tlie 12th of ebruary since which time we have had no favourable oppor tunity of transmitting another The news of an approacliing peace arrived here on Satur day the 19th inst having reached us by the barque Swan from Singapore Our advices are to the 26th January at which period the question of the peace negotiations was the all absorbing European topic As beering upon colonial interests the tidings of peace were primarily suggestive of renewed steam Commu nication between Australia and the parent country by the overland route Whilst the war endured we could scarcely hope thfit our complaints on this score would be attended to bat non hope once more revives The merits of clipper ships for mail service have been pretty well tested since the A Company's steamers w' re withdrawn and whether Black Ball or White Star we have no wish to pro long their services as mail contractors On the 31st of March our English news was 114 days old aud greet was the disappointment when one of our coasting steamers arrived from Melbourne without a scrap of European in telligence Three successive mails were due at once yet not a particle of intelligence had arrived On the 7th of April we received tbe Earl of Sefton's mail of 20th December and the Oliver Lang's of tbe 7th January The Royal Charter's mail supposed to be made up to the 17th January lias not yet arrived although it is reported that the vessel had been seen off Hobson's Bay The arrival in these colonies of the Treasury minute dated November 27 on tbe subject of steam communication has excited a very con siderable degree of interest in which South Australia has largely participated Thepropo of the ords of the Treasury is 1 That they shall instruct the Admiralty to obtain tenders by open competition for a monthly postal icrvice between this country and Australia the vessels outward and homeward touching at King George's Sound Melbourne and Sydnor carrying the mail far the six colonies of New South Wales Victoria South Amtrslia Western Australia Van Diemen' Land and SUMMARY OR THE OLIVER LANG 85 93 175 231 236 5lojrpr Aratt 21 XI 3 MWMUkl MIC Bi Brt UT 1 JtiUtrUim I Richman aud Gteudfield Messrs Thomas Martin Linklater tunuauig Hannan Hilton Lawson and Witt TIn minute of the ptevfona meeting of the Council were read ard confirmed OPENING Tlt RAILWAY OR TRAIC 1: 33 347 SUPREME Ifr BANCO McirotY Asut 2tBefore tta ull Court Tstastt MraY Mr wynne appeared to a wile obtained by Mr tehar calling on the defendant to show cause wby tbe verdict should not be Kt aside and a new tnal hf on the ground that the learned Judge who tried tta twiue refused to aDow the plaintiff to give evidence and go to the Jury 03 the first trespass complained of and also 16 per IS perW pe'Jl per per vvut irtus IT1D mu' hie dee inc ine July Aug Ang 11 Sept 6 Sept 20 Ort 6 inc inc 9Yrt'6YH I ore dee Tlie Adelaide City and Port Rulway was opened fir traffieon Monday The number of paasengers to end from tbe Adelaide Station was as from Train No I 2t No 43 No 3 Xu ktpri 1 'J No 16 5 No fl' 1U Total Their and drst ittatfons were £3n0rt flW'O f'OO 12JO0 24ono 0W I85o I eb 17 71 74 Mv31 72 94 May 1h 101 69 May 2l 77 ps uvizazio 88 2)1 90 79 cL 26 81 88 No 23 94 81 Dee 1 1 7 73 Dee9 80 MyS Ji June 6 82 Jh 18 21 James tlnee Lightning Boomerang Blue Jacket Marco Pulo Oliver Lang Donald McKay Champion of tbe! Ben Nevis Shalimar James Iteiaee Emma Lightning Rsd Jacket Ordinary Rev enne i 3 3 Ezpenditore for GonnL purpwes 1 6 Proportion of Ordinary 1 Revenue ex pended for Govenimnl purpose I other than permanent 83 Jan 19 90 60 eb 1 1 87 83 eb 15 87 83 Mar 2 98 SCR YVkB1 ccTsntvs I wtu vases DIVS Yi I Population I vramary Revenue i Immigrants Enugranta 091 561 86 SOO 1 297 Balanre 1 available Ordinary Rev enne (ctela five nC lit Alls and aids 137282 dee inc ine inc ebruary 3 9 18 23 Scdoen The Coroner attended at Port Adelaide on Monday afternoon to enquire into the circ*mstances attending tbe sudden death of Mrs Cath erine Morris wife of Vatttaw Morris formerly resident at the Port but now at Castlemaiaa Tbe deceased tad been labouring for sm time under disease of lhe heart and mi attack with alarming sytnptotns during tbe niicht She continu'd to grow worse and when Dr Ihincin her on Mondar morning tbe was in a hope less condition Everything was dene by her family and by Dr Duncan alleviate her raftaingu but he aunt tom after 1 o'clock At lhe case was one wholly free from and tbe medical evidence tatttfactory tta Coroner did not consider it necutaary to hold an inquest Ths City Bridge The traflin over tlie City Bridge was stopped on Monday morning thnul taneotuly with the opening of tbe Adele de City and Port Railway Vehicle pusing fromNorth toSouthAdelaid or tier ereto will now have tocnm the river at tta fcrff Workmen uo enezged in taking down the preurnt bridge preparatory to tta everttoa at the penatnewt tarn brtdfottely arrived frm lotted 2 That branch servits riiall be established by epen competition from Meftnurae a the central point with Port Aile'aiJe Van Diemen's Land and New Zealand 3 That all letters and newspapers shall be prepaid and that each Poet Gffiec shall retain Its own receipt 4 That the entire cost of the services described shell be divided equally between the Home Government and the colonic collectively 5 That each of tbe colonies shall contribute to tbe tnohty to be paid by them collectively in proportion to the number of letters dtepatobed by each to be ascer tained every two years Iu order to carry out this scheme the Legis lative concurrence of the several colonies is required With respect to Victoria the plan was so acceptable to the Legislature of that province that they immediately proposed for themrelvra and the Government of New South Wales to take the entire responsibilty of the colonial moiety leaving the other provinces to join at leisure But this plan although somewhat bold was also rather selfish as it evidently proceeded upon the supposition tlut South Australia and the other colonies must either follow in the wake of Victoria and New South Wales or stand outside altogether The subject has not fitiled to interest our own Legis lature and a Bill lias already been introduced to give effect to the minute so far as this colony is concerned In tho course cf a previous debate on the same question the Colonial Secretary produced a calculation of the probable contribution of each colony omitting Western Australia baed on the latest acces sible returns of their foreign postage and on the assumption that the total cost of the pro posed mail fervicc in'diiiling the branch lines would not exceed £100000 uf which amount one half only would have to be raised by the colonies According to this calculation the proportionate contributions would be a follows New 7eatenJ: sreentrenlh Tasmania tro South Australia twt scveiiteenths or New South Wales ft mr seveuteentta or Victoria dt'hl si veatKnthaor Total On another occasion tlie Colonial Secretary intimated tliat £12 UUO instead of £60J0 should be the annual subsidy of South Aus tralia but there certainly is no necessity for such an amount from this colony Western Australia ouffht also to be included in anv general plan of istul service and might rea sonably be expected to contribute £3000 The Legislative recess lias hindered lie further pro gress of the Bill but in tho event of its passing Mr orster has giep notice that ho will move the following address to His Excel lency tbe Governor in Chief HThis liaise approves generally of the Minute of ths Lwds of the Treasury in reference to the resumption of steam portal communication with the Australian oulouies and ha given its sanction to the Monthly Steam Postal Bill introduced by your Excellency with the advice uf otrt Erecetie n'nal and by which it agrees to concur in anv arrangeraenl thtt ma ta trade by th? Postmaster General in Enslaud for the traite nusston of mails to Autralia notwithstanding that such srrangetrent may tTcessitate the delivery the malls for tUte province by a branch service from Melbourne House has amerd to the said Bill however not tat ausc It bclir that tta ignoring of South Australi'i by ocean reamer? pNslng on to tta other colonies with Her Majesty's mails is founded on reasons either of jus tice or necessity: but because II ituwishfal to throw any inped'ment tn the way of an arrangement that would be generally eeficisl to the Interest of com merce in this part the world 014 also on the uniter standing that simultaneously wlih the transmiMion of tbe Bill to England for Hrr Majesty's amerd your Ex cellency will write to tta Secretary of State for tta Colonies representing the special claim of South Aus tralia In connection with tta proposed postal scheme ay communication with the Secretary of State on this subject 111? Hmwe respectfully suggests that the following points should ta urcd 1 That Adelaide I in a direct line of ioeft br Kimr George's ound and Melbourne and Hut ft gew graphical position together with the perfectly ite nai gation of Gulf St Vincent otter every facility oeean steamers cz'ling off Ifort Adelaide to deliver their malls "2 Th fit hc Cvtmnrr ial hnp'rlstiee of this province eii'illes it to suck a its rcogrsphical posi tion might warrant it being that its eaprts in a few rear will be equal to those o( any ottar cf tta Australian colonies Victoria alone excepted That tie advantages to MeB vume from mall steamer proreoliiig thither without calling at rt Ad teide would taar no proportion tothe inconveniences to which this would he subjected from that cir runptaace because the delay io tta delivery of tta mails at MMonrae in consequence of a steamer calling at tilt pert oct be mare than twenty four hours whilst tta detention of nUhi Adelaide were they in tta first instance delivered at Meftxmro would not be tes than five day That there 1 a considerable bnvtnen intercourse tatweca this colony and Victor a (Ad iaide exporting largely to Melbourne and that it would seriously jeo pardize our commercial interests were an arranirment ent red Into fw giving tEsrkrtiiitcIligcncesystciuaucaliy to Melbvorce dues in advance of Adelaide That it might itrotal no be Inconvetilent to a company contracting wt the ronvejarre the malls to Australia to fix their cualing sta' ion at Kaugar4i Isteefl in trad of ng George's Su nd in winch owe tiie objee' Ion to carting tare would ba removed 'C Tltet tta contribution rfthls colony to tta general subsidy for mail portal cohunnnication with Australia mM nA amount to more itan tta cart of the branch service from Melbourne to Ad ki le which branch service It is pmum i wool be under the control of the eomptny contracting for the conveyance of the mails ttat 'snch enrnrsny would nt be in a worse position by delivering the Adelside mails in Melbourne free of char? than by receiving a rateable subsidy from this colony aud then sending tta same in tta support of a branch service and that this House would therefore prefer in tta event uf its being determined that mail steamer rhall proceed direct to Melbourne that South Australia should be exempted from tta subside an I take its ehance of getting tbe mails from Melbourne by Cue steamers trading between that port aad A 'ebude" The reported probability of peace is very likely however to lead to the unconditional rejection of the Bill as with the cesmtion of ho war so tnsrty steamers would be disengaged that there eordd be no difficulty in making more favourable terms than during the con tinuance cf hostilities And it is very generally felt that if in (he new scheme of postal service Port Adelaide is to be omitted altogetlzer from the direct route it is scarcely worth while for tills province Io enter into any interco lonial or imperial arrangement with reference to a branch communication If our letters must be taken part our door to the Melbourne Post Ofiioe we may a will be left to adopt the means most eligible to ourselves for conveying them hither It is however on every account desirable tliat the overland route should be again opened with the snUeat possible oezay The following return nude master Ueneral in compliance tion of the Legislative Cbci terestiog to the English mercantile eon munity haying business relations with laide Arrival at Eiret class 117teccod class 2 7 third du 1 19 total 413 The rvluiir cannot at rre be farther male up i uiihfr tta number persons wbo lett tta Port ary of the intermediate rtatfona nor of those who travelled rirr the hy between the virion stations on tta line has yet rea lhe chief office Whrt we have howl ever is sufficient to shew Viry nearly the paseetiger rccMpts for tta day The down trains hare yl lded rather upward of £'2irdth flptrals(lLrow ng off lOpetrentatheMme reportioa as foitn 1 theotlitr we for bort passage) about £15 total £37 to whi will have to be S'iuM whatever may have been taken st tta Port and inter meiliate rtatiims fortrijs than to Adelaide The raMengr recrip's of tta tint day will amount therefore to about to A very small tiHtiin'Dcvment appears to lure been made in the enrrhre cf goerts There were however several wa gonj brought to town in tta course of tta day and thrte verv hearilr laden foruxd port of the Is't tra'n It would be ntrerarioi to comrrn fading fault so early: reasonable time mu be allowed (or tta nume rous persons engaged open the Railway to become per fectly fiit at tbeir duty uul some little expert ti may be requisite even for of using a urtD to test and complete their ar Algernon's It Impwibie however to paw bv the fact that most cf tta trains were lamentably behind time five six trbiu but In some cases a much fifteen anil ocn fotly fiva minutes or the first day and even if needful for a day or two bk every allowance will be mode by the public but it must not le forgotten that one priacijtal dject of tta Railway i ths economy of time and thi caonoi ta effected without perfect puiutttaby It matters little to a MMengcr whet! re be has en forced into the breach of ansp potntmrnt tta train having sfowly or by its not having lift tta station at the proper tinid The delays we believe wire pertly occasioned by cah train having to await tta feeding of the engine which had just arrived with the carriage from the other er Thu aa only a quarter of an hour is allowed for tta opera'lon tlie arrival of one Crain a few minutes too late roust of course throw out the arrangements of the whole for the day If a second "Kine wire kept in readiness tiia di faculty would be removed Another inconvenience arose from the issue in toms instances uf first or scewml cia ticket to more perrons than the carriages attached to the train had rwm to aeconunodate Tta unlucky holders of rueh sixteen penny or shiliin bits nf pasteboard had therefore to cont tit themselves with eigbtpenny quarters To prevent tta recurrence of such annoyances it wil be uecesaary to have ready means of attaching an extra carriage' Uoe erroneous arramretn nt wldch had crept into tta time table we need only mention as it Is corrected in thi di' advcrtiecnMmt The up train No 4 (ctress) was appuimed to stwt from tta ort at 230 arriving In Adelaide at S53 The tfrne for the down train No 5 i 3 o'clock allowing cnly five minutes for the ftediorof the engine In future the express train wib leave tbs Port at 2 o'clock and arrive in Adelaide at 225 The travelling on Monday i open to no particular comment The trains mostly preformed their jotwnevs within the lime allowed and tta erpreu train neither down nor up occupied much as 20 minutes Exvijrni TVtZ Immigration rcxclusiveof Establish menu Permanent I improve i Bents U2276 General pur i poses of Go vernment I (cxr'uflheof Lflans) 834ftl Etpendturel ofGovmt 1 1 (exclusive 145677 of Imrni I gratiunJ RtYfY ov A let cl was retd from Arthur Clapp king for remiisfon or rolu tin of tine for removing wud from tta Torrens without heetke On the motion Mr Cox seconded byAlJeniiin I'iCRiizx the fine wv redo cd to nc viz £2 lo on junt ut tta man's vret iKBertre eto A Liter was read from Mr on behalf of Johu Hillier applying for leave tn keep pies cm pre Oiisc North Zadalde co condition they stal! not be a uulam to hi nctohbour: Tta writer of the letter was referred to the 3rd by law CITY SOMCtTOS Tetters were read from Mr Sanford Mr Hicks Mr John Baot Mr Doueaut Mr Wighv Mr Rupert Ingleby Messrs tartkr Itekc It a fl ow Mre'ers A'rtiisvn A Andrew Mestra wytne tatnencC and Mr It Sabbch tn reply 3 circular addressed by order of the Council to lhe mciu bers of the letral i rofcssion reqnertiiig tenders tran sactuig the legal business of tue (forporztfon Two or 'h ec of tta letters contained offers all the others de forc'd the impossibility cf ec itrvtinK to perform that aitfoh woe of such an uncertain tor a scltic am rnnts et tta ratnc time almost erery one pro ftT red tta vrillingncie of the writer to undertake tta businiM under tta usual terms uuderstovd between solicitor and client AldrmanGLiYortitD moved and Mr owitt so Winded That the matter ta postponed for a week1' Tta motion was carried unanimously MBMOUSL A memorial presented by Mr Pownx from tbe inhabitants of King William street fraying that tbe watering rate of ds per lineal foot be reduced io the rate paid by tbe tnhabi' of iliadley slrcet ciz Is ftd per foot The itutnormltsls suggested eertun revons wby tta Council should comply with their request one ofttum fong tbul they did nut receive evmmersurate benciit another Hut they would nly pay the rate under iwo'itt Some discussion fallowed the reception of the me morial in the course of wldcb it was sUled that King William street being about twice a wide as Rundle or Hindli'yretreet it was uerearonalle to expect that tta r'tes siiuuiJ ta the flame in amount that the Council did not move In the nutter till requested by the citizens that tta cert by tbe contracts would cause a lues lo lhe Corporation ami that in future the Corporation would nut levy a water rate or incur an expenditure without the consent of fully twothireis of the iuhabitauts of the vtreets to ta watered tnom roaxiHG smin The Tows Clssk then read traders lor forenla or eompletit'g the following Currie strcet Gtrn foll strect Carringtou rtreet Wright sUeet and Guuger strcct It was moved that the tenders of Orchard for works in Gre nfell street and Corrie street that of Dzvid Young for Carringtou strcet and Wrigbt street and Michael anton's tender for Gaigrr street be Kt eraliy accepted Alderman Richmxy complained that Aiigastreet had apparently been left entirely out at consideration and alter adverting to the miserable Ute of that street and tbe maimer in which it had been neglected moved as an amendment that the cond deration of lhe tender be deferred for one week until tbe cae or Angas ueet hd been considered Mr HiLtov seconded the amendment concurring in the statement of Aklermaa Richman as to tta state of A igas rtreet and said if something were not dene ti Cor potation would have to provide punts for nyn seneers Mr Pow xtx said if it were competent to discus that matter be should most heartily support the amendment of Aiderman Richman be could teatifr to tbe horrible state of the street just referred to directly after rain Lad fallen Some further discussion followed when tta amend ment wa withdrawn on the understanding that Aojas itreet ebotod ba attended to if foods rrnld be ftcrntd from tta promised aid cf GuveruMOt EMIGRATION One of the moet important enquiries of the present session has been that which embraces the cntiscf cf the recent exccwtre fi'malc immi gration into this Cohmy A Select Committee bating been appointed on this aubjeet evidence the most has been laid before them with regard to the unjust and most mischievous procedure of the Emigration Commissioners in England rom the report of the Committee we extract the following paragraphs Ihttt the single female immigration under the auspices of the Colonial Land and Emi gration Commissioner! bcjtm to be burden some to tlie colony during the first quarter of 1H55 that on tbe 8th of March 13o5 90 females failing to procure employment wore lodged and fed by the Government that in the course of the following quarter tta number rapidly increased till at the end of June rmountM to 470 that taking six returns orerthr nest namely those of July 6th 7th 31st of Augurt anti loth and of September the average number amounted to 772 which period with a portion of the next or last quarter of the venr represents the climax uf the pressure lhe of lianjpst then created employ ment so that erf Wl on tlie 2nd of November 596 remained on ths Jfh and by the 31st of December that number was further reduced to 453 rom which date to the 3Ah ultimo tbe returns give an average of 397 Your Committee furtlicr find that the con sequent outlay imposed upon the Load Govern ment Ire tbe excess of thia class of immigra tion during the yiWr 1855 was £15575 6s The total arsjflted immigration of 1853 was 4583 of whom 2631 were females and 826 adult single females total rsocaaof females being 670: of 1851 was 8821 cf whom 5214 were females and 2093 adult ainsle females total excess of femolea being 1601: (rf 135 was 11871 of whom 7350 were females and 4195 adult single females total excess of feniales being 2829 Of the 4049 adult suigle fomales arriving in 1855 851 were English 217 were Scotch and 2081 were Irish And the greater part or of them landed during the whiter half of the year The average demand per month of 1855 as estimated by the Superintendent of tbe Ade laide Depot from experience uf that establish in nt stated to fiave been 100 Passing to the primary causes of thia exces sive immigration your Committee advert to the unsatisfactory reasons assigned by the Commissioners in explanation of it and call the attention of your Honourable House to their marked laxity of procedure in the dis charge of their duties as appears from their violation of the instructions transmitted them from this colony and of tbe expressed resolu tions of vottr Honourable House from their inattention to tbeir own published rules and the natural interests of tbe emigrants and from tbeir misapplication of the public funds of thia colony so largely entrusted to them for suitable emigration from no one of which cliarges do the CommiMiouers in the opinion of your Committee under their recently prof fered explanation stand exculpated Your Committee note that in August 1853 your Honourable House being in session a discussion on this subject took place when two addresses to the Governor of the colony were adopted praying a continued introduction of Irian orphans subject however to conditions embodied in the four following resolutions and which were forwarded to the Commissioners by the then Governor himself carefully point ing out the regulations by which the Council considered Amrable thiu deecription of emigra tion should parded That they iball bo carafally atioeted partiadar attewtfew befrw Pki to iketr aoral etaradvr as wall as ttair frtMM to rtptiJ ta frut tf ttaeotaitete asd "2nd That step ta taken to avoid tta ote that roust attend the system formerly pursued at sending oat Targe bodice of inexperienced young female deprived of tbeir natural protecton without making adequate ar rangemente for their protection during tta voyage 3rd That only a limited number ta sent out in ewh ship wriow evlii alwari retuhing from tta practice of eroding single women in large numbers in any one vesccl etb That these regulations should apply to orphans and unprotected females fr irn ell parte or tta United Kingdom and that no encouragement should be given to erulzration from Ireland which ia uot also afforded to tta native of England and Scotland" And your Committee further otserte that Quarterly Reports of tlie Local Immigration Agents arc regularly forwarded to the Emigra tion Commissioners for the special object of their instruction and guidance and your himself atatee in committee nn ium his report for quarter ended 30th June 185S that tn every report for full fifteen months preceding that date 4timatio had been yce of the unnitahte and character of the emigration the Cominiuionert were fer eirfing in The regulations pttblislied by tlie Commit iioners from time to time as by which they profess to be guided in the selection of emigrants appear to have been subject on the point at issue to comparatively little diange from 1848 to 1852 and they are comfinned under reference for approval to this colony as late as November last These regulations drelsre 1st Tliat r' fen (meaning tbe emigration funds) which in the Australian colonies are derived from sales or rents of Crown lands are intended not for the purpose of relief to persons in this country (meaning Great Britain and Ireland) to tvppty foe coionntt nra A partteoiar deecription of labour of which they efand moet in need" (Colonization Circular 1818) 2ndly That the emigrants must be of those callings which from time to lime are most in demand in the colony must hare been in the habit of working for capable of labour and going out fo work fur waget at the oervpation tpeeified in their ap plication form" (Sec Colonization Circular 1852 Despatch of Commissioners tv Colonial Secretary of 5th November 1855) 3rdly That single women under 18 cannot be taken without tbeir parents unleee they go under the immediate care of tome near relativet" (See published Rules of 18W 1852 and 1855) Whereas out of 311 single women inmates of the Adelaide Depot on tlio 19th ultimo 227 are returned os having come to this colony without rotecticn of any reletive or protector whatever Throughout 1853 and 1851 and pert of 1855 the Commissioners to give effect to an understanding whose existence tliey recognised aa binding on the assisted emigrants took measures to enforce a written engagement entered into with emigrants at tbe port of em barkation whereby (he emigrant was bound I eitltcr not to quit the colony to which he received a passage within four years affrir landing or to pay to the Colonial Government a proportionate part of the passage uioncy at the rate of £4 per adult for each year wanting to complete four years from landing The practical difficulty of working these engage ments has led to their abandonment but whilst they were existing the Commissioners or their agents themselves broke through the principle in the very outset as apears from the report of the Immigration Agent forthe quarter ended 31st December 153 and gazetted on the 13lh January 1K5J In that report appended to a list of immignui's who lied signed this £4 bond occurs the following passage Several families arrived by the Epanunohdss have complained to me that they had received em barkation ordiTS for one of the other colonics but that the Emigration Agent at Southamp bad informed them tliat the ships in which ihese eople ought tu have sailed being too full he would send then to South Australia and that the Local Government would on arrival forward them to their destination" Then follow the names ol these emigrants and a further statcinent that "some of those who had made this complaint have been by this means separated from members of their tanuly who luve been forwarded to otlier Thia instance of breach of ther own regn lation is remote and your Committee refer to it solely by way of marking a period when such a practice had an origin and intro ducturv to requesting your special attention to the evidence taken by them aud nvw before! your Honourable House allowing that proctieff to liave been most extensive recently Single female immigrants llicmsclvea state that after luiving applu'il for pssagca to Melbourne Gee long or Sydney where tbeir fricnls whom they desired to join resided and after haring received embarkation orders for those ports they have been put on board tlie Adelaide emigrant shins being told that the conveyance thenee would be easily arranged The Immigration Agent state that to bis belief nuuiy South Australian immigrants have never landed in South Australia further than was neewsary to convey tlteir luggage to a ship starting for oneef tlte adjacent colonies and has shown tliat so deeply rooted is tho system of employing tlie funds of this colony to import labour to the adycent colonies tliat he has received letters azldresacd to him as Immigration Agent enclosing moneys to enable him to forward immigrants to their enquiring friends Captain Hall owner of tbe Burra steamer plying between this port and Melbourne speaks of the extensive frauds thus practised on tha Immigration und of the colony A return obt lined by your Committee from the Adelaide Dqtot supplying a list of femala immigrants reported to have left the Depot for the other colonies over lire last ten moutta gives a total of seventy four well ascertained cases leaving for surmise aa to what ad ditional number may liave similarly acted Of these seventy four five sailed for Geelong twenty for Sydney and forty nine for Mel bourne Three of the seventy four are stated to hare paid their own passage' forward tint rest had race ved moneys from friends for that one of them is said to have received much as t'2f Previous to departure ercti of these females had been maintained at the Depot under one month nineteen from one to two months nineteen from two to three months fourteen from three to four month seven from four to five month six from five to six inonllis two from six to seven months Ho that at a low estimate the passage out and subsequent maintenance of these seventy four females ulone cost tlie colony littlo abort of £2000 and it would appear probable that this sum is a mere fraction of that whieh has gone in a similar way A further return obtained from tin Adelaide Depot of its inmates on the 19th ult under the heading Place for which immigrants ap plied fur passages' gives tint following result That of 31 emigrants 100 had amilnsl for passages to Melbourne five for Geelong aud forty eight for leaving 158 only as having applied fur Auelaldc Which pnw'nt statement accords with that made by His Ex cellency Sir Richard Graves MacDonnell in clauses 2 3 4 and 5 of despatch No 20 of 3bt Angnst 1855 to Lord John Russ 'll (see Council Paper 54) namely tint of 564 in mates then in the Depot little more than half the number had applied to com? here and that many of tbe remainder had been induced to come because Uey had been informed by lhe agents of the Commissioners that they could reach lhe other colonies from Adelaide1' Your Coramiitee recommend that an id dress be presented to tbe Govcroor in Chicf praying His Excellency to transmit to the Colonial I and and Emigration Commissioners copies of tbe evidence and of the report bow brought un together with the resolutions (if any) of your HonourableHousc thereon And t'ticy record tbeir opinion that if the Cobmm sioners desire to retain the confidence of tiffs community not onlg must tbe abuses indi cated be rectified and their recurrence bo prevented but that the general system now adopted of selecting the emigrants and arrang ing their shipment be amplified and improved To which end your Committee submit that tho rural sub agencies should bo greatly extended the local status of tbe sub agents be raised their discretionary powers increased and tliat efficient means should be taken to supply them with sound information calculated to benefit tlw intending emigrant And your Committee would furtlicr adviso that in tho selection of emigrants reference should not so exclusively be made to jiersons required to sign tho testimonials of emigrants such as clergymen and magistrates who may be sup posed to be too genmlly interested in relieving tlie mother country from the pressure of a pauper population and estates from a burden of a useless tenantry to be depended on coadjutors of the Commissioners tn securing for the colonies the most valuable clwa of emigrants There can further be little doubt that much advantage to the colony and to colonists visiting Europe would accrue tlie restrictive regulations of theCommisuapb relaxed in cases where capitalists uspigrwtSfc wish to bring out suitable labour undrr own many instances haring occurred where useful private exertions in selecting emigrants have been lost both to those em ploying than and to tlie colony through want of the co opuratWQ of tbe Commisuonos and it being evidence that many desirable emigrants would accompany tbeir employers who decline to face tbe multitude of Qnwmi grant ship 4456 In connection with the subject of population the following document prepared bv order of the Select Committee on the Estimates may be interesting STATEMENT itawtnr tta POPULATION RE VENUE and EXPENDITURE for raebywfrom 1 450 to 1866 inclusive with tta comparative rate iucrexM aad the rate per bead during those year Befof srertfe of Sjj dir tjO day POPULATION The population of the culonv continues steadily to increase At the time of the census which was taken at the end of March 1855 tbe colony contained a total according to the official returns of 85 159 souls The excess of arrivals over departures increased this number during the three following quarters to 90273 During tho present year we have a further net accession of 2346: making tbe total present population 92619 The following are the weekly arrivals aud departures since the commencement of the present car weekending January 5 15 filT cL3Tct 13 per 1 1 iue i ine ci iuc I pcr'lStper fl dec ietinc tlnc ExpendtureV forGjimtl BatsY'1 i OV P0PH now na DESTITUTE BOARD Moxozr Aran 21 Mr Stock (in the ehair) the Verv Rev the an Dr 6 the Rv It Haining and the Bw Wifliams COaiESPCIXDIXCX A letter was read from Mr It Milne Cliainuan eftte District Connril on behalf of a woman named Eliza Matthew in destitute circ*mstance with two ynun? children to support Itefrrred to Mr Tapley far further information a uuer iromar WMWetecd was ad on behalf of a questing a weekly atlowan toward her uport Referred to Mr Tapley for further information A letter from Mr Dawes Chairman of the Nairne District Council was read represctitinu the destitute eirramstmew of a mill named VViEiam Phillips who had a wife and two children to support and who tta list two znoulta lu been raCcfuig rum dbcase cf the heart Tta Board derided that application should be mid" for a medical certificate previocs to insistence taino fronted 6 A letter from the Rev Mr Squibb of nonehton was n4 on behalf ot a in named rederick Back Referred to tta Chairman of tta District Council of llictarcombe Aletterfrom Mr San lor son Clerk oftta Mrptatt Vale District Council detai'ed the circ*mstances of the dra'h of a man named Ware and the present condition ot bi widow and tar children A cunrersaiion fo'lowed on the propriety ol granting outdoor relief for theewmtry districts The Dix understood that there wae a probability of the Board being leorganized otherwise it wu'his uitentji'n to have given notice of motion upon theuhj relative to the relief of params in the country diitricta He thought Hie present svstera was to much abuse The distribution of relief by the Board led number of persons to abandon thetr hatiiu of re1iance and was consequently preg nant with the irreatest mischief He thought no out door relief shon'd be allowed except in extreme cases and that in country diktriris tta responsibility of afford ing relief In every eae should be tame by those whn ft their local knowledge were most likely to ta acquainted with tta facts In these opinion theotlier members of the Board coincided At a later period of the silting it was stated that the Government cotitempteted granting relief prospectively with a view to demanding renarmeut from parties whesc improved nusiuons enabled them to do to An inst iuec this kind was named of a man whowu formerly dtitntc but is now worth Mr Randed lumcnu ha applied by letter for assistance to Mrs Richard Chaiutare widow and her family He stated that she was an honest and indus trious piraonbut unable to support herself Mr Kandell hail paid her a4ge to Adelaide She was called in and questioned hy the Board relative to her position and prospect She stated that her husband vied of consumption and that the could only obtain needle wirk and washing occasionally She paid no rent but had notice to leave ne ration for three month was allowed Mr Johu Colville (Iiairman nfthe Wjllunga District Council represented ly letter i he indigent condition of a widow named lack who wualck in bed and bad three children to support Two rations far one mnnth allowed Another letter froru Mr Colville was read on behalf nf a man named Patrick Green and his wife of Morphett Vale both sick Letters from Mr Patrick Hughes and Dr Jay on beluilf of the same parties were encloecd and read ratton for a month allowed urtherinformatii requited A I tier was rend from Mr Mrvkie ot Encounter Bay requestfog re ief for a widow named Tomlinson whose in band had reecntlv Shn had four 1iitlrn oirl Uzeat as was tta hardship re I was near her acdouebcment I 1MUVUT 6UI 6 XUUUI41 ttllUWCU COMPIAIXT rtiA i'riaffftfAflr Ina from ITm TT qiuta Sinclair midwife to the establishment complaining" of niiuiuei iu which rue iiki oevu ircateo ana ine msiiits she tad from Mr Tapley during her 1 onnection with the establishment Mr Tapley cspliitud that the cause of dispute orii sled in h's liav'ite interested himself In reducing lhe jniary interest He a' silted Mrs Tapley had treqaently supplied with iefreshmrts from tar own table wbeu her services were required tiatstahad looked upon it as a right and had com uiincd tint rations were not supplied to tar from th I re The letter wa referred Mr Moorhouse late ller of the lioard iccot'YTs arion accounts from Dr Itaucan were read and eriminl of expenses incurred at Port Adelaide for miiai attendonre un destitute rnmigraat during ta istt month Amount 3s jn CRtLDXBY RE PXPC ii Tapley reported that a man working at tta Raedr re named Vine bad two children at the Depot He had written to him scieral times requesting him to nm ve them but be Iwl not done He was mating jwd wag but spent his earntoss in drink Tbe oard hs'raitcJ Tarlc? to charge the mnnlth the support of the children and slated that ta could recover the amount in tbe Local Court 9UIZ The number of persons applying fir relief was not so great as nsnJ Each case wa considered and dealt within its merits Nearly the whole of the applicant tvere ferules of evidence The whole ffceation argue under this rule was one of pleading 'ile plaintitL in hi declaration allegedstresptas but the learned counsel Mr isher iu conducting hie case at the trial referred to two tres passes and an assault The defendant pleaded uot guilty to the count charging tbe assault and to tbe count charging trespass not guilty under Colonial Statute No 17 of 1352 acct 105 (the District Councils Act) Mr Gwyune now argued that it was intended to give evidence of several trespasses They should hare been mentioned ot pointed out in the declaration That the defendant having pleaded justification to one tres pass and the pi ainliff having joined issue on that plea he was bound to go to the Jury on that particular tres pass justified Again if the plaintiff intended to give evidence of mote than onetrespa he should tare re assigned after the plea Mr isher submitted that tta remarks of bls learned friend went to support the rule If as wu so strongly argued there had een but one trespass alleged be (Mr isher) should have teen allowed tn proceed on that trespasi lie hod applied for leave to elect and proceed oi that one trespass hut was refused tht leave At tn Ike 1 JaA tl ntltv kv ftna it st1 to the penerai i sue and cave no mfornutiou as to luw I 'too of 5 lbs of lime to the li 6 as a means of testing 1L I vs a It 1 whether as Ctairmau Clerk er Surveyor of the District Iwcse were employed by him in wei hiup and selling as lhe Court wu of opinion that the offer during tlie trial to the plaint iff ut permission to amend put him in very fair position and dtechared the rale without coete Sana Adimsoy TTe Court informed the Advocate General that tta rule for a new trial must be refused Mr uller appeared to show cause why there should not be a nonsuit or a new trial A'ith respect to ba anjunient that an action for metay had and rectired must be for a specific sum while the incney claimed rmed part of the rent of several sections that was met by the tlmlinr of the Jury fir a specific sum Aaiu a referec cc to the note ut the Judge who tried the cne would show that there was no admission that Mr Kington was nut present at the livery of seizin The witness was simply not so po itivc of the presence of Mr sew iUt Ij UMI? 9b B3 prVvlUl uuuu UVU4l VI He (Mr fisher) contender! however that proof vf the woman in bis employ named Jane Armstrong re Vi VHSV seMwoMta UMlC tBI ill? memorundmn on the dTd of feoffment sutlkiently at tested the fcrt Then theargumiut that the frofiment was a voluntary deed was no answer in that action whatever it might ta to the mortgagees The learned grntleman arcurl et great length and with his ability that the defendant was as a party to I he lease of the scition in question Mr Waddell merely acting a 1 agent for the plaintiff That being the case tta plaintiff had at lexst an equitable rte hi to the rent ana if so under lhe altered state of the law he could reover it at law I Mr Gwynne in his replv went over a great deal that he had formerly advanced but pot a new argument aa If after innis made tbe feoffment he had instead of rnort arin the section sold it to Sx nson and Lawrence and made a fiie repurchase of tbe pro perty afterwards for a valuable consideration he could hold it arainrt lhe plaintiff right would spring from a deed which was superior to tbe feoffment and if he could hold the fee from such a source he could hold any less interest fron the a source equally superior to the feollmcnt Mr Juitire We are disposed tu say in this ease that an a ion for money had and received cannot lie under the particulars of demand We arc not now going to pronounce lurmal judgment but it may te advisable to say that the action fir uter had and re ceived will nut lie We will took into thi muter and giveour formal judgment on Monday next Mr Belt enquired whether the Court would at theante time dis)oet' of tta claim in equity It was to stand over and depended on lhe present quest bin Mr Justicj That can oiuie on for further argument ItTSKI SWitLtS The Advoealc neral appeared to a rule obtained by Mr udicr calling on thi' plaintiff to show cause whv the rcnliet rtauld not be set aJde and 3 nonsuit i entered or a new trial had Hiraant to Icare reserved on tta trial and on the ground that the verdict was nut warranted by the evidence He admitted that tltei ase Ward Weeks quoted by Mr isher iu moving for the rule was at tir sight strongly favoumlde to that learned gentleman's argument He (the Advocate General) thought however thit the cases were perfectly dituigui table and even the rule laid down in Ward Week would support tin verdict It was laid down that penon could only be accountable for the natural and necessary consequences of his own act" Well adnnltiug that he contended that publicity was the natural and necessary consequence of uttenug such a lander a was charged to the defendant In a case that sort it would indeed be very sebtotn that a person oririiiating a slander would mention it to the person it was intended to injure or even the person it was intended to influence To hold that rueh was necessary tu give a right uf aeliun was supplying to every tody a perfectly sale means of inflicting injuiy on Innocent pcr uns who could ttan have no remedy In that case assuming a tta Jury assumed that hc defendant was the origiuator of the slander mn have known and contemplated not the probability but the certainty that a report ert that sort ouec set in motion would not stop until it had reached the ears of every one interested in the character of the plaintiff and that the ini' sucu words were calculated to produce would ta frl on tlzc pli'airt It was cotUitiually felt thV re a inst lhe chas of a female caused tnorosnCermg tluu imputation on suiting from ctarr etbe be gr dly aggravated if the liapumiet 'd a chastity cc uld only te sct uiutaUe for corn odiX'OMd to the jueu person or ine person must interested tion liule made ataolutc far a new trial Haw tti Ilxcro This wss an artion far tnumy had uid 'lived was down for rLJ th t'i ht there was no dispute as facte uad ttarotaitiijn nt xpense 'tecstablishm'nt thereby affeetina her pc iraeuv "OS ruiv aa'r BOA WTO tUUlUH asr fol 1 te decijn one full vtairtf The action arusc from pnL ar tple bytht plaintiff from the dcfereLmLWel'i uouidlnot it alleged give a good titv the pfaintiK sought rreover the purchase raotoy It appeared jA 'ffia rout nf tlie argument which occupied nun toiffe th plaintiff wa willing tesveept ettre a rood Ulie reajment of mooev The dilfien1 out of thrtd flats of bankruptcy ahlj Kichard Vluudri Lirerpjol tbe original ztjdi Sec ion tot Ssvsy which was taught from Id attorney hy Trimmer who itail i tn the defendant Various important points of law nJ practice wre discus i wt I doubt be reviewed liy the Cour Ucvtew a Judgment served Date of Arrival at mcnIs towns' Jkffe IS' 'Ls 1932 1 1553 Il54 HM 08538 65683 76944 66821 office otr of the Councilor for Gawler Ware) es he wu about tn leave A kiaidc fora time On tta motion of Alderman GLisbntin seconded by Mr llaauzx the resignation uf Mr Stewart was aert pted and tlie fine of io was inpo? rroveaswrar cto or ettv iuti A letter was read from the ton tbe Cvtatial Secretary stating that by direction of Ills Excellency lhe Gcvcniotein Uhuf he had tri! the Trea surer to yiy fna the sum of ir an nstalmcnt of any funds granted in aid of ite rates collected duiuig tbe i rreuk year uf 1330 I This letter was received SSSX3SME3T COMLAtST A third application wu mata by Mr Wentzel forItiraiioti of bis assessment stating that he could not apH sl within tbe te luireq time es tbe rote notire was not then delivered The application was not entertained sTitezGBOV u'ctras's aoiD A letter wa read from Mr A llamiltoti for the donial Architect informing tta Corporation that the mw iron bridge over the Torrens was about to be erected and the road would neecstari'y te stopped till the bridge was ccmph ted The motion wu then carried Cntnitnottsly Tenders were then read for repairing ana making tta following streets Hindley slneL Rondle street and Morptatt street 1 he tender of David Young for re mctalling Rundle street was accepted and that of Michael Scanlon for formtug Morphett atreet anl re metalling Hindley itrert VBSCI5G VICYOBU aqraBS Tenders for iron fencing the southern portion of Vie tom sqnare were also read but It wis resolved (tat tta contract ehdizlJ lie deferred for thepfcrtrL T1SDEBS OB dl'XXY BIOS Tenders were next read for supplying gunny bags far the guano manufactured at the Slaughterhouse and tta tender of Mr Kekwick at 9L each wu accepted TRYOKBS OB IBEWOOD The tender of Mr Dalwoud of Goodwuod for firewood was accepted TXXDXt TO RTBIZT 1VD SKPltBI The tender ot William Vickery for £13s7 was ac cepted YfYlXCB COUMiTTXS rom the report uf this Committee the following wu the statement of Receipts during week £110 14 9 Expcnditnredo 544 15 8 Credit balance 46'47 16 11 The report wu adopted Biroar or city ar averse This document was read and adopted containing mat ter of little interest beyond announcing that there were portions of tta city requiring immediate cleansing DBOhoatzsTiox or suvcnTtsKorsa orrzu Mr Reilly reported tliat the manufactured at the City Slaughterhoosc tad been disposed of to the extent of 170 cwt to five purchasers Ha had recom mended the purchasers to arc half the quantity they bought without lime and the other halt with tta addi A the nvn at lhe Slaughter well a manufacturing he Ld not think it advisable to lessen the staff at present The rcjMirt was received Otter businens nf an unimportant nature was disposed of and the Council then adjourned tu it a Sent 4 91 ISeptto bJ Ort 3 IlVU A itfM Ii'ltfl Oct 16 Oct 23 Nov 7 Nov 2S Dec 4 Wreekd Dec Iff 86 I8M mny 5 in I I I I a 1 19 1 10 3 17 1 7 I 16 1 19 I I 3 14 I 1 A A A Port in jw liowden 16 23 Woodville 7 3 tl Alberton 3 10 fl 135 129.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.