Middletown Times Herald from Middletown, New York (2024)

TWO MaDDLETOWN TIMESJUEEALH. MIDDLBTOWN. M. SATURDAY, MAY Middletown and Regional School Activities 'Candidates, Voters Await Preparing Chinese Exhibit for Open House at Academy Avenue Youth Government Ballot At Memorial High Monday Who rule ibe Hall Mar twenty-ninth? WiLi it be the Or win be.EMoAers the CitizeriS' Party? That's what pupiis "of School talJcng about today as they to go to the sleeken of a Eisyor. lar-e iudge.

alcerruen sr.d members of she Board of Ed'cat'o" as the sciools the Yearn ic Government project. candidates the People's Party ruted as favorites loday inainly because the higher figures compiled earlier is ihe campaign. On enrollment cay, nearly two wetis ago. the People's Party registered 278 voters to 167 Ciusecs' Party. Later candidates were named in a Primary day election that was rrsflrVfs-i by close races wiihin the parties.

The ejection campaign was niade complete with partv headquarters. Musk Festival To Be Held at 2 Chy Schools this 72 23 and 28 Set for special party rallies, outdoor rally ntf. i bv both parties and a final booster Senior, MJHS and Ele- raiiv. mentary Concerts platforms, released niciinu week, displayed pTMfHng i Both advocated improved play- lot Arf- the high spool and aiemonai, mann section and Washington School auditoriums Ma? twenty- Heights in the city limits. Other second, twenty-third and twenty-; features concerned the addition of eighth.

Kenneth L. Marquis, muse subjects in the school curriculum, director annoancec today. party candidates include The senior high school concert: for mayor; Jack, trill take place at the MES McMahon. alderman-at-large; Pat torium Thursday. The program wiu, shucafce.

city judge: Marilyn Grif- include presentations by the parella. aldermen chorus, a capella choir and Boy from Ward Qeorgine Glee Club, all under the a ecnon i Contos and Barbara Wolfe, alder- of Mr. Marquis: the MHS orcaestra frQm QiR Ward Charles and band under the direction o. ste-rart Decker alder- Richard J. Kainu; ana the toe Ward Glee Club under the airecnfln o- BiaQK Moore.

alder- Miss Roberta A. Zoch. ifcss Heano, tfQm Wajd aad Wright will be the accompanist These Academy Avenue fourth grade pupils irere hard at work Chinese plates: and Dorothy Prendergast and Robert Benson at the i i AW A An Af A A CVkS A 411 vrill oattto touches on a large map of China and Chinese screen. screen. The Chinese exhibit, a project of fourth grade geography, will iblem.

but they found time to pause for the camera-! be one of the features at the Academy Avenue Open House celebration emblem the vocai groups. A trio comprised of Miss Beraa violinist, and Miss Joy Morgan, pianist, both alumnae, and Richard Jacobson. a high school tenor, will also offer several selections. from the Third Ward and Edward Hale. Catheryn Coble.

Barbara Meyer. Janet Doran. Ruth Suresky. Janet Pease. Joseph Sotelo and David Sweezy.

Board of Edu- i cation members. Citizens' Party candidates are Scott Renton. for mayor; Terry Colao, alderman-at-large; Sue Weh- The elementary school concert inarm, city judge: Allen Lewis and were certain todav. itor- jean Masci. aldermen from the Pupils Preparing Open House Show This has been a busy week at Academy Avenue School.

But next week will be a busier one still, teachers and pupils be held at the, MTES Audit iuin the following night. Included on the program will be selections bir the Academy Avenue kindergarten under Mrs." Lillian Gass; Linden Avenue kindergarten under Miss Doris Schiipp: an instrumental ensemble from Academy Avenue, Albert and liberty Street schools un- the direction of Miss Zoch; Academy Avenue Girls' Glee Club under Miss Efla M. Hilton: Acade- my Avenue Boys' Glee Club under idss Eleanor McCoaeh; Liberty Street fifth and sixth grade chorus -under Miss Marie G. McCarthy, accompanied by Miss Irene Moore; Albert Street intermediate chorus Miss Zoch: Linden. Avenue fifth and sixth grade chorus under Mrs.

-Mary King: and the intermediate assembly chorus from Academy Avenue and Albert Street under the direction Mr. Marquis and accompanied by Mrs. Lenore Gar- The Memorial School concert mil be held at the MJHS auditorium May twenty-eighth. Included on the program win be the Meirvriai 5 School band and orchestra both tnuJer the direction of Mr. ECsinu: and the Sineeaers.

a choral group; under the direction of Miss Dorothy Gmuierson Jean Masci. aldermen from the First Ward: Gerald Eager and Joan McQueen. Aldermen from the Second Ward; Roberta Schelsinger and Phyllis Wald. aldermen from the Third Ward: William Parry and Doris Swalm. aldermen from the Fourth Ward; and Edythe Carpenter, Dolores Cashion.

Beverly Curran, Charles Garrison. Douglas Owens. Antoinette Rossitto. Carolyn Smith and Joel Welsh, as Board of Education members. For next Wednesday will make the SERVICES AT ELOOMINGBURG--Church services at the Reformed Church will be held in the Chapel Sunday afternoon at 2:30.

The Rev. Peter Boel- aouvrer of Montgomery will be in charge of services during the month of May. school's sixth annual Open House celebration when pupils will exhibit art, special classroom projects, handiwork and just plain school work for parents and friends. Open House is one of three events in which virtually the entire student body participates each year. The others are the physical education drill and exercises held in March and the music festival.

The exhibits are made up of work done in the class-room during the past year by pupils of all grades. Mrs. Bess principal, said yesterday. Besides making final arrangements for exhibits and finishing up class projects, the pupils and teachers wanted a special program for the event and sent it out to all parents this week. "The program does not attempt to give all the exhibits, it merely points out some of the things to look for." Mr.

Giiswold says. Special features, the program points out, are a train, easel paintings and various voluhtaray contributions by the kindergarten; finger painting, clay figures, free hand illustrations and a Little Black Sambo poster by grade one; a model poetoffice, farm booklets, winter sports, a circus, class newspaper, etchings, stained glass windows and a fruit store by grade two. Also featured are murals, book covers, poetry booklets, and" chairs for the reading corner by grade GUARD 8 movie of the country by grade four; snow scenes, landscapes, health' booklets, colonial diaries, book plates, desk blotters, fiesta strings and relief maps of New Tork State by grade five; elementary science experiments, lamps, luncheon sets, lettering, and relief and product maps of South America by grade six; and handiwork and class work of the special classes. Although the exhibits will be held in the school gymnasium act- 'ual work in -the gym cannot begin until Monday because of a dance held there last night. Carl V.

Warren, superintendent of schools, will act as guest speaker at the Open House program, which will begin at 2:30 p. Featured on the program will be a piano duet by Anne and Jane Walton, twin sisters; selections by the Girls' Glee Club under the direction of Miss Klla G. Hilton and Miss Roberta A. Zoch; and the Kindergarten Band led bv Christinia Bertholf and featuring Carol Sue Tidaback as soloist. Marilyn Cavender will give the greeting.

LAST SUMMER CAMP Westtown Artist Does Sketch-Story at Washington Heights FLAY DAY PLANNED AT LIBERTY STREET Program to Be Held May 27; AJI Will Participate F5ay Da-, a program of games, causes aad sports contests iaacg- isased saccessfuliy at the linden AT-ESSS School last year, will be steaded to take in liberty Street School this MjKiiig. Kenneth Higgles, jEjyscai education director at the announced t.nte weet. Tse Liberty Street Play Day win fc- held May twenty-seventh and precede the Linden Avenue day. Jnae tenth, by two weeks. About twenty-three events involv- the entire student body in each sciiool wiS Trrf.rf up the respective i programs.

Mr. said, The Liberty SsreeS scfcedole of events includes corse arul rider, potato, basketball dribble. crossing the ice and cradle races 1 boys; spooc asd run- 1 Robert Dibble. Jarues Moore. Marilyn Clart.

Sason. Jay Morley, Rose Marie limes. James He Seity Broas and William Bruning. Washington Heights pupils, are shown as they came up for e. TTT A -L Company Goes to Camp Smith June 21 for 2 Week.

State Guardsmen of Company Thirty-sixth Infantry, win go on last summer camp tour under the state organization next month. By autumn, the unit is expected to return to its pre-war federal status under the restored New York National Guard. Officers and men under command of Captain Howard Smith will go to Camp Smith at Peekskfll from June twenty-first to July second, inclusive. Far from full strength, the company is open for a number of enlistments. Captain Smith said today.

New recruits stm would be eligible for the June camp program, he added. The Guard Is open to men up to fifty years of age. Drill and military instruction are given for two hours each Tuesday night at the State. Armory. Although under the National Guard, pay win be given at the new regular army rate for weekly drill, the State Guard program provides only for the camp tour.

Enlistments may be made at the Armory on Tuesday nights or on Thursday nights when the com- pany officers meet. WESTTOWN--Mr. and Mrs. Ham Teirney, Assemblyman and 1 Mrs. William Teimey, and Terry I Teirney.

of Union City; and Mrs. James Moorehead. and Bernard Jaeger of Cliffslde Park; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wild of Little Ferry; and Ca! -Mornmert of North Bergen spent Thursday with Mr.

and Mrs. MJLPOSD State troopers here Charies Scnulra. o. Green Acres, completed their Investigation of Mis. wad remained for a snort TOit.

accident that resulted in the Mr. and Mrs. Baraey Vanderwerf, death of Moreil L. Brodis. of aad daughter.

Rath Ann, of Goshen, Gouldsboro. when his car over- jjfBHfBl uCKCIS Year croen for Recubr Official. Look on Youth Government Gmqp Over GOSHEK who Names of sixty veseri- will serre during the County Court trial term Newburgh June second were drawn In tbe count)- clerk's office yesterday Ujr Harold Hansen of The Town of county clerk for the Grants County Youth In Government made drawings in the presence of toe student county judce and nhrrlff. Peter Suiphes of Newburgh and Helen i of Chester. Onlookers were County Clerk Cnarlec XL Dusenberry.

County Judge Raphael A. and Sheriff Bert Truesdell who ordinarily officiate at the Jury selections. Port Jerrls led the municipalities with ten Tenerimen, They were Matzaret Talbutt of seventeen Ner- ersink aTenoe. a James Walker of RD Two, farmer; Frank F. Furman.

five Schultz street, carpenter; Dorothy EL Happ oT thirty-one Prospect street, housewife; William P. Brown, fourteen Orange atreet, locomotive hostler; Sadie Soudant. HO Two. housewife: Floyd street, RD Two. housewife; Bernice M.

Curry. US, Hammond street, unemployed: and Edward L. Sheridan. thirty-three Buckley street, laborer. Middletown residents Included William A.

Writer of RD One. carpenter; Lawrence R. Hulseapple of RD One, electrician; Mrs. Lottie Castle at twenty Lincoln street. housewife; and Catherine Hegewald.

Seventy-eight Linden avenue, housewife. Newburfh chosen were Langhton, i Franklyn painter; Marlon L. Clark. Troopers Complete Probe Of Fatal Auto Accident! spent Thursday vrita Mr. and Mrs.

Nick Facer. Mr. and Mis. Ira Whiiford. Miss turned near Fairview Lake early yesterday morning.

The investigation made by Dorothy Whitford and Ko-ward Troopers Leo Perweia and "Joseph rs f- j. it. -5 5 spent Wednesday Wassaic with H. L. Whitford.

vrho celebrated his ninetieth birthday. Jean Decker and Glenn McRae are new pupils at Westtown school- Miss Gertrude Chambers, principal of the Westto-sn school announced yesterday that Anna Vries- ema has been named valedictorian of the eighth grade graduating class an average of ninety-one. Erma Weedea will be the salutatorian with an average of 89.2. Graduation exercises -Drill be held in the Presbyterian Caruch Friday evening, June twentieth. There win be a meeting of the officers and teachers of the Presbyterian Sunday school Monday evening at the home of Dr.

and Mrs. Silas Rees. On Tuesday evening. May twentieth, there will be a game party at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Prank Johnson, for benefit of the Methodist Ladies Aid. and Virginia Heel dances by both boys and girls. Elimination trials win be held in imost of the race events -with 'ners competing in the The and calisthenics are special' features presented by the "fifth and sixth grades. The "Sir- Heel will be by the grade: the Lady Rotmd Lady fey the sixth grade and the mass calisthenics by the foarth grade. The calisthenics drill, directed fay Mr.

Higgins witfa the aid of Miss iillian M. Scott and Miss Marjorie 3L. Abt. fourth grade teachers, will be given by nearly seventy pupils. rt 3ook as sn Jansen.

Middletown artist, did the first of four charcoal sketches on the story of "Giioa an i Treasure Island. Mr. Jansen visited the school last week. The program, arranged by Mrs. Elizabeth if i a Walden Skuntz showed that the car had gotten out of control at a curve.

It had first plunged into a ditch, then gone back on the road, skidded and turned over. Mr. Brodis had been thrown from the door, breaking his neck and being pia- by the top of the car. The body was removed to the Creliin and Stroyan Funeral Home here and later taken to Gouldsboro. RECORDS AVAILABLE VICTOR DECCA COLUMBIA M-G-M MAJESTIC Hit RADIO SALES 1S-1M Nwtk St.

PHONE 4100 Martott of fltty-ttaee carpenter; Beale TUtoa. 179 Otdney avcaae. eack; Oacar L. fifty-eHht Benkard ate- ale. Ml Liberty street, bousewtfe; and Jacob Aronehidt, fifteen Kieh- man avenue, retired.

Abo. FenwickBoswickof RD unemployed: Mabelle T. Wood oi Grand street, housewife; Charles Baldwin of RD Oce, farmer; and Mashnouk of seventeen Lutheran street. Others were: Bellvale. Roy Quak- anvaith fanner; Campbell Hall, Mary Mott.

housewife; Cornwall. James W. Wylie, no occupation; Corn wall-on-Hudson, Ernest K. Burger, CaddebaekviUa, Fred Fibiger, painter: Firtheuffe, Frank W. Kirk, production foreman.

Florida. Anna Dombrowski, housewife; aad Margaret Finn, housewife; Goshen, John Petzen. creamery worker, and Carolyn IE. Loft, housewife; Greenwood Lake: Albert. Unterberger.

engineer; Harriman: Helen Streeter of South Main street, housewife. Highland Mills, Edgar f. EMMm. RD One. electrical engineer: Maybrook.

Harold MuEolL plumber; Middle Hope. Lulu Cosman. housewife; Monroe, Clara Tooker. housewife, and Joseph P. Matthews, accountant.

Montgomery: -Mrs. George B. Reimel of RD One, housewife; Pine Bush. Reuben Weed, builder, and Fred E. Lobdell, mechanic's helper; Pine Stanley Labanowski and Jesse VanSickle.

farmers, and Sophie Maxur, fanning. Rio, Jacob Obenneyer. mechanic; Slate Kill. Mabel housewife; Spacrowbush. Robert A.

Felter. cleric: Sugar Loaf. Lucien B. Myers, senior supervisor at the New State Training School; Tuxedo. William L.

Burt. carpenter; Tuxedo Park, Dempsey K. Barman, inspector. Walden. Pauline Howard, noose- wife; James W.

Dunne, retired; and George Quick, contractor carpenter. Werwick. Harold W. Schofield, bank officer; Margaret Tec Kate. RD Two, housewife; and Henry G.

Fritsche of RD One. retired; Westown, Lena D. housewife, and Margaret Schelfler, housewife. Special Low Prices! OHLS BIG-VALUE BABY CHICKS Barred Rock, New Hampshire, Hybrid. Sex-Link and White Leghorns.

AH stock bred for fast, crest growth and Uf egg pndi We are now booking orders for late Spring and Summer delivery. TURKEY Btwnse and White Tarkey OHLS Tel. II and Hatchery CALLICOOX N. X. 3rd Annual SPRING DANCE Town of Wallkill American Legion Auxiliary Saturday, May 24th LEGION HOME--CORWIN AVE.

STARDUSTERS ORCHESTRA Dancing 9 to 1 SUNDAY SERVICES WASHINGTONVILLE At the eleven a. service Sunday In the First Presbyterian Church, the Her. A- M. Conger win have as the theme of his sermon. The World-Wide Church.

Sunday School win meet at 9:45 a. DO. and the Tounj Peoples Society at seven p. m. In the chapeL The Young Peoples Society wffl conduct a paper collection on Saturday May twenty-fonrth.

An those who nave papers or magazines that they wish to contribute are adced to phone 3024. Liberty Street Pupils Practice for Play Day Music Program to Augment PTA Meet Albert Street! Albert Street pupils will present a music program to augment the -Parent Teachers Association meet- Ing at the school Monday after- jioon. Included on the program will be selections by the kindergarten jljythm band featuring Jack CoJ- lins, Sandra Salvato. Arthur Gott- and Albert Dlesseroth; the glee club under the direction of Miss Roberta A. Zoch; Reif Spano.

Mary Rikcr and Margo Startup en the violin; and Anthony Marcello Peter StelJato to a clarinet The X'irginia Ree! will be a feature of the Liberty Street School's first annual Play Day to be held May twenty-seventh. Above, fifth grade pupils who will present the dance are shown as they went through a practice session at the school this week. In the set at the left are Mary Warren, Paula McGill, Dorothy Ryder. Nancy Lewis, Patty Corwin, Beverly Moore. Henry Hall.

Robert Eston, Henry Fliegelman. Tony MorreaJe. Aifred Daiboch and Richard Shrade. At the right are Elizabeth Cox. Louise Eason, Mar- The klnderfarten band will be lene Beyea.

Edna Miller, Sandra Lukens, Theresa Kuhl, Marshall Dunn. Walter Taylor, John Raufer, Wal- ttnder the direction of Mrs. Lenore, ter Tonitto, Andrew Mor.se and Kenneth McKieman. Miss M. Helen Morristey and Miss Hazel M.

Trunx- H. Garrison. ibull, fifth grade teachers, are shown in the background supervising tbe by Curran. WALDEN--The annual luncheon KUnger. fittli and sistn grade teacher, was presented for p-opils from the third through sixth grades.

the Walden Woman's Club win by Curran be held May twenty-fourth at the Palatine Hotel in Newburgh. Resi ervations must be registered with 1 Sirs. Caaries Crist before May teenth. Mrs. Keith Smiley win be the speaker.

Arnold Dunklemen arrived home Thursday having been stationed in Japan 'or the last six months. He has received bis honorable discharge and will continue his college course in September. WalSill Wiley Community Chorus rehearse at eight o'clock on Monday night in the Methodist Church. The Bluebird Class of the Methodist Church win hoM its annual banquet Wednesday evening at the Clam Shell Inn at six-thirty. The Methodist Conference will be held Thursday In Trinity Church ia Poughkeepsie at 10:30 a.

m. Bishop G. Bromley Oxman will preside. Miss Marie Dickinson, a sophom*ore at Albany State College, has been named to the dean's list for' her -work ia the first semester of this year. Miss Geraldine Clebert, student! nurse at Kingston City Hospital, has affiliated wUh the Hudson Riv- er Hospital for three months.

The annual bazaar of the Auxiliary of the Jewish Community Center will be held at the Center Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Mrs. Louis Lels is general chairman. BEST BARCAIMS FIRST I Admission $1 Per Person Ice Furnished RESERVED FREE OF CHARGE THE NEXT BEST THING TO A NEW CAR IS A coi Vee Motor Sales 1207-215 Wickham Ave. Diol 3136 Fourth Phone 3111 Flow St.

flNANCE CORrOtATION "MORTAR CEMENT IS HARD TO GET!" Brother, You Can Say That Again! "MORTAR CEMENT IS HARD TO GET!" fresh carload of Blue Bond Mortar Cement has just arrived on our tiding. Place your order now while it lasts. WILLIAM ANDERSON Office Tel. 72 WEST MAIN ST. Reskleiiec Kt GOSHEN, N.


Middletown Times Herald from Middletown, New York (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.