The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

a S. SPECIAL NOTICES. I Eyes, CLEVELAND imported directly EYE from Paris. INFIRMA The Aneat article, and so true that nobody can notice the difference be tween the false and natural eye. DR.


The Oldest Establishment In the City! I am constantly prepared to execute every style of Sun Pictures in a superior manner. My patrons way depend upon being promptly and falthfully served. J. F. RYDER.

FOR BRONCHITIS. THROAT Discases, Harking t'ough, and the effects of imprudent use of Mercury, no medicine has over been discovered which has edected such cures as Carter's Spanish Nixture. Throat discases produced by salivation, Hacking Cough, Bronchial Affections, Liver Disease, Neuralgia and Rheumatism, bave all been relieved and cured 1 in a wonderful manner, by the great purifier of the blood, Carter's Spanish Mixture. The case of T. I.

RAMSEY alone should satisfy any who doubt. Call on the agent and procure a pamphlet containing cures, which will astound you. advortisem*nt. SHAVING VROOM FOWLER'S WALNUT OIL MILITARY SHAVING SOAP Is admitted by the thousands who have used it during the past twelve yeers, to surpase anything ever Introduced into this branch of the toilet, and render agrueable an operation usually considered PORE. "The form is convenient, it la agreeably perfumed, and will produce a copious and permanent lather with either hard or cold water, leeves the skin emooth and unchapped.

None genuine without the signature, in fac simile, of VROOM FOWLER. Try it. For sale in this city by GAYLORD FISK, and HALL. In New York by the principal fancy goods houses and druggists. Manufactured only by JOHN B.

VROOM, successor to ROOM FOWLER, 72 Cderry New York. feb2j71d3m AND TOLEDO Railroad and South- Western Freight and Ticket Office, corner Water aud St. Clair streeta, under K. R. Buildings.

Passengers can procure tickets to Toledo and all Way Statons, Chicago, St. Louis, Rock Island, Milwaukle, Shebyogan, and the North West generally. ALSO, Cincinnati, Indianapo lia, Bellefontaine, Fort Wayne, Dayton, Springfield Tifin, Findley Urbana, Newark, Mt. Vernon, Mansfeld, Kenton and San dusky. ALSO, Dunkirk, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester Syracuse, Rome, Utica, Schenectady, Troy, Albany, and New York and Boston via all routes; Lowell, Nashua, Keene, Bellows Falls, Wind.or, White River Junction, Wells River, Ru, land, Burlington, Wheeling, Massillon, Wooster, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washiugton.

Contracts made for Freights at lowest rates. Office open from 7 A. M. to 9 P.M. L.

D. RUCKER, Agent. TO CONSUMPTIVES AND OTHER DR. CALVIN M. FITCIN'S; ab sence to Europe, his KrOORDE will be left with his associate Dr J.

W. SYKES, who will remain at the Weddell House, Cleve land, during the present Winter, where he may be consulted by those desiring to avail themselves of DR. FITCH'S system treatment. This arrangement will enable invalids now under DI. FITCH'S treatment, in Ohio, and the States West, and in Western New York and Peunsylvania, to continue the same under DR.

SYKES' direction, without the expense cf a visit to New York or the unavoidable delay of correspouding with a physician at such a distance. DR. C. FITCH wishes it understood that he has at present no buisnus connection whatever with his relative and former associate, DR. S.

S. FITCH, nor has he any other as. sociate than DR. SYKES, whom an experience of between six and seven years, 8 portion or the time in charge of DR. S.

S. FITCH'S protessional correspondence, and a part of the time in connection with DR. C. M. FITCH, has thoroughly farnil.

larized with our method of treating pulmonary and other, chron. ic discases. DR. SYKES, arrived in Cleveland un Thursday, January 3, after which time he may be consulted daily, (Sabbath excepted,) from the hours of 9 to 4 for PULMONARY CONSUMP. TION ASTIIMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, In the treatment of which the employment appropriate of MECHANICAL well as MEDICINAL INHALATIONS, A has given us degree APPLIANCES and CONSTITUTIONAL A REMEDIES, 88 of success which can never attend a partial, Imperfect treatment of those dangerous affections, and enables us to aford relief where the disease is not so far advanced as to be beyond tne reach of remedies; and from ample experience and observation, DR.

FIECI Is fully convinced that where the discase is yo far advanced that these means fail, no other plan of treatment can afford relief. DR. SYKES may also be consulted for Catarrh, Laryngitis, Dyspepsia, Female Complaints, and all other diseases connected with or predisposing to Consumption, for the successful treat ment of which our success is well known. DR. FITCH designs to visit Cleveland again, on his return Europe, of which due notice will be given.

de 29 from WHOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT PILI.S, a wonderful Cure of Ulcers in the Leg. FREDER. CH ILIFF, of Houston, Texas, was afflicted for eight years with seven ulcers in the leg, like the keys of which dischargal continuously, and rendered his life one of the greatest wretch. edness and misery; Inany remedies Were trieded in vain, he be carne worse, at last he had recourse to HOLLOWAY'S OINT. MENT and PILLS, and by persevering with these remedies in accordance with the printed directions for nine weeks, he wag radically cured, and he is now able to walk better than ever he was in his life.

W. BINGHAM 00., have removed their stock of Hardware, from the old stand on Superior street, to their new stores 12 and 14 Water street. dec24177d8m I AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLSTHE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF TILE AGE. They don't help complainta, bat they cure them. One Box has eured Dyspepsia.

Three Boxes have cured the worst casts of Scrofula. Two Boxes have cured Erysipelas. One Box alvare cures the Jaundice, Three Boxes are sure to cleanse the eystem from Rolls often leas than one do it. Two Boxes have completely cured the worst of ulcers on the legs. Small doses seldom fall to cure the Piles.

One dose cures the headache arising from a foul etomach. Strong doses often reveated expel every worm from the body. They should be given to children, who are always more or less afflicted with this scourge. As a gentle Physic they have no equal. One Box cures derangement of the Liver.

Half a Box cures a cold. They purify the blood, and thus strike at the foundation of every disuse. Ag a Dinner Pill there is not their equal in the world. They are purely vegetable, and can do no barm, but do accompliah an unacsountable amount of good. Prepared by DR.

J. C. AYER, Lowell, and sold by every respectable Druggist in New England. Sold by all Druggista every where. HOSTETER'S BITTERS.PEPTICS.

if you would be well, try a bottle of Hostetter's Bitters. It acte like a charm in giving a healthy tone to the diges. tive organs, and iu strengthening the nervous system. Espo cially Is its utility as a tonic and a preventive of languor, of' the highest value in the summer, when the whole nervous and inuscular system relaxes, and effects al condition which permits the approach of diesase. There is not a single instance known of its failing to do good where it has been used according to directions Try it.

For sale at all the principal Druggists, O. E. HUNTINGTON and U.S. MACKENZIE. CAUTION TO WESTERN MERAROMATIC SCHEIDAM SCHNAPS This celebrated Medicinal beverage is manufactured at the facundersigned, at Scheidam, Holland.

Ile is the sole tory of the importer, as well as the exclusive manufacturer of the article, and no preparation bearing the name of "Schnapps," that la not procured either from his establishment in New York, or tr from his agents in other cities, is genuine and roliable. It is made from barley ofthe Anest quality, selected with great care from the products of the most celebrated grain-growing dis tricta, is davored with the essence of the aromatic Juniper Berry of Italy, and is rectitled by a peculiar process, which expels from the spirit every acrid particle. As a meaus of preventing and correcting the disagreeable and dangerous effects produced upon the stomach and bowels often a change of water-a visitation to which travelere, South new and setby tlera, and all unacclimated persons in the West, the South West are peculiarly liable the Scheidam Aromatic Schnapps will be found absolutely infallible; while, in of dropsy, gravel, obstructions of the kidneys, diseases of the blad. dyspepsia, and general debility, it is recommended most der, by the wost distinguished members of the medical emphatically profession. It'is put up in quart and pint bottles, in cases of one dozen, with the name of the undersigned on the bottle and cork, and a fac simile of his signature on the label.

For sale by all respectable druggists and country merchants. UDOLPIIO WOLFE, Nos. 18, 20 22 Beaver Street, New York. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Since the introduction of my Scheldam Senapps into the United States, a number of Liquor Mixers in New York, Boston Philadelphia, have commenced putting up mixed and poison Gin, and valling it Schnapps; that name belongs expressly to my article; all others are counterfeits and Impositions on the public.

CAUTION TO PERSONS WIIO DRINK AT BARS AND HOTELS. Numerous complaints are made of persons who keep bars on Swamboats and in Hotels, who fill my empty bottles with com. mon Gin, and sell it to the unsuspecting for my SCHEIDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS. all who drink the Schnapps at such would mark the appearance of the bottlo; and if the outalde therefore advise places, to should be defaced, to refusc to drink, unlese a wrapper bottle or is opened. UDOLPIIO WOLFE.

label fresh w8m DR. CHELSEMAN'S The combination of ingredients IMPORTANT TO these Pilla are the result of a long and extensve practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all Irregularities, from cold or otherwise, head -ache, pain in the side, palpainful menstruation, removing all obstructiona, whether heart, disturbed sleep, which always arise from pitation of the be successfully used 88 interruptions of nature. They can should be read, accompreventive. Explicit directiona, which by inclosing to pany cach box.

Price $1. Sent by mail Cleveland, O. Wholesale WM. FISKE, No. 11 Superior Street, and Retail Agent.

and Solicitors, WILLEY Superior street, Cleveland, Ohlo. AND CARY, ATTORneys Cary being familiar with the Caradian Laws, ConveyanMr. particular attention to Canadian business. ding, ac. will adve GEORGE WILLEY, JOHN E.

CARY. 40-1m IT IS Six Shilling Y. H. Tea for 25 chests dollar Black Tea for Ave 100 shillings per id. PERRY co's.

At A A SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR GAS FIXTURES of Superior AND and FIT- Neneca to P. FoGG. corner Orders promptly attended HOUSEKEEPERS to. AND Strett.

TO TO -You are inviPERSONS at the corner of Superior and Seneca Streeta, GOING tel to call on us a very large and woll selected stock of where you can CHINA AND CROCKERY WARE, dud of GLASS WAKE, and a splendid stock of Every description HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES, ALBATA such and A8 SILVER PLATED WARE BRITTANNIA, AND TIN CHAMBER SETS, 4 ICE KAIFE CREAM CLEANERS FREERS WATER COOLERS, CAKE, WILLOW BOXES WARE LOOKING GLASSES REFRIGERATORS CUTLERY, CASTORS, LAMI'S, TEA TRAYS varlety of Hous keeping many of ALSO -A great Ladles are lurited to come and them new and convenient. ad We take pleasure in showing even our Dew they do not purchase. W. P'. FOGG.

TIl the GREAT atteution of all lovers of beautiful PERFECTION OF I lavite rent styles of Pictures I am now prupared to fur Art to in the the dit greatest degree of perfection. nish the life size Photograph, mounted on canvas, and 1st of all is duisked in oil colors, or in crayon. By this process beautifully truthful as your own reflection in a mirror.the portrait is of deceased persona can be magnifled the size of and Quisl ed true to nature. are taken on glass in two or three These not reversed, are free from rudection, and econ de. They Are The Ambrotype la far superior to the 1a- are indestructible.

EW Chudren of any age taken by this procras. take small Photographs, convex and plain Daguerroo I also types. at my Rooms, lu the Melodeon Building, Superior Please call famine u.y life size, and other pictures. erect, and W. C.

NORTH. otiljani TE to battle the skill of physicians, yields We mangle disease, to Carter's Spanish Mixture. which Ike fornerly of the Astor House. New York, and Mr. F.

Boyden, Exchange Hotel, Richmond, la one of late proprietor of the been cured of severe Neuralgia, by Carthe who halve tor's Spanish he has recommended it to numbers of others, Mixtwe. Since Lis cure. nearly every form of disease, with the who were, suffering with mOst wonderful must extraorninary medicine be has ever seen suers. He says and the last blood purider known. it I the used, the public to his full and lengthy certificate around We refer the Bottle, stating his marl-1m cure.

Sce Advertisent. I GENERAL TICKET can obtain RAIL ROAD AND STEAMBOAT from Cleveland, via. every route to New York Through Ticket Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Canton, MassilBoston, Philadelphia, Lafayette, Peru, Haute, Vinlou, Wooster. Zanusville, Louisville, St. Louis, ceunea, Evansville, Vicksburgh, Natches, New Orleana, Galena, Chicago, Memphis, Burlington, lowa, Prluceton, Galens Rock Leland, Dubuque, Milwaukee, and all Ports on Lake burgh, Mend Lasalle, Michigan.

Dunkirk, Budalo, Nagara Falls, Lewiston, 0g. Kutland, Burlington, Bellows Falls, dens burb, Lowel, Montreal, Nashua, Concord, Keene, White River, Littleton and White Mountain, all Saratoga, Stations on Springs, NorJunction, Worcester, Brattleboro, Albany, Troy, and tern and Eastern 365 days. Privilege of stopping at any point Routes. Tickets good for on line of Pod. Loure from 5 in the morning to 9 in the evening.

or D. HORTON, General Ticket Agent, Office at Weddel House. cet11199-6m unprecedented for that invaluathe extraordinary preparation, and WRIGHT'S PREMIUM KATHARION, ble persons to palra off other articles sinillar in has induced but absolutely worthless, which has a curious Dame and injure appearance, the reputation of the genuine article, par. tendency to particular to ask for Wright's Premium Kashould be tharion, and for restoring a decayed head of hair, for a cool, they may rely on receiving an article unequalled for delightful appliestion during the bot weather, re its virtucs refreshing disagreeable sensations of dizinese and beadayche, and moving the all tollet it has never had an equal for its pleasant and and for delightful thousands of testimonials are a sufficient guarantee for its fragrance. Its restoring a decayed heal of hair; for from removing sickness all dandrutt; for preventing its falling off, whether campletely and for entirely dispensing with the necessity of or dyes, as it excites the secretion, producing a supply of uain; or coloring matter, giving the hair a dark, hair fu catural pigment glossy by appearance, every druggist in the city, and by druggists and with a luxuriant ade merchants throughout the wholesale United dealers.

States. A Price liberal 25 cento discount, to bottle. PETER T. WRIGHT CO. 241 Market street, Philadelphia.

GAYLORD CO. dec24-173-1yc6t Cleveland, Ohio. Wholesale Agrata. 7 relieves with wonderful rapidity every disorder DR. MORSE'S INVIGORATING the digestive apparatus; restores the appetite; Incident to hardens the muscles; braces the nerves; news the spirits; recruits the mental energies; banthe strength; gives clasticity to imparts to the attenuated frame a more roAshes despondency; allays irritation; calms the disturbed imagiRoust appearance; shattered constitution, and may be taken cation; builds up he or mother, as it 1s without fear of the juices of rare Oriental Herba, potent only by the feeblest maiden, wife composed solely to invigorate system has become ridaxed by improper indulgences and restoreIf iufuse a more vigorous vitality into every orthe the Cordial will lassitude resulting from late hours, or too close ap.

can. The plication to labor of any kind, is quickly removed by its to action, any and ladice engaged in sedentary occupations, and subject Inconvenience therefrom, will And it a safe and healthy stiu-in Where the circulation of the blood is sluggish, or any of ant. he functions of the body are suspended or imperfectly performel, It will restore the natural action and communicate permanent Those energy who to are cowed down by physical debility, and no fee. the secretive and distributive organs. to derpair of ever recovering the vigor and mein of It manthe as Lood, are invited to give this wonderful invigorant a trial.

embodica the elements of their restoration. Before they Lave the drst bottle, they will be conclous that the recuconsumed at work in every debilitated portion of their frames, and hope, soon to be realized in their thorough reperative principle is covery, will epring up in their hearts. CAUTION. DR. MORSE'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL has been counterfeited by some uprincipled persons.

In future all the genuine Cordial will have the Proprietor's fac-simile justed over the cork cach bottle, and the following words blown in the gland: DR. MORSE'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, C. II. RINO, Proprietor, N. IN THE CORDIAL 19 PUT UT, HIGHLY CONCENTRATED IN FINT BOTTLES.

per bottle; two for $5, six for $12. C. II. RING, Proprietor, 192 Broadway, N. Y.

re Sold by Druggists throughout the Uulted States, Canadas Lid West Indies. AGENTS. FISK, No. 11 Superior Street 73 Superior do -PALMER do WENHAM, Merwin OD D. PARE: ADAMS.

FEASTS CANNOT BE QUESLion.ed, the prople of any country bear testimony in masa, ex in the case of' Dr. J. MOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters. Not only have we the individual evidence of the land, but alDucat every paper in the Union la commenting upon the great batseft to be derived from the use of these celebrated Bitters; lesides various Diplomas awarded them, their among Thireenth whieb is Anuual one from the Ohio Mechanias' Institate, at Exhibition, at Cincinnati, where the Committee was comped chlefy of Physicians fu the city. These are all weighty facts that cannot help but convince the most credulous that It la at 2 East worthy of trial.

For Dyspepala in any form these Bittere a certain cure when used as per directions on bottle. Per sale by WM. FISK and GAYLORD Agents Cleveland, Ohio. Jan28 FITS! FIT'S Persons laboring under this distressing malady will find DE. HANCE'A Epileptic P'ills to be the only reinedy ever discovered for curing Epllepsy l'ills posses a specitic action on the or Falling Fita.

Vicar Lervous system; and aithough prepared especially for the pur. Fits, they wit! te found of especial benefit to all prose of curing persons afflicted with weak nerves, or whor* nervous system has been prostrated or shattered from any couse whatever. The whose stomach has lost the power of duly dyspeptic patient, converting food into 8 life sustaining element, is relleved by a course of the extraordinary Pills. 'The gastric Auld was re single power, and the crude nutriment which acquires its solvent A load and a burden to the suderer, while his digestive orgaul. unstrung, becomes under the whole ration paralyzed and revoludun created in the system, the basis of strength, pome by mail, free of postage.

Ad. activity and health, Sent to any part of due country dress SETI S. HANCE, 10: Laltimore Street, Baltimere, Md.Price, one box 23; two, 45; tweire $24. GREAT CURE TISM IN CISCINNATI, O- CONVINCING EVIDENCE. For more than tine years I have been suffering with Rheung Liam, and enlargen-eut and pain of the bones and joints.

I have strictly followed the advice of physicians, and at other time wend such family medicines as heal been recommended for the ure of rheumatism still I did not unprove in the least, and was frequently compelled to koep my led, and thereby WAS prevented from attending to my business. Some weeks ago I was induced by a friend to try Carter's Spanish Mixture. The effect was miasjous. I telt considerably Improved after I bad I have only used one single bottle, and Laken the fourth pain. I feel better than I have felt for am entirely tree from years aud I attribute my completely restored health eulely to ure, I consider it a tuost ex.

the use of Spanish ellent Moddine to and all of the blood, and cheerfully recommend it to the afflicted. D. BURRITT, South -east corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. Cincinnati. March 17.

1895. 12 HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS TAKE THE Eatonton, Geo, July 14, Dear Dir-Your German Bitters are taking the lead of all cA hur medicines for chronic dim and are selling rapidly.send us another box lamediately, or we shall be out beP'icare fore it arrives. Truly Yours, LYNCH DAVIS. Ir. E.

L. STRONECKER said: Macon, Jan, 1, 1601. "I am happy to say that your German Bitters are gaining a great reputation. I think it will, in future. sell very rapidly." W.

MAXEY CO. said Monticello, Oct. 6, 1856. "Your Bitters, though entirely unknown before in this coun Sold by GAYLORD 00. and WM.

FISKE, Cleveland. ty, have wold rapidly and given satisfaction." wow BlACK CHEAP'. SILKS- A large Stock STERLING. in all mart CLAYES TRAVELING PACKING TAYLOR, GRISWOLD CO, Trunks. City Facts and Fancies.

ting SATURDAY MARCH 29, 1856. On lo NOTICE TO Will our Sulacribers to the DAILY and TRI-WEEKLY luforia us whenever their papers aro etpped or not carried. We have no means of knowing such delinquencles, except by such Information. Jan23 I ADVERTISERS WILL PLEASE notice that all advertisem*nts handed in without written or other directiona, will be Inserted until forbid, and charged AC cording to advertised rates. 'TO BUSINESS MIEN.

P'ersons seeking empleyment of any kind; Persons having houses to rent or sell; P'ersons wanting to hire Inborers of any kind; Persons wanting to borrow or lend money; Persons wanting bourd or boarders; Persons wanting buy and sell land; Mechanics andothers wanting hands; Merchants having goods to sell; Clothiers who have the latest styles; And articles lost or found, strayed or stolen, and thousand other things and wants which are daily felt, can be speedily supplied by the trifling rense of an advertisem*nt in the DAILY PLAIN DEALER. A BOY KILLED BY very sad occurrence took place in East Cleveland last Saturday afternoon. It appears from the most reliable accounts that the little son of Mr. RICHARD WHITEHEAD, an English laborer and gardener, a boy of eight years of age was sent by his mother into the wood near Cedar street where he lived, to pick up chips. The lad EPIRAIN, did not return and after an absence of two hours the family became alarmed aud another lad was sent out to the to find him.

This boy found EPHRAIM lying upon the ground and a very large hound near at hand with mouth covered with blood. The hound attacked the lad and he ran home. The father immediately repaired to the spot and found his darling boy awfully bitten and mangled in the face and in every limb. lie was so exhausted from loss of blood as to be almost unconscious. Ile carried the poor little sufferer home and upon asking him if the bound had attacked him, he replied "Yes." lie W'a8 unable to talk more and expired in a few minutes afterwards.

The news spread with great rapidity and the wood wus searched by the neighbbors. Two dogs were found and shot immediately. Une of them proves to be a slu*t brought from Cuba by Mr. FELIX who resided in that neighborhood last year. It was a cross between the grey hound and the blood hound of Cuba, famous for its savage propensities.

On the owner's removing to New York last fall the dog remained in the neighbor. hood, and has been driven from one house to another. She was at the residence of Mr. WILLIAM ROGERS for a short time but was driven away and has not been harbored by him for three months. Several children had been attacked and severalnttempts to destroy the dog had been made.

No blame can attach to any one person for the sad occurrence. The dog was an outlaw, and evaded the attempts to put an end to her carver. The other found in the field was a valuable one and not known to have any dangerous or vicious qualities. (treat sympathy has been excited for the bereaved family and the kind oflices of all who know them were promptly tendered. As an instance of the security of travellers upon some of the leading rail routes of this northern country, we cannot forbear the mention of the case of two persons who travelled a thousand miles, from the city Cincinnati to Newark, New Jersey, by the way of Cleveland, Dunkirk, and the New York and Erie road.

One was a lady of eighty vears of age, and the other her little grandchild of seven years. The feebleness of old age, and the helplessness ofextreme on the part of the little girl, required the sustaining hand of strangers and especially the oflicers in charge of passenger truins. To the credit of the management of our Ohio, and New York and Erie roads, the conductors hare been selected for qualities of courtesy and humanity, as well as for solid 'and reliable business talents. No uniform of brass buttons and broad cloth can commend to the respect of the traveller like that of uniform politeness and kindness. CHARTER -The Democrats of this city are requested to ineet on Wednesday the 2d day of April, at 7 1-2 o'clock, P.

M. in their respective Wards as follows, and there nominate one Trustee and one Assessor respectively to be ported at the charter election, also appoint five delegates to meet in city convention on Friday the 4th inst. at 2 o'clock, P. M. in the old Court House for the purpose of nominating a ticket to be supported by the city at large: WARD MEETINGS.

1st Ward at the old Court House. 2d 4 6 Eagle House, near Medical College. 3d 46 "Police Court Room. 4th 4th Ward House. 5th 4 6 School House.

Cth Engine House, Perry st. John Webber's. Sth 4 Station House. 9th School House on Church st. 10th School House near Kentucky st.

11th 4 4 4 4 Lorain st. House. J. M. Hughes, LA.

Woodworth, H. H. Dodge, J. W. Heisley, 1.

lessennueller, M. Barlow, James Stacey, I. C. Thayer, Jno. Friend, F.

L. Wallace, P. ('all, J. C. Wales, J.

C. Buell, F. lovey, B. F. Piexotto, J.

Crable, 0. J. Hodge, F. Weidekopf, G. C.

Dodge, Jolin Farley, M. Galagher, D. P. Rhodes, F. Voltz, Chas.

Winslow, W. W. Downing, J. A. M'Farland, B.

Brownell, J. D. Clereland, Jay. Lawrence, IM. F.

Schulte, GIF FOLSOM'S MERCANTILE COLLEGE- FREE LECTURF. CuRTIS will repeat in; FoLsow's College Hall, Tuesday erening at 7 1-2 o'clock, before the students of the Institution and the citizens of Cleveland, the lecture he delivered in the Hall of the House of Representatives on the 13th inst. upon the following subjects: "Banking systems, Usury, the Commercial Laws and the laws for collecting debts--the evils and the remedies." The Capital City Fact in speaking of the lecture, says: The lecture given by Dr. A. CORTIS at the Hall of the House of Representatives last evening, was listened to by a large audience of members of the Legislature and other citizens, with deep interest.

It would be impossible, in the brief space at our command, to give an idea of the positions 08- sumed by the Doct. without doing the subject gross injustice. We therefore content ourselves with expressing the hope, that we shall soon be favored with the Doctor's views on Banking, Currency and the Collection of Debts, in printed form. UNITED STATES COURTS. -By telegraph despatch from our Representutive in Congress, Hon.

EDWARD WADE, we are informed of the passage of an act providing for the, punishment of criminals convicted in the Northern District of Ohio, 111 the Ohio Penitentiary. No sentences having been pronounced since the organization of the Court, on account of the want of a penitentiary in the District, Judge WiLsON will to-morrow morning sentence all the prisoners now under condemnation. P'OLICE COURT. -The following cases were disposed of this morning: Nine persons for gambling with cards were fined and the keeper of the gambling house in which they played fined $10. Three persona for riolating Sunday liquor ordinance were fined 810.

David Lynch, Win. Farrell, and Alex. Anderson for creating disturbance tor German dance house were sentenced in default payment of fines to ten days in the cells. YOUNG MEN's LAW Youug Men's Law Association will meet this evening at 7 o'clock in the Court House, corner of Seneca and Champlain St. Vice Provost, CHARLES 1.00MIS, Est.

For P'laintiff, Messrs. P'ETERSON and SLADE. For Defendant, Mesers, MATHIVET and CLAPP. or Lake Michigan is clear of ice between Milwaukie and Chicago, and vessels are advertised to leave those ports. as well as Sheboygan and Mapitowoc.

-The passenger trains between Buffalo and this place have, as many know, been infes.ed by pickpockets who have succeeded in geta great deal of money and escaping detection. Tuesday, Davis, 8 Jew, was arrested in Buffaas he was about leaving for the. West. On Wednesday a man with family going to Illinois, lost $200 between Buffalo and Erie; -the saine night on the same road lost $140-being two 850's, $20, and two 810's ou the Hollister Bank.These losses were made known here, and officers HUNT and WARREN, and Lost-Baggage-man, N. B.

SEYMOUR watched narrowly every passenger. Un Thursday eve fastened on three Jews arrived from the East und immediately departed for the West. Upon the arrival of the 2:40 P. M. train from Toyesterday, the three Jews came back, and although they attempted co concealment, were recognized by SEYMOUR and officers HUNT and WARREN, arrested -oflicers STEPHENS and BALL also assisting.

When taken to the Watch -house they gave their names AS HARRIS LEVY, JOIN LEVY and ABRAM GRUNTHAL, or GREENTHAL and entered into bonds before Jndge ABBEY of 8200 each, depositing sum of money as security to appear on Monmorning. Upon one of them was found $140 in bills of the Hollister Bank, answering the description of the lost by the passenger on Wednesday night.These men have been in and by the city for sereryears, having, as we learn, no particular business, and being from this and other circ*mstances suspected of various kinds of rascality. The Jew Davis arrested at Buttalo, is said to be one of the gang. The gang is composed of Poland Jews, who incities and cars, stealing silks and other valuagoods, and picking pockets. They never stay long anywhere, but are moring about wheremoney is "lying around If the above named three prove to be of the gang, we trust will receive their deserts, as no class of thieves half the mischief.

We publish the above first as an itam of news, secondly, to ask our neighbor why the religious of these rascals (if they have any which we doubt) is given, besides their names and place of nativity (Poland) which they thus ignominiously disgrace? Why is it mentioned that they were Jews? Have the Jews a nationality that on the occasion of the committal of one for crime, it should be thrust in their teeth, together with their names? or does our neighbor wish to convey the which we had thought in this enlightened had well nigh become obsolete, that the mere mention of the term Jew, was to fill the mind with object full of opprobrium and loathing, a vile, abject and degraded wretch with whom no man of decency should associate? Such was the narrow bigoted view taken in an ago now happily, we had hoped forever passed. But how can believe this view of the tendency of the above article. This at the religionof the Polanders, at their crime alone, thatthe HIERALD thrusts claw. If not so, why mention a matter in no connected with their offence, their name, or place of birth? Would it have done so, had these been Baptists, Methodists, Catholics, or of any other religious denomination? We think not; we believe it does not generally give the religious persuasion of every person arrested for crime; and not so, we ask, why give the creed of the abore unless indeed a desire is felt to rerive and restore the ancient persecution? The Jews hava nationality; siuce the destruction of the last temple they hare never claimed any a as such, baridentified themselves with the customs and and manners of the country in which their was cast, with the reservation only of worshipGod through the light of revelation as given the sacred scriptures. Jew, simply, is the definition of the faith of Judaism, as Christian is that Christ, or Mahomedan that of Mahomet.

Now, for the sake of those who have feelings in matter, (and in this community as in this country this religious denomination is numerous, comprising as many worthy and high minded men will be found in any other sect,) we think it the duty, not alone of our contemporary, but of the press generally, to at once desist from parading faith of a people who lay claim to no other pationality than such as the laws and liberties of the country bestow and confer. It can do no good, it attended with much harm, first that it wounds feeling of those Americans, Englishmen, Germans, Frenchman, and others whose religious faith happens to be that of Judaism, and, secondly, it is calculated to sow a pernicious prejudice against these, in the bosoms of the rising generation who believe in salvation through Christ. We might mention still another reason, that it savors strongof a rankling 'of bad feeling agninst a certain portion of God's creatures who happen by mere accident at first, and intelligent conviction afterwards to be of the faith of which Jesus of Nazareth was so worthy a member. it be dropped at once. Respect the feelings others, so far at least as not wantonly and thoughtlessly offend and wound them.

Without regard to their religious faith we want to see all miscreants brought to justice, and punished according the strictest provisions of the law. HIGH SCHOOL DEDICATION -The beautiful edifice on Euclid street which has been for the last rear building for the accommodation of the High School is finished and furnished. It will be by appropriate exercises dedicated the noble purposes for which it was intended by the citizens of Cleveland. No people bas more cause for pride in its institutions than that one which expends its money and exertions in perfecting the education of the children. Though the expenditure for the buildings has pulled hard upon the purses of the tax payers, yet uo serious complaints have followed the liberal manner which has attended this construction.

The school houses of this city have been provided for on a substantial and munificent scale and will invite both rich and poor to the enjoyment of their common privileges. Their substantial construction is a guaranty ofthe best economy, for they ought to be good for a half century's existence. The exercises tomorrow will be open to the public and the progrumme promises an unusually interesting feast. Order of exercises at the dedication of the Higb School Building to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock: Music-'OUR NATIVE LAND." Sung by the pupils of the High School, assisted by the pupils of the Grammar Schools under the direction of I'rof. BINGHAM.

Prayer by Rev. S. W. ADAMS, D. D.

Music. An Original Ode. Introductory remarks by GEO. WILLET, EsQ. Address by II.

I. BARNEY, State School Commissioner. VENICE." Address by C. W. PALMER, Esq.

Music. An Original Ilymn, and Doxology. Benediction by Rev. R. B.

CLAXTON, D. D. After the exercises the building will be opened for inspection. THE JENNINGS ESTATE. -This estate which was announced as being sixty two millions of dollurs looking for owners, has not yet been divided.

It is suspected to be like that of the Irish gentleman who inherited ten thousand pounds that was spent. A fellow who signs himself II. WILlIAMs, attorney of the JENNINGS estate, informs 118 that he desires a meeting of all the heirs at New York on the 25th of Norember, to prove their claiing to relationship. He will be glad to see the happy, hopeful expectants all gathered into snug hotel and looking out for a nice slice of the great fortune. Perhaps he keeps a botel himself, and perhaps the JENNINGS, family will all rush into it and run up a little bill to pay when they find how they're been hoaxed.

HECTOR JENNINGS and ROBERT, CHARLES, ELIAS, RICHARD, MARTHA and MARY JENNINGS and all of the name are invited to attend. there will be mourning, Mourning, mourning, mourning be exhibited in this country, to Yearly advertisers will be called upon this week for the quarterly payments due to the PLAIN DEALER. MEeRS lease announce the cf LEVI L. SAWTELL AR a candidate for the office of CON. STABLE; subject to the deeinion of the people.

mar81-lw At the poet HEINE's funeral in Paris, in accordance with the expressed wishes of deceased, no speeches were delivered. In a little poem, "Memento Mori," he expresses the wish somewhat let no mass he sung, ritual read; In lay me down Amongst the dead, Encugh, if when returns My burial day, Mathlide, in mourning clad, Shall come to pray. Enough, if. whilst her cheeks The tear drops lave, With fresh Immortals She shall deck my grave. Van Amburgh has pearly completed orrangements for first rate equestrian company, to be exhibited in this country, COMMERCIAL AND MARINE.

CLEVELAND MARKET. PLAIN DEALER OFFICE, March 1856. -The New Erie Rail Road has reduced the rates for Flour to New York from 1,20 per bbl to upon heavy freights from 77 cents to 67 cents cwt. FLOUR -Is quoted at $6,2506,50 for auperine, and for Extras. Favorite brands bring 46, 12018c' Cape Laguayra Java Mocha SUGARA -Brown 8629c.

Cole 10611c. Refined N. Orleans 40G tc. TEAR Imperial 25063c. Young Hy.

son Black c. ST A SHOTOra Linseed Lard Whale Sperm $2,00. SALT -14lb sacks 71b do 10c; fine coarse 02,59. White, $11,00 for bble and $5,76 for halver, Insportion of 1336. Pickerel, Done in market.

Trout $9,00 and $4,15. Ocean, Mackerel No. 1. Extra $28 and $12; No. 2.

019 and No. 8. 018 and $7. Codfish Brier HIll 5,00 per ton. Talmadge and Chippewa 04,00.

Newberry $8,60. Salineville and Newcastle 3,00. Lehigh 011. Lackawana 08,50. Schuylkill $10,00.

LUMBER--Pine, clear, 027 2d clear, 420 common, dresser 2d clear do co Amon $18 Siding, common 012; do clear $18; Poplar, do siding $12; Walnut 25 Cherry 020025; Ash flooring dreased $21. Joist and scantling 012415 Shaved Shingles, Cleveland make Shaved Mich. and Canada do Cut 75 Sawed Lath, Cut do $1,7502,00. IRON -Common Bar 8c; Hoop Sheet, Common 4X Juniata The; Boiler Spring Steel Pressed Spike Nails LIME -Sandusky white 81 per bbl; Sandusky Iydraulic ('e- ment according to quality. Ground Plaster $3 per ton or 46c per cwt.

Water Lime (eastern) 01,44 per bbl. TELEGRAPH TO THE PLAIN NEW YORK MARKET Mar. 31. FLOUR- Shade Armer with fair demand for home use. Sales 4000 bble.

7,12 for common to good state and wes for extra for low and 1110- dium grades extra western. Canadian 300 bbly. 7,6249 9,25. Wu EAT -Firmer with better demand. Sales 12000 busb.

130 for for red. dull at 1,10 01,12. OURN-drm but quiet. Sales 19000 bushels at 626. 68c fo new, wised white and yellow.

Sales ('anadian Barley, to arrive, wade at 127. OAT9 -small sales. PORK -shade firmer, moderate demand. Sales 009 bbls. 016, 16,81 for iness, $15,00 for prime.

BEEF-steady. Sales 150 bbIs. LARD heavy. DRE-SED ICES AND CUE MEATS -unchanged. WHISKEY -sales 200 bbls.

0. P. at inactive and unchanged. MONEYless freely odered. Sterling Exchange quiet at Erie R.

R. Hudson C. T. Erie bonds 63, to 93 '75, 101X; N. Y.

0. R. R. 92 Panaina Reading Mich. C.

94: M.S. N. 1. Chicago I. 96; Ill.

Central bonds 92; Mil. Miss. NEURALGIA what Mr. BOYDEN naya no inedicine ever had from such respectable sources an Carter's Spanish Mixture. Dr.

F. Boyden, one of the original proprietors of the Astor House, New York, and for a number of years of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, was cured of a severe attack of Neurdgla, by Carter's Spanieh Mixture. The rapid 'and perfect cure etfectel in his case by this valuable medicine, arrested his attention and exelted his interest; he recommended it to others afflicted with variety of dis vase, and in every instance a cure was effeted. He has seen it cure Ague and Fever, Rheumatism, Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Fevers, Violent Cougha, and cases which were said to be confirmed Consumption, and nearly every other for which it is used. He remarks it is difficult to know what dig case it will not relleve or cure, and as a Blood Purifier, and 8 Spring and Fall medicine, lie has never gen its equl.

He cheerfully recommends it on all occasions, and believes it to be the must valuable remedy extant. dim MODERN INVENTIONS! WE know of no inventlon of modern times that deserves or is duetined to occupy a higher niche in the temple of fume, than the discovery or invenrion of the Vegutable Epileptic Pills for cur. 1ng Epilepwy or Falling Fits; Cramps, and all the FArious modifications of Nervous Dr. Seth S. Hance, of 108 Baltimore street, Baltlinore, of all the benevolent portion of mankind, who experience a pleasure by the alleviation of bu.

man suffering. When Dr. Hanue Arst prepared these Pills, he Intended them solely for Fits. Cramps and Spasms; but subve. quent experience satisfactorily prove! to bim, that in addition to their remarkable sanatve in this class of diseases, they exerted a perfect control over the entire nervous system.

He was then induced to try them in cases of Neuralgia, 'Tic Doloreaux, Nervous Headache. Palpitation of the Heart, Incipient Paralysis, Hysterla, Muscular Debillty, and a host of mi. nor diseases, springing from a lack of nervous energy, in all of which his anticipation were crowned with the most sanguine success. l'ersons at a distance, by writing and sending a remit. tance to Dr.

lance, can have the medicine forwarded by mail te their post office addresa, he paying the postage. 'The prices are for a tingle box, $3 two boxer, 45 or per dozen. We have given his addrese above. Spring Goods---New Paper llangings. 61 Superlor Street, Cleveland.

WE Spring ARE selections NOW IN of RECEIPT OF FRENCH AND AMERICAN WALL PAPER; To which we would call the attention. of those who intend to have Papering done this menon; aud we would have all bear in mind that nothing a home 60 well and at so little expense, an a good style of Paper Hangings. Window Shades, 500 new pair received this day. M. CARSON, 61 Superior St.

EVERAL FARMS FOR acres of LAND FOR SALE IN MIDDLEBURGI in quautities to suit purchasers. A. EVERETT. AND MUSLIN Bands, Collars, Undersleeves, Just received at CO'S, CHASERS is called to SILKS. ATTENTION OF PURPERRY CO'S.

FANCY received SILKS. new spring -PERRY styles, CO. HAVE DRESS GOOD ASsortment received this day at PERRY CO's. OSA SAGE received ORANGE Osage Orange SEEDS Seed, and sell by the Bushel or quart at low figures. Price per quart, retail, cents, We have about 100,000 Osage single Orange thousand Plants, at grown 43; by ourselves last season, and will sell by the 10.000 at $2,50.

Send on your orders. feb20 ELLIOTT CO. DATENT CORDED SKIRTS, I HAVE received 12 dozen Patent Skirts, Colored and White, Those goods are so well known and universally liked, that it is u- eleas to say anything in their praise. Those who have been waiting, can now be supplied. are some very nice Goods) left over from last reason, which will Also, a large lot of Berage De Laines, (ainongst which be sold off at about one half the usual price.

Those in want of a good Spring Dress for a small amount, had bettes call soon. S. HYMAN, Cheap Dry Goods Store, corner Sup. St. Pub.

Sq. TEW YORK, BREMEN S. MAIL ships comprising this line are the EDWARD WASHINGTON, Capt. E. CAVINDY; MERMANN, Capt.

HIGGINS, These steamers stop at Southampton, both going and PROPOSED DATES OF From SouthFrom From ampton for New York. Bremen, New York. 26 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 Suturday.

Saturday. Wedneabry. WASHINGTON, Mar. Feb. 22 April 19 April 23 28 Mar.

2: Mar. 26 19 May 19 May 21 WASHINGTON. May 14 July 12 July 16 17 June 14 June 19 12 Aug. Avg. 13 10 Aug.

Sept. Sept. HERMANN. Oct. Oct.

8 Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Nov.

Dec. 29 Dec. 81 Stopping at Southampton, both going and returning.i they offer passengers proceeding to London And Havre, advautage over any other route, for the economy of time and money. PASSAGE FROM NEW YORK TO SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. First Cabin, Main Saloon, $180; First Cabin, Lower Saloon Second do.

$60. All letters and newspapers must pass through the Post Of No bills of lading will be signed or parcels received on the day of sailing. An experienced Surgeon is attached to each ship. For freight or passage, apply to C. H.

SAND. 11 South William Street, New York, C. A. HEINEKEN Bremen, CROSKEY Southauipton, WM. ISELIN, Havre.

LARGE SALE OF FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, AT AUCTION. ON commencing TUESDAY at 10 o'clock NEXT, A.M., C. MOLLEN MARCH will 25TH, sell at. auction at the corner of Wood St Clair Street, the following property: 8 Mahogany Chairs: 12 Cane Seat Chairs; 1 Sofa: 1 Splendid Mahogany Rook l'ase, 10 Feather Beds and Bedding; And all Cooking ordinary Stoves furniture around a private house. Also a and Kitchen lot of Books belonging to the sold Family, the old building and on valvable the corner works.

of At 10 and o'clock St. Clair Streets, owned by Mina Johuston, and all precisely will be out -buildings belonging to the with good will m204t of the premises. Terms Cash ou day of sale SIGNEE'S P. Marname and ble style and of John Marble Smith, Smith, lave this day made an as A lately doing business under the signment, for the bonent of their consisting creditora, principally of of their their entire stock pro- of perty, Hardware riguts and and Mechanics credits, Tools in their store at No, Atwater Building, Superior Street, togethor with ou their Vineyard Machinery, tools and Persons Stock at baving their claims Plane against sald Ari will please make proof Manufactory of the same to the undersigned. F.

T. WALLACE, Assignee. Cleveland, Feh. 12, 1856. w8w Fir CHANGE OF follows: TIME.

Mails will arrive and leave as TRIE, BUFFALO, NEW FORK, Due (through) 7 4. 4. and P. M. aud (way) P.

M. Closes A. M. and P. V.

PITTSBURGH, BALTIMORE, WABHINGTON, Due (through) and (way) 3 P. M. Closcs (through) and (way) A. M. AKRAN AND MILLERSBURGH Close at 6 A.

V. Due 11 4. V. CULUMDUL, MUCTHNATI, Due Cloves (through) 6 A. M.

P. M. and (way) 1 r. M. (through) 3 A.

M. and (way) P. M. ZANEVILLE, WHEELING, Due 94 P. M.

and Close at P. M. CHICAGO, TOLEDO, DETROIT, Lue (through) P. M. Closcs 2 F.


Due (way) 8 4. M. and Close's (way) 2 P. M. MANENELD, MT.

VERNON AND NEWARE. Cue P. Closcs 6 A. M. ST.

LOCI8 INDIANAPOLIS. Due (way) and (through) P. M. Closes (way) 6 A.M. and (through) M.

W. GRAY, P- M. Cleveland, Oct. 24th, 1855. GUNS, RIFLES make, can AND be bought at PISTOLS, of the most approved ALBERTSON'S, on the Corner TELEGRAPHIC: REPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE PLAIN DEALER, BY THE UNION LINE.

No. 5. WATER ST. Congressional News. Kansas Affairs.

LATEST FROM NEW MEXICO. RAILROAD ACCIDENT. CAARLESTON, S. March party of 28 emigrants for Kansas, left here to-day, and 15 started from the Orangeburg District yesterday. BALTIMORE, March 31st.

-A despatch from Wilmington, N. says the Revenue Cutter Dobbin has arrived there all well. Janero NEW gives YORK, a full March account of the letter detention from Rio of the Steamer America of this city by the British Admiral. It appears that a disappointed Englishman who acted for a few days on the America informed Admiral Johnson that she had cannon and other War munitions for Rugsian use on board, this was denied. After a few days detention the America went to sea under the protection of the U.

S. Frigate Savannah.The English Admirals flag ship sailed shortly after, and it was expected that she would attempt to overbaul the America when clear of port. The U. S. Steamer Waterwitch was in port all well.

WASHINGTON, March Clayton in making explanation regard to his remarks the other dar, said the whole cost of Wilke's exploring Bone expedition for four including the printing the narrative was $1,250.000. The Senate then resumed the consideration of the resolution submitted by Mr. Iverson, providing for the appointment of a committee to summon members of the late naval board for the purpose of obtaining information concerning the reasons that governed the action of the board. Mr. I.

reviewed the action of the board sympathized with the victims of the extraordinary tribunal. He could find no better parallel for the summary manner in which they disposed of the cases than that of the hunchback tyrant, Off' with his head, SO much for Buckingham. HousE. -Mr. Haven introduded the bill which was passed for the enlargement of the Customs House and Post-otice and Court House at Buffalo.

On motion of Mr. Phelps, the military committee were instrueted to inquire into the expediency of accepting the services of volunteers to aid in the suppression of Indian hostilities on the Pacific coast. NEW YORK, March Tribune's Washington correspondent says, there is no truth in the report, that the Kansas commission is stopped for want of funds, though the house contingent fund is empty, meaus for the commission are temporally provided. Sr. Louis, March 29.

Col. Lane Senator elect from Kansas, arrived here yesterday en route for Washington. The District Court of Kansas meet at Lecompton on the first Monday in April, when the case of the members of the Legislature, Governor, and other State oflicers, will be presented for the consideration of the Grand Jury. Kansas is perfectly quiet. Gentlemen from New Mexico represent the Indians quiet, and they are very urgently suing for peace.

The Santa Fe mail is not expected to arrive this month, on account of the alleged scant means of contractors to transport it. The outward bound mail still lies at Westport. PITTSBURGH, March cars of the train from Philadelphia due here this ofternoon, were thrown fifteen feet down a bank just this side of Johnstown, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, by a broken rail. Two passengers are badly hurt and others bruised. The cars lodged against three trees, thereby preventing them from going into the river.

The passengers arrived here at 3 o'clock this afternoon, in the first car of the train. New YORK, March steamer Daniel Webster WaS due here on Monday last, from San Juan, but ha's not arrived. It is feared she has been seized by Gen. Walker. Very great excitement prevails in consequence.

NEW ORLEANS, March steamship Dauiel Webster arrived bere with California dates to the 5th inst. The Star of the West left the same day for New York, with passengers and specie. THE GREAT ENGLISH SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. BY ROYAL LETTERS from a Prescription of SIR JAMES CLARKE, M. Phystclan Extraordinary to the Queen.

This Invaluable Medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to the female constitution. It moderates all EXCOAPPA, removes all obstructions, and brings on the monthly period with regularity. These Pills should be used two or three weeks previous to condnement; they fortify the constitution, and lessen suffering during labor, enabling the mother to perform her dutles with safety to herself and child. These Pills should not be taken by femaics during the FIRST THREE MONTIIS of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they arc safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal A dections, pain in the Back and LimbA, Heaviness, Fatigue on Slight Exertion, Pal.

pitation of the Ileart, Lowness of Spirita, Hysterics, Sick Head. ache, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disor. dered system, these Pills will effoct a cure when all other means have failed, and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any other minreal. Full directions accompanying each package. Price In the United States and Canada One Dollar.

Sole Agents for the United States, L. U. BALDWIN CU. Rochester, N. Y.

GAYLORD CO. Wholesale and Retall Agents, Cleveland, ad all Druggists generally. N. 00 enclosed to either of the Ganeral Agents will ensure a bottle of the Pille by return mail. w1 LANDS FOR SALE.

purchasers -THE subscriber offers for sale, in quantities to the following described lands: IN THE TOWN OF LAKE, WOOD 0110. Section. A CrAB. The North 219 80 Northeast quarter of southeast 40 40 Southwest quarter of southeast 160 Southeast Northeast 160 20 Southwest 160 Northeast quarter. .21 160 160 Northwest quarter North half of southwest 80 Southeast 160 Northeast 160 160 Southwest 160 Northwest West half of northwest 80 half of southeast 80 Northeast quarter.

160 160 Northeast quarter. 29 160 Southeast North half quarter. southeast 29 80 Northwest 160 Aleo, eight, worth of range twelve, 18 75 Fractional Section thirty-six, fractional towuship IN THE TOWN OF MONTGOMERY, WOOD 0. Town Range 12. Section.

A cree The north half half of northeast southwest quarter .......25 .26 80 East IN THE TOWN OF MIFFLLY, WYANDOTT CO, 0. Town 3 Range 18. Section. Acres. south west fractional 7 166 99 The IN THE TOWN OF SCOTT, SANDUSKY CO, 0.

Town 4-Rauge 18. Section. A cree. The IN Northwest TOWN OF SANDUSKY 0. fractional 80 173 Town 6-Range 18.

Section. Acres. The southwest quarter. Section. A 160 crea.

The South half west of the southwest quarter. 85 80 11 160 IN THE West TOWN OF WOODWILLE, SANDUSKY O. Town 6-Range 18. Section. Acres north half of the northwest quarter.

7 80 The IN THE TOWN OF JACKSON, SENECA 0. Town 8-Range 18. Section. Acres. The east half of the northeast 13 83 87 South west quarter of of southeast southwest 40 Northeast quarter IN THE TOWN OF CLAY, OTTOWA 0.

Town 6-Range 18. Acres Section. Northeast 160 164) The Northwest 160 Sontheast vest quarter. fractional 126 North 6 160 North the Northeast 6 80 THE Half of TOWN OF JACKSON, STEUBEN INDIAN IN Town 37-Range 12. Section.

Acre: of the southwest quarter. 160 75 The east half Northeast East half of northeast South half of of the the northwest southeast 80 West half All of these lands for agricultural purposes. The are of superior quality. having been selected title is nearly derived twenty front years Patents ago, from the United States Government and Those is in unquestionable. Steuben County, Indiana, consist of oak opening and Those are in well the clapted counties to of the Wood, growth Seneca, of Sanduaky, Wyandott, wheat.

and Ottowa, are generally beach, heavy, maple and other varieties. In the timbered, consisting of oak, ash, whitewood, elm, and Toledo, they are all Immediate vicinity of by Perrysburgh railroad running east, west and them near or as intersected whole surrounding country la becoming rap south and desirable investments for those idly wishing improved, purchase they for the purpose of improvement. present Apply to the next two subscriber months; at or at his residence, Maryuette, the Angier House, Cleveland, 0, during the to his agent, Samuel P. Ely, at Rochester Lak: Superior or HERMAN B. ELY.

N. Y. NEW EMBROIDERY. WARREN, 150 Superior Street, Embroide corW. ner Seneca St.

has roceived an assortment of ries, the En. latest broldered styles, Swiss Muslin Collars; viz: Cambric Lineu Plain Swiss Mour ing Embroidered Swiss Collars Sleeves, in sets ('ainbric Linen Anpasse and Stamped Collars, elegant. Also, Black Velvet Ribbons, 1a all widths. IVISON'S COLUMN. 1856.

New Spring Goods. 1856. We take pleasure in announcing to our friends that the FIRST LARGE STOCK OF NEW was bro ghl SPRING into this market by GOODS I IVISON: and that he la determined that Extra Inducements shall be offered to his customers in ALL 'THE DEPARTMENTS OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. Our Stock is now in drst rate trim, and we can show the HANDSOMEST, THE CEHAPESTI AND THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK ever brought to this city. It Is our determination that Our Prices Shall be Extremely Low! And if our friends from the Country and City will bear mind that there La "More Money made by Saving it, than there is by Earning it," No doubt our Store will be crowded by those wishing to Make the Most of a Dollar! We advise an carly call, as those who come first will get the first bargains.

IVISON, 97 Superior 3 doors west of Seneca North side. March 3d. 1856. 1856. SPRING BUSINESS.

1856 PLAIN DEALER Job Printing Establishment CREATLY ENLARCED. Owing to the largo and increasing demand for JOB PRINTING in this city, and throughout the West, this department of the Plain Dealer on Establishment, Consolidated with Spear, Denison Co's Office, has been so enlarged, as to amply meet these wants, by the addition of One Hundred and Fifty Fonts of NEW TYPE, AND TWO STEAM POWER PRESSES, MAKING IN ALL 427 FONTS of JOB AND SEVEN HAND and POWER PRESSES, Now in daily use. To make this large investment successful and the E4- tablishment complete, Mr. GEO. SPEAR, acknowledged one of the best Job Printers in the United States, takes charge of and superintends the; mechanical, and E.

A JIUNSON, the business department. Thus with New, Tyre, Now P'resses, a large and elegant assortment of Stock, aud; superior' workmen, the Establishment prepared to do any kind of RAIL ROAD OR, COMMERCIAL A PRINTING, and every species of FANCY PRINTING known to the art, in the best style at short notice on the cheapest terma. A Book Bindery and l'aper Box Manufactory. In also connected with the concern. WAREHOUSES, COAL YARDS OFFICE.

FOR Hussev RENT. Sinclair. Warehouse now occupied by ('oal Shed now occupied by Hussey Sinclair. Inspection House, formealy occupied by W'. H.

Shell. Store Room John O'Neill. Large ('lev. Mu. Ins.

Co. ON RIVER STREET, GUYAHOGA RIVER, And are being put in good repair. W'ill be rented separately or together at reasonable rates -and would remove a portion of the buildings, and make a large, convenient Coal Yard if a good tenaut could be got for a term of years; and if not rented by lat of April, will erect substantial Fire Proof Buildings to suit partius that may want to engage such premima for next year. The contral position greater width of both the Street and River at this point make it the most desirable location for heavy bus iness in the Citv. Apply to W.

J. GORDON. March 6, 1866. d301 WASHINGTON Office in UNION Rouse's Block, Clevelaad, INSURANCE 0). Chartered in 1551.

Resonrees $300,00. This well known Home Company, continuca to insure the safer classes of Property, against Lore and Damage by Fire.Their means are ample, and their rates are as reasonable as those of any other sound OFFICERS; GrO. MEGATT, I'res. Treas. ().

N. SKEELA, Sec. BENJ. LANE, Vice Pres. GEO B.

SINTER, Gen. Agent. DIRECTORS: Geo. Mygatt, F. T.

BackuR, Jacob P'erking, A. S. Sanford, O. N. Stela, Geo.

Senter, BenJ. Love, ('has. W. Cook, W. M.

Powell ft City Insurance Company, OF CLEVELAND, No. 5 Bank Street, (Weddell House) VILL Household Insure Furniture, and Buildings, other Merchandise, Personal Property AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. Logges equitably and promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS, Geo. Worthington, H.

L. Crowell, m. Inrt, Jog. Masury, H. Griswold, K.

Mason, Jno. Outhwaite, W. P. Fogg. L.

C. Thayer. 11. K. Wells, HI.

F. BRATTON, Sec. Jons M. HuGura, I'res. CITY WATER WORKS Notice to proposals addreased to the Water Commissioners, endorsed "Prop sals for Acqueduct," will be ree iral at the oille of Water Works until the first Monday of April, for building a Brick Acqueduct, commencing at a point about 1200 feet west of Water Works Engine House, ex.

tending on old River Street through Reserved Square, under Railroad enhankment, to the Lake Shore-in length ahout 1300 fret. The plan of Acqueduct and Specitienions for building the sane, with all other information relating thereto, 1113 be obtained at the office of Water Works. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any at their discretion. By order of the Board, T. SCOWDEN, Engineer.

March 17, 1850. Plated Tea Sets. RECEIVED of this different Day--Several patterns. Just call very and fine look them, they are perfect beautica. m9r19 N.

E. CRITTENDEN. Cases just recoived. S. RAYMOND ('0.

FRESH Express, SHAD, at ('. Maltby's, 83 Superior St. W. W. GAINES, Agent.

March 11, dim SPRING PRINTS. ANOTHER assortment of good styles, just received at KENDALL DEWITT'S. CURTAIN MATERIALS! -Lace MusJin Curtalus, Brocatelle, Damask. Cornices, Tassels, lymp. RETTBERG HAUSMANN.

SPOONS, FORKS, Made from the Dollars, may always be found at ALBERTSONs. on the Corner. DISEASES OF JOINTS THE trumediately NERVES, relieved, and MUSJ. R. STAFFORD'S A OLIVE TAR.

nently cured, by applying Pain cannot exist wiure this Great Electrical Remedy la Ap. plied. SOLD AT FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE BY ALL of any other House in the City, and in the Spring as CARPETS! THE large feb15-1y23 as any in the State of llo. T. S.

BECKWITH. COTTONS. TWO CASES BLEACHED Cottous received this day, making our assortnicut fel9 of these KENDALL DEWITT. complete. Convict Labor for Hire.

OCEIVED at the office of the Ohio until tho SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE30th day of April next, at 2 o'clock in the Convicta, tu afternoon, this for Institution, lathe bor of from Fifty to one Hundred for Bids not would execeding be tive preferred years. for the manufacture of metal Type Carriage Axles and Bolts; Try Saws. Squares: Bids will Carpenter's also he Rules: considered Ax-Helves; for the manufacture of any other kind of articles not at Frames for Buck present The Directors reserve the right to discriminate in faror of manufactured or earried on in the Prison. to such the bids interests they of the State," and such ay will least contlict with s8 their judgment may think most conducive the mechanical can be intereste. received for less than Twenty, nor more than No bids the Fifty kind men of on work each and the couract: probable amount of nerd.

the bidders are required to grecity the price for labor per dav per mau. Shops will he State fur. ed, nished and and the discipline maintained at the expense of the but no fuel furnished, and guccesaful bidders are required to give satisfactory socurity. J. P.


wow Ottice Ohio Penitentiary. TEACHERS. Applicants for SCHOOL as Teachers in the Public Schools of the City will situations March 27. Examination to he hold at the l'rospect he examined School House, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M.

Street da wit A. FREESE, Sup't. of Instr'n. PHI. Before G.

B. Tibbits, Justice of the JAME M'GILLON, Peace, for Cleveland township, Cuy. JOHN LYONA, V9, Deft. aboxa County, Ohio, on the 29th day of Feb. 1856, action the for said the sum of nineteen 37.100 dollars which Justice lesued an order of Attachment in the above 1g set for trial on the 12th day of April, 1856, at 2 o'clock cause ZAMES M'CILLON.

P. DISSOLUTION, existing THE between the undersigned, CO-PARTNER- under the title of Bryant. Lusk Stratton, la this dissolved by mutual consent, J. W. Lusk retiring.


I. STRATTON. The business will be continued as usual by I. B. the Bryant and of H.

D. Stratton to whom all persons indebted to Bryant, Lusk Stratton, will make BRYANT payment. STRATTON. Cleveland, March 3ww ETTERS the Hon. Amelia M.


TREES! THERE Treca, for we IS can NO furnish USE just goirg east of Cleveland in to the get United States, and our prices as good trees as are grown concern. All our varieties we we know are as low name. as Catalogues other furnished gratis. warraut true to ELLIOTT CO. BROCHA Bird's SHAWLS--Single Cashmere, 8 sumptu- and 100 Double.

Also purchased Stella on the advantageous ous stock, are having offered as been the best at the price, terris, S. RAYMOND CO. the most desirable styles; revived CARPETS-10 PIECES Velvet mari4 of 8. RAYMOND 00, this day, at 2 A -A ent tv 3 A La.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.