Kordes, Mother Seraphine, O.S.B.,(1870-1958) - Sisters of St. Benedict Archives (2024)

Content for file: Kordes, Mother Seraphine, O.S.B.,(1870-1958)


  1. Belcourt, ND mission correspondences:
    Handwritten letter from Bishop Chartrand to Reverend Mother, dated January 11, 1933, expressing his joy that sisters from
    Ferdinand will go to work among the Native Americans

Handwritten letter from Mother Seraphine to Mother Theodore, OSF, Dubuque, Iowa, dated August 10, 1933, requesting over-
night accomadations for sisters traveling to North Dakota, on Wednesday, August 23, 1933

Typed note to Mother Seraphine from Mother Theodore, dated August 14, 1933, offering hospitality and welcome to sisters traveling to North Dakota

Typed letter from Elvira Kelley, OSF, Archivist, date May 22, 1995, to President, Sisters of St. Benedict in re finding the original letter from Mother Seraphine among Mother Theodore's papers and offering to return it to Ferdinand archives

Typed letter from Bishop Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, to Mother Seraphine, dated August 12, 1936, in re written authorization for verbal permission to introduce the Divine Office to the community. "The Divine Office and it alone should constitute the official Community prayers." All other devotions are to be private

Typed letter from Mother Seraphine to Bishop Ritter, dated July 22, 1937, in re asking permission for missions to pray Divine Office, at least Prime, Day Hours, Vespers and Compline, since the younger sisters at home have been praying it and will now be sent out to teach

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, to Mother Seraphine, dated August 2, 1937, granting the request for mission sisters to recite Prime, Day Hours, Vespers and Compline

  1. Congregation of St. Gertrude Correspondence
    Typed letter from Fr. Ignatius OSB, dated July 14, 1939, to Mother Seraphine in re instructions for completing document to Rome requesting aggregation to the Congregation of St. Gertrude the Great

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated July 28, 1939, to Mother Seraphine, in re sending the signed petition and recommendation to be presented with request for aggregation to Congregation of St. Gertrude the Great

Typed letter from Henry Dugan, Chancellor, Diocese of Indianapolis, dated November 14, 1939, to Mother Seraphine, in re accompanying rescript from Sacred Congregation of Religious, granting aggregation of Ferdinand community with Congregation of St. Gertrude the Great

Typed rescript Num. 8386/39, in Latin, granting Monastery Immaculate Conception aggregation into Congregation of St. Gertrude the Great, signed by Vinc. Card. La Puma, praef., Fr. L. E. Pasetto, secr., Fidelis de Stotzingen, Abbas Primas

Typed letter from the President of the Congregation of St. Gertrude, Mother Monica Forkey, dated August 2, 1948, to Mother Seraphine (and to the other Prioresses of member monasteries), in re the commemoration of all the faithful departed of the Benedictine order on November 14 (or 15, if the 14 is on a Sunday) - Rome has given permission to recite only the Office for the Dead, and are dispensed from saying the Office of the day

  1. Rev. Charles Bilger Correspondences
    Post card sent to Fr. Charles Bilger, Celestine, postmarked August 12, 1904, from P. Claude M. Ebner, OSB, in Latin

Handwritten letter, author not identified, sent from Louisville, April 26, 1916, to Fr. Charles Bilger at St. Mary's Church, Madison, Indiana, in re how expenses can be lowered by letting go of a certain sister

Handwritten note from Mother Seraphine, dated January 5, 1924, to Fr. Charles Bilger, Madison, IN in re inviting Fr. Bilger to the Golden Jubilee celebration for Sisters Bonaventure, Josepha, and Gertrude

Handwritten letter from Sr. Bonaventure, dated January 24, 1925, to Fr. Charles Bilger in re thanks for gift received, and that Sr. Gertrude was so happy for Fr. Bilger's attendance at the celebration

Handwritten letter from Mother Seraphine, dated February 17, 1929, to Fr. Charles Bilger, Madison, IN, in re the recent death of Sr. Gertrude

Handwritten letter from Mother Seraphine, dated March 4, 1925, to Fr. Charles Bilger in re no charge for the books sent to him

Handwritten note from Mother Seraphine, postmarked July 28, 1931, to Fr. Charles Bilger in re inviting him to attend the Jubilee celebration of 60th year of religious profession for Sisters Faustina and Martina; and the 50th anniversary for Sr. Anna, set for August 11, 1931

Handwritten letter from Mother Seraphine, dated December 25, 1934, to Fr. Charles Bilger, in re inviting Fr. Bilger to attend the 60th jubilee of religious profession for Sister Josephus on December 27, 1934; also a handwritten thank you note to Fr. Bilger from Sr. Josephus

Printed notice of death sent to Fr. Bilger, announcing the death of Sisters Josepha Schmidt, February 17, 1936 at 7:55 a.m.

  1. Certificates
    Certificate (in German) from the spiritual association, rwigen Anbetung, recorded June 14, 1925 for Pius Boehm - Boston; Mr. Boehm died January 14, 1980

Certificate establishing Mother Seraphine as a member of the Tekakwitha League

Certificate from Saint Gregory Purgatorial Society, certifiying Mother Seraphine as an enrolled member, October 13, 1930

  1. Correspondence with Bishop Chartrand

Typed decree, in Latin, from Joseph Chartrand, Episcopus Coadjutor, dated October 25, 1917; English translation, granting right of a privileged high altar in the Convent of the Immaculate Conception, forever, for the living and the dead

Handwritten note from Joseph Chartrand, Coadjutor Bishop of Indianapolis, dated November 25, 1919, to Fr. Fintan, in re granting permission to establish the Holy Rosary Confraternity in the Convent at Ferdinand

Handwritten note from Joseph Chartrand, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated March 22, 1920, to Reverend Mother, in re thank you for greetings sent for St. Joseph's feastday; also hoping the sisters are having Exposition of Most Blessed Sacrament "once a week, all day, for which I gave permission..."

Typed letter from Joseph Chartrand, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated March 22, 1920 to Father Francis, in re Benediction with Exposition

Typed Decree, in form of a letter, from Francis Gavisk, Chancellor, by order of the Right Reverend Bishop of Indianapolis, dated January 29, 1922, in re Church Unity Octave and recommended prayer to be said after Mass each day of the Octave

Handwritten note from Joseph Chartrand, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated July 7, 1923, to Reverend Mother Seraphine, approving the Sisters of Saint Benedict taking the High School in Ferdinand

Handwritten note from Joseph Chartrand, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated August 13, 1922, to Mother Saraphine, in re sisters may buy the property they wish. "Personally I think it a good thing to do so."

Typed note from Joseph Chartrand, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated October 3, 1923, to Reverend Mother Seraphine, in re clarification that parish must own property and school building and sisters' housing; must also pay teacher's salary and utilities at the house; "If you wish to purchase property for an Academy, that is different; that is your own."

Typed notice from Abbot Ignatius, St. Meinrad, dated December 8, 1933, to his brothers, announcing the sudden death of Bishop Joseph Chartrand, Bishop of Indianapolis; accompanied by copy from page of The Grail publication for January 1924, a tribute to Bishop Chartrand by Hilary DeJean, OSB

  1. Contributions to various causes made in name of community
    Receipt (in Latin) to the prioress of the monastery of Immaculate Conception, for $50 for the sacred assembly in charge of business affairs of religious members to present an issue before the Sacred Congregation for Religious

Typed letter from Father Walter, Benedictine Mission Home, Schyler, NE, dated March 9, no year given, to Mother Seraphine and Mother [sic] Frederica, thanking the community for donation to build a small chapel in Africa

Certificate/receipt from Old Cathedral Association in Vincennes, IN, for financial gift to help preserve and restore the Old Cathedral, certificate dated April 27, 1934; attached with cover letter from Joseph W. Kimmell, Mayor of Vincennes, dated April 30, 1934, thanking sisters for donation and progress report on restoration, original envelope is also attached

Typed letter from Apostolic Delegate to US, dated May 15, 1937 for contribution of the sisters toward construction of the building for the Apostolic Delegate in the Archdiocese of Baltimore

Typed letter from Archbishop Samuel A. Stritch, Archbishop of Chicago, dated January 25, 1942 to Reverend Mother, in re contribution to National Catholic Welfare Conference; attached is campaign letter from Archbishop Stritch, dated January 21, 1942, seeking funds for the National Catholic Welfare Conference

Typed letter from Benedictine Sisters (signed by Sr. Leonilla Betz, sup.), Angeles, Luzon, Philippines (Missionary Benedictines), dated January 25, 1946, to Reverend Mother Seraphine and sisters, in re thanks for all the packages of supplies and money sent from Ferdinand and mission houses - the letter recounts the horrific end of the war for the sisters as their college in Manila was bombed and burned; they did not think they would survive but at the right moment, an American tank entered their grounds to rescue them.

Typed letter from John Mark Gannon, treasurer of National Catholic Welfare Conference, dated September 5, 1946, to Mother Seraphine, in re thanks for money received from sisters for the National Catholic Welfare Conference

Typed note card from Guglielmo Mollari, Vatican City, dated December 9, 1947, to Reverend Mother, in re: sending of book STORIA DI SAN BENEDETTO E DEI SUOI TEMPI, registered mail, but not having received confirmation of delivery; asking if the book has been received; the book was in thanks of contribution from the sisters for the reconstruction of Monte Cassino after the war.

Typed letter from J B Montini, Segreteria Di Stato di Sua Santita, dated April 25, 1949, to Reverend Mother Superior, in re acknowledgement of Spiritual Bouquet sent to the Holy Father on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his ordination

Typed letter from (signature unclear), Segreteria DiStato di Sua Santita, dated June 7, 1949. to Reverend Mother Superior, in re acknowledgement of gift of money presented to the Holy Father, and His paternal Apostolic Benediction

  1. Eulogy by Bishop Grimmalsman for Mother Seraphine
    Typed manuscript, in form of folded brochure of A EULOGY by Most Reverend Henry J. Grimmelsman, Bishop of Evansville, on the occasion of the funeral of MOTHER M. SERAPHINE KORDES, O.S.B., July 5, 1958 (1 copy opened in sheet protector, 2 folded copies)

Funeral card (2) for Mother M. Seraphine, O.S.B., died July 2, 1958

  1. Family Correspondences
    Handwritten letter from Mother Seraphine, dated May 15, 1931, to her nephew, Edward A. Kordes of Huntingburg, IN; in re congratulations on graduation day

Card (made by Sr. Claudia Backert, OSB) from Mother Seraphine, Sister Lioba Kern, Sister Oliva Kern on the occasion of the wedding of Edward Adam Kordes and Mildred (nee ?) Kordes

Handwritten letter from Mother Seraphine, dated January 15, 1941, to Edward and Mildred, wishing them blessings on their life together (the mailing envelope is included) - letter and envelope given to Archives by Mildred Kordes, February 6, 1999

Handwritten letter from Mrs. Helen Greener, dated July 3, 1978, to Sister (probably archivist), in re information about Mother Seraphine, especially death notice for John Stratman, who was the brother of Wilhelmina Stratman Kordes, the mother of Mother Seraphine.

Telephone action tab, dated July 1, 1978 in re Angela Stratman, mother of Helen Greener, newspaper clippings about Wilhelmina Stratman and John Stratman, notation that Arlene Melchoir is also related to mother Seraphine

Thank you note from Carolyn Henik, dated August 1, 1978, to Sisters Mary Kenneth Scheessele and Mary Regis Krampe, in re thanks for recent tour of the monastery, school and church, and for lunch

Photocopy of emails passed between Sr. Mary Dominic Frederick (archivist) and Tony Kordes (relative of Sr. Seraphine), dated August 1 and 2, 2001, in re family history of Mother Seraphine

Handwritten letter from Helen Greener, dated September 7, 1978, to Sister (archivist) in re remembering tour of the monastery a month earlier (with Mrs. Henik), and personal news

  1. Correspondence with Henry J. Grimmelsman, Bishop of Evansville
    Handwritten letter from Bishop Grimmelsman, dated December 22, 1944, to Sisters of St. Benedict, in re thanks for spiritual bouquet and welcome, also request for sisters to serve as housekeepers, especially during his installation on January 3, 1945 as Bishop of Evansville

Printed invitation to the establishment of the Diocese of Evansville and the installation of the Most Reverend Henry Joseph Grimmelsman, S.T.D. on Wednesday, January 3, 1945, at the Cathedral of the Assumption, Evansville, Most Reverend John Francis Noll, D.D., Bishop of Fort Wayne "will pontificate"

Handwritten note from Bishop Grimmelsman, dated January 5, 1945, to Mother Seraphine in re acceptance of Mother Seraphine's invitation to Bishop Brimmelsman to come to Ferdinand to "pontificate" for February 10 (St. Scholastica); also thank you for sisters' help at the Bishop's house and the gift for his consecration to Bishop

Handwritten note card from Bishop Grimmelsman, dated March 13, 1945, to Mother Seraphine, in re request for sisters to take charge of school for Father Terstegge

Typed letter from Bishop Grimmelsman to diocesan pastors, dated June 20, 1945, in re annual assessment

Typed letter from Bishop Grimmelsman to diocesan pastors, dated June 20, 1945, in re posting of receipts from deaneries for the Post War Expansion and Activities Fund

Handwritten letter from Bishop Grimmelsman, dated October 6, 1945, to Mother Seraphine in re thank you for deluxe copy of Sr. Mary Salesia's "Life of Bishop Brute" and the history of the sisters of St. Benedict

Handwritten letter from Bishop Grimmelsman, dated December 20, 1945, to Mother Seraphine, in re thank you for generous check sent to the Bishop, to be applied to West Side Catholic High School (Mater Dei High School)

Handwritten rescript from Bishop Grimmelsman, dated August 9, 1946, granting permission for construction of outdoor Way of the Cross

Handwritten letter from Bishop Grimmelsman, dated May 14, 1947, to Mother Seraphine, in re acceptance of new school in Evansville, at St. Theresa, "if you think you can provide for it."

  1. Jubilees, Golden and Diamond

Typed program for pageant, "The Service Beautiful" on the occasion of Reverend Mother Seraphine's Golden Jubilee, May 30, 1938

Official notice (3 copies, 2 in protective sheets) of the Golden Jubilee of Profession of Mother Seraphine Kordes at Convent of Immaculate Conception, Ferdinand, IN, May 30 1938

Holy card (Our Lady of Lourdes - 2 copies) in remembrance of Diamond Jubilee of Reverend Mother Seraphine, and Diamond Jubilees of Sisters Blanche Oeding, Conrad Schepers, and Rose Bettag, July 26, 1948

Typed letter from Apostolic Delegate, dated May 16, 1938 to Mother Seraphine with the Holy Father's special blessing for the golden jubilee of profession

Typed letter from Apostolic Delegate, dated July 26, 1948, to Mother Seraphine with the Holy Father's special blessing for the diamond jubilee of profession

Portrait photo (4"x6" in protective sleeve) of official photo of Mother Seraphine

  1. Kordes Family Tree
    Bound booklet of the Kordes Famly, beginning with Casper and Elizabeth Kordes; the material in the book was compiled by Edward and Mildred Kordes (Edward was the grandson of Valentine and Wilhelmina (Stratman) Kordes, the parents of Mother Serapnine)

  2. Kordes Passport, Johann Stratman
    Two pages photocopied, in German, of passport for Johann Stratman ( original document also in the folder)

  3. Legal Documents, Mother Seraphine Kordes
    Annuity Contract between Sisters of St. Benedict (Mother Serpahine, Superior), and Jerome Obert, dated December 3, 1945, with remainder after death of Mr. Obert, to be received by Sisters as a gift

Typed letter from Robert J. Hayes, Attorney at Law, dated March 16. 1948, to Mother Seraphine, in re last will and testament of Sr. Bridget Fieth, OSB, who was heir at law of Miss Rosa Fieth, deceased; but necessary for Sr. Bridget's will to be probated, also requested affidavit that all Sr. Bridget's debts have been paid; any proceeds from Miss Rosa Fieth's estate which belong to Sr. Bridget will be paid to the monastery

Typed cover letter from E. F. Gabriel, Northcenter Tuckpointing Co., dated October 1. 1948, to Mother Serphine in re proposal for work needed at the monastery; accompanying proposal, dated October 1, 1948 for all Mortar Joints on Sun Porches adjacent to Main Building on East and West Elevations of New Building (St. Benedict Hall), bricks to be waterproofed, windows and doors to be caulked; cost, $4,800

Typed cover letter, October 8, 1948, and certificate of insurance for NORTHCENTER TUCK POINTING COMPANY, from Starkweather & Sheply, Inc., insurance exchange

Typed letter from NORTHCENTER TUCKPOINTING CO., dated October 30, 1948, to Mother Seraphine, in re proposed tuckpointing to Penthouse between East and West Dormitories; also check chimney adjacent to Penthouse and East Elevation of Kitchen, total cost of proposed work, $3,000

Typed letter from Mother Seraphine, dated February 10, 1949, to Dom P. George Bartsch, OSB, St. Anselm College, Rome, in re the necessity to construct a new building because of dilapidated condition of old laundry; the new building requires the community to obtain loan of $50,000. Permission has been granted by president of Congregation of St. Gertrude and also from Bishop Grimmelsman; this letter requesting "your Reverence will obtain for us the approval of the Holy See..." (statement of financial condition accompanied the letter)

  1. Letters to community from Mother Seraphine
    Handwritten note from Mother Seraphine, dated May 28, 1930, to Sisters Paschal and Lutgardis, in re their need to come home on Sunday, June 8, to prepare to renew their temporary vows on June 10, as their vows were set to expire on June 9

Typed letter from Mother Seraphine, dated February 21, 1933, to sisters in re focus of Lenten practices for this year

Typed letter (3 pages) from Mother Seraphine, dated November 10, 1933, to sisters in re trip to the Dakotas, especially visit to Belcourt

Typed letter from Mother Seraphine, dated February 8, 1934, to sisters in re focus of Lenten practices for this year (2 copies in file)

Typed letter from Mother Seraphine, dated May 9, 1934, to sisters in re the attitude to have in approaching vacation time

Handwritten letter from Mother Seraphine, dated February 13, 1939, to sisters in re focus of Lenten practices for this year

Typed letter from Mother Seraphine, dated February 24, 1946, to sisters in re focus of Lenten practices for this year

Typed letter from Mother Seraphine dated February 22, 1949, to sisters in re focus of Lenten practices for this year

Typed note from Mother Seraphine, dated June 1949 (day before election of Mother Clarissa), to sisters in re gratitude for her years as prioress, and her unwillingness to accept another term of office as her age and strength will not permit another 6 years

  1. Miscellaneous correspondence to/from Mother Seraphine
    Handwritten note from Mother Seraphine and sisters, dated April 19, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krampe, in re condolences at unexpected death of Albert's father

Typed letter from monk of St. Meinrad, dated May 22, 1934, to Honorable H.P. Gabriel Locher, OSB, Secretary to Abbot Primate, in re question from Bishop John Ritter regarding number of terms a prioress may have

Typed letter from Paul V. Mcnu*tt, Governor of Indiana, dated February 24, 1935, to Mother Seraphine in re response to letter received from Mother Seraphine protesting enactment of legislation to tax certain property of schools, church and religious institute; Governor Mcnu*tt assured her that any legislation enacted would provide certain exemptions

Typed letter from Mother Seraphine, dated May 4, 1935, to Mr. E.B. Stotsenberg, IN State Highway Commission, in re a good road to Ferdinand Forest "so that visitors may be directed there for scenic and recreational purposes."

Handwritten letter from Mother Seraphine, dated October 17, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krampe in re trip to Belcourt and attendance at National Catholic Rural Life Convention in Fargo; also notice of expected return via Vincennes

Typed note from Fidelis de Stotzingan, Abbot Primate, dated October 27, 1937, to Mother Prioress, in re update from Abbot Ignatius of St. Meinrad, that all is well at Ferdinand, and congratulations to the sisters for reciting Divine Office, prayer that the sisters will learn to appreciate the Office more and more

Handwritten letter from Francis Roell, Diocesan Director for Society for the Propagation of the Faith, dated January 31, 1940, to Mother Seraphine, in re enclosed motu proprio from Pope Pius XI, dated June 24, 1929, granting religious, men or women with some members working in foreign missions to enroll in the Society without having to pay the enrollment fee

Handwritten note from Paul Francis, Passionist priest from Sacred Heart Retreat in Louisville, dated June 11, 1941, to Mother Seraphine, in re sending relics with their authentication and requesting Mother Seraphine to return relics sent without authentication documents.

Typed letter from Very Rev. Paul C. Schulte, Archbishop-elect of Indianapolis, dated October 4, 1946, to Mother Seraphine, in re thanks for spiritual bouquet of sisters and students at Academy Immaculate Conception offered on occasion of installation as Archbishop of Indianapolis

Typed letter from Prior Eugene Medved, OSB, of Benedictines of Westminster Priory, New Westminster, BC, dated December 7, 1946, to Mother Seraphine, in re need for Benedictine sisters to come to British Columbia and minister, possibly start a new foundation

Handwritten letter from Mother Seraphine, dated July 9, 1947, to Sister Mary Hilary in re sympathy for death of Sr. Mary Hilary's mother

Typed letter from John H. Teder, Supt. of Schools, Dubois County Public Schools, dated February 24, 1948, to Mother Seraphine, in re commendation of the sanitary and up-to-date barn, so spacious and convenient that "[e]ven the facial expression of the cows showed that they were comfortable and contented."

Handwritten postcard from Mother Seraphine, dated May 6, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krampe, in re notice that she arrived in New York, expounded on the wonders of air travel. Photo on front of postcard - City Hall and Municipal Building in New York City

Handwritten letter from Mother Seraphine, dated June 3, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krampe, in re congratulations on celebrating silver jubilee of service to the monastery

Handwritten letter from Mother Seraphine, December 31, 1942, to Mother Benedict, Minot, ND, in re regret not being able to supply teachers from Ferdinand

handwritten letter from Mother Seraphine, January 13, 1943, to Mother Benedict, Minot, ND, in re regret not being able to supply teachers from Ferdinand

  1. Miscellaneous items of/about Mother Seraphine
    Printed map of Indiana, with all counties outlined and, in red outline and title, the dioceses of Indiana

Black and white print, 4.75" x 7.5" of Jesus with crown of thorns, reed in hand, hands bound

Black and white print, 4.75" x 7.5" of Jesus carrying his cross

Handwritten list, prepared by Mother Seraphine, dated March 22, 1920, listing the days on which the Benedictine Sisters of the Convent of the Immaculate Conception, Ferdinand, Ind., receive the Holy Eucharist

Handwritten letter, from Mother Seraphine, dated April 11, 1946, to Pvt. Bernard Krampe, serving in the Army Air Force

Bill, found in book of Mother Seraphine's, from a Parisian jeweler, dated 27 September, 1907(?), 2 broches and a hat pin, sold to Adam Stratman, a relative (brother?) of Mother Seraphine

Typed 1/2 sheets, "Rev. Mother Seraphine...As I knew her", a personal memoir by Sister Antonilla, OSB

  1. Mosaic, Kordes Hall
    Photo (5"x7", in protective sleeve) of Mother Seraphine Kordes Mosaic, in the entrance of Kordes Hall, depicts the religious life of Rev. Mother Seraphine Kordes

Typed Archives paper, dated October 11, 1979: Full-Wall Mosaic at St. Benedict College Depicts Religious Life of Rev. Mother Seraphine Kordes. The mosaic was designed by Sr. Angela Sasse and executed in Italian glass by Ralph Craig of Indianapolis. Description of the symbols on the mosaic are described in this paper (this document is replication of a newspaper article, attached - no date or identity of the newspaper is included, but it mentions remembering Mother Seraphine on the fourth anniversary of her death, which would have been July 2, 1962)

  1. Newspaper clippings, miscellaneous photocopy of photos, cards
    Photocopy of Monastery Immaculate Conception Membership Form, for Mother Seraphine - provides family information, specific dates of entrance, novitiate, vows, rank, ministries

Photocopy of newspaper article, "Mother Seraphine, O.S.B. Passes Away", FERDINAND NEWS, July 4, 1958 (2 copies with extra documents photocopied - 1 with printed invitation of dedication of new Chapel, June 20, 1924, obituary cards for relatives, postcard

Photocopy of photo of participants in American Benedictine Prioresses Conference meeting, 1949. Mother Seraphine is at the end of Row 1, immediately preceeding Fr. Hugh at the end of that row.

Photocopy of photo of the entire Kordes family on Mother Seraphine's Golden Jubilee, 1938

Photocopy of 5 photos (on one sheet) of Mother Seraphine and her siblings on her Golden Jubilee; 2 photos of Mother Seraphine and her sister, one photo of Mother Seraphine's sister with the sister's husband

Photocopy of photos of Mother Seraphine's nieces and nephews and one photo of Mother Seraphine on her Golden Jubilee day reception

Photocopy of newspaper article, "Three-Day Golden Jubilee Celebration At The Convent", FERDINAND NEWS??, 1938 (2 copies, neither one complete in itself, but together probably copy the complete article

Photocopy of newspaper article, "Looking back...Sister of Mrs. Kordes Celebrates Golden Jubilee" THE HERALD, July 3, 1998 (this is about Sister Lioba Kern's jubilee; Sr. Lioba was a cousin of Mother Seraphine)

Photocopy of the original cake of the monastery church, quadrangle and other buildings, made to honor Mother Seraphine on her Golden Jubilee, 1938

Photocopies of 2 obituaries: "Rites Tomorrow at Louisville for Emil John Kordes" (brother of Mother Seraphine), LOUISVILLE COURIER (?), 1946 (given to archives from clippings kept by Sr. Antonilla, Sept. 8, 1976), "Frank Kordes of St. Anthony is Dead at 76", THE HERALD(?) or FERDINAND NEWS(?), December, 1952 (also part of clippings kept by Sr. Antonilla)

Photocopy of pages from address book, specifically, "Addresses of Mother Seraphine's Relatives", given to archives by Sr. Antonilla, September 8, 1976

Photocopy of obituary for Angela Demuth, Mother Seraphine's cousin, probably FERDINAND NEWS, no date given; on the same sheet, photocopies of obituary cards, in German, for Margaretha Stratman and Johann Stratman (they would have been Mother Seraphine's maternal grandparents, also a photocopy of invitation card to dedication of Monastery church, June 20, 1924, and photocopy of post card mailed April 23, 1947 from Mother Saraphine, to her cousin, Mrs. John Stratman

Photocopy of newspaper photo of monastery church cake (the cake was baked by women of St. Ferdinand parish and assembled in replica of the convent by Ed Schilling, newspaper unidentified; also photocopy of postcard sent June 7, 1938, to Mrs. Simon Demuth from Mother Seraphine; and a photocopy of obituary, in German, of Johann Stratman (Mother Seraphine's grandfather), no newspaper identified - part of Sr. Antonilla's collection of newspaper clippings

Newspaper (in protective envelope) of THE FERDINAND NEWS, vol. 33, no. 7, May 27, 1938; article on front page, "Big Day in Ferdinand Monday: Golden Jubilee Celebration of Mother Seraphine, O.S.B."

Newspaper (in protective envelope) of supplement to The Ferdinand News: Souvenir Edition, Century of Service: Dedicated to the Sisters of St. Benedict in Ferdinand on the Celebration of their Centennial July 30- August 6, printed July 27, 1967

  1. Perpetual Adoration papers signed by Mother Seraphine
    Booklet, "CONDITIONS for ADMISSION INTO THE ASSOCIATION (i.e. Spiritual Association of the Benedictine Sisters at Ferdinand), for Alphons Boeglin, July 21, 1918, signed by Sister M. Seraphine, prioress

Booklet, "CONDITIONS for ADMISSION INTO THE ASSOCIATION (i.e. Spiritual Association of the Benedictine Sisters at Ferdinand), for William Gelhaus, July 28, 1918, signed by Sister M. Seraphine, prioress

  1. Photographs
    Portrait photo of Mother Seraphine taken by Nicholson Bros. Studio, Indianapolis - younger photo, perhaps at beginning of her terms as prioress

Small photo of house where Mother Seraphine was born and raised, St. Anthony, IN

Photo of Mother Seraphine, standing on the colonnade at the front entrance, circa 1928

Photo of Mother Seraphine and other prioresses of monasteries who were members of Congregation of St. Gertrude; the photo was taken by Janousek Photo and Art Studio, Yankton, SD, the year is not given

Portrait photo (4"x5.5") of Mother Seraphine - copy of official photo

Photocopy of portrait photo (4" x 6") of official photo of Mother Seraphine

Portrait photo (3" x 4.25" - 8), (3"x4" - 1) of official photo of Mother Seraphine

Portrait photo (9.5" x 13") of official photo of Mother Seraphine

Portrait photo (4.5" x 7 7/8") on cardboard backing, of official photo of Mother Seraphine

Portrait photo (4.25" x 6.5") of Valentine and Philomina Kordes, parents of Mother Seraphine, taken by Mrs. Jos. Sprauer Studio, Hungtingburg, IN - no date

Colored photos (3) (11" x 8.5") of Millie Kordes Bradford (cousin of Mother Seraphine) talking with Sr. Mary Victor Kercher in monastery dining room, 2011

Colored photo (11" x 8.5") of Sisters Kristine Ann Harpenau, unidentified sister, and Mary Oliver Reising speaking with relatives of Mother Seraphine Kordes in monastery dining room, 2011

Colored photo (11" x 8.5") of Sister Kristine Ann Harpenau speaking with relative of Mother Seraphine Kordes in monastery dining room, 2011

Colored photo (11" x 8.5") of Sister Mary Oliver Reising speaking with relatives of Mother Seraphine Kordes in monastery dining room, 2011

Portrait photo (4 5/8" x 6 7/8") of Mother Seraphine seated at small table with crucifix and open bible, date unknown

Portrait photo (4 5/8" x 6.75") of official portrait of Mother Seraphine

Post card of Golden Jubilee cake model of the monastery presented to Mother Seraphine on her Golden Jubilee

Typed letter from John H. Teder, Dubois County Public Schools Superintendent, dated July 29, 1948, to Mother Seraphine, in re on occasion of Mother Seraphine's diamond jubilee, offering admiration for accomplishments and special thanks for "fine" normal school, providing area schools with professional teaching personnel

Typed speech of congratulations, presentation of gift to Reverend Mother Seraphine, by the business people of Ferdinand, on the occasion of her diamond jubilee

Typed, folded program (2 copies) of orchestra concert, April 11, 1948, by AIC orchestra, dedicated to Rev. Mother Seraphine on occasion of her diamond jubilee

Handwritten note from Archbishop John Ritter, Archdiocese of St. Louis, to Mother Seraphine, congratulating her on occasion of her diamond jubilee (no date on card, but would be 1948)

  1. Correspondence with St. Meinrad Abbots
    Handwritten letter from Abbot Athanasius, dated December 22, 1924, to Mother Seraphine, in re Christmas greetings and wishes for happy, prosperous New Year, with segue into chaplain's salary; the abbot deems it best to take only an assistant's salary of the ordinary parish

Typed letter from Rt. Rev. Ignatius Esser, Abbot, dated August 27, 1936, to Mother Seraphine, in re announcement of new chaplain; Father Celestine will move on to a new assignment and Father William Walker will be the new chaplain at the convent

Typed letter from Rt. Rev. Ignatius Esser, Abbot, dated August 21, 1948, to Mother Seraphine, in re how much to pay for having Fatima statue for Fatima ceremonies, along with personnel accompanying the statue

  1. Correspondence with Bishop Joseph Ritter
    Typed note from Joseph Samill (?), Chancellor of Diocese of Indianapolis, dated August 25, 1933, to Mother Seraphine, in re even though parish is to provide sisters a furnished house, and utilities, however if Ferdinand Benedictines wish to make a donation to the school, the bishop has no objection

Decree of erection of Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel of Convent of the Immaculate Conception in Ferdinand, dated November 19, 1934, signed by Joseph E. Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis

Typed letter from Henry Dugan, Chancellor of Diocese of Indianapolis. dated January 10, 1935, to Mother Seraphine in re information about land held by the community which is not in use for educational purposes, and if any land is being used for an activity in competition with privately owned or taxed property

Typed general information bulletin from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated February 27, 1935, reporting of creation of a Commission on Church Music in the Diocese, to implement the Apostolic Constitution, "Divini Cultus Sanctitatem..." of Pius XI.

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated April 21, 1936, to Mother Seraphine,in re a request from the Holy Father to the Religious Communities of the Diocese to begin a "personal apostolate of prayer, mortifications and sacrifice for Russia."

Typed letter from Leonard Wernsing, Supt. of School, Diocese of Indianapolis, dated June 29, 1936, to Mother Seraphine, in re having sisters who instruct novices, or teach religion to attend workshops on new text, the Christ-Life series of text books

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated August 13, 1936 to Mother Seraphine in re making necessary authorization to erect stations of the cross in new building, and also considering having novices trained in subject matter of the Christ-Life series, as they will be teaching from that series in schools

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated December 16, 1936, to Mother Seraphine in re requesting that Father Theodore, OSB, Ph.D, be assigned to the Faculty of the Summer School at Ferdinand

Typed note from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated March 20, 1937 to Sisters of St. Benedict, Ferdinand, in re thanks for beautiful message and assurances of prayer for Bishop's feastday

Typed letter from Henry Dugan, Chancellor of Diocese of Indianapolis, dated June 8, 1937, to Mother Seraphine in re information on what has been done to acquaint sisters with recent pronouncements of the Holy See in encyclicals this year

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated July 3, 1937, to Mother Seraphine in re appointments of mission house superiors - not good idea to appoint housekeepers, or music teachers; also, not changing teachers in the course of a school year, unless for very exceptional reasons

Typed letter form Raymond Noll, chairman of Diocesan Consultor, Parish Priest Consultors, Rural Deans, dated October 27, 1937, to Mother Seraphine in re raising funds for new Bishop's Residence

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated February 9, 1938, to Mother Seraphine in re: confirmation of dates requesting Bishop's attendance, June 20 - beginning visitation, August 9 - election of Prioress, and August 10 - simple and perpetual profession; Bishop Ritter also noted that Mother Seraphine's Golden Jubilee is May 30 and he will be there to celebrate

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated may 19, 1938, to Mother Seraphine in re enclosing letter (clipped to this letter) from Apostolic Delegate, sending letter of commendation and blessing from the Holy See; also suggests the sisters make acknowledgement to Apostolic Delegate, along with suitable offering

Typed cover letter, from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated May 23, 1938, enclosing cablegram sent from Holy See, for Mother Seraphine (attached postal telegraph, from Cardinal Pacelli, noting that on Golden Jubilee of Profession of Mother Seraphine, the Holy Father imparts Benediction implored

Typed letter from Charles Duffey, Officialis of Diocese of Indianapolis, dated July 5, 1938, to Mother Seraphine, in re wish of Bishop Ritter that prescriptions of Rule 10 of your Constitutions be exactly observed - term of office of local superios

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated August 5, 1938, to Mother Serphine in re notice that Bishop Ritter and Charles Duffey will arrive Monday afternoon for elections, see the candidates for profession the next day

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated August 18, 1938, to Mother Seraphine in re sending copy of report from Visitor, Charles Duffy; admits that the "affairs of the Convent are in excellent condition."

Typed letter from Henry Dugan, Chancellor of Diocese of Indianapolis, dated February 23, 1939, to Mother Seraphine in re the Bishop heartily approves the sisters' plan to take up work of lay retreats for women, also suggests chaplain, Fr. William, OSB be the chaplain and advisor for this retreat movement

Typed letter from henry Dugan, Chancellor of Diocese of Indianapolis, dated April 11, 1939, to Mother Seraphine in re Confidential Instruction from the Sacred Congregation on the Discipline of the Sacraments; his excellency wishes Mother Seraphine to acquaint herself with the contents of the Instruction (but not published, copies for superiors can be made)

Typed letter from P.H. Griffin, Assumption Rectory, dated August 17, 1939, to Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis in re property owned by Sisters of St. Benedict, title still in name of Sisters Scholastica Stockman and need to rectify the title to Sisters of St. Benedict

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated August 18, 1939, to Mother Seraphine in re reference to above letter about property title and suggesting the name on deed should be Sisters of Saint Benedict of Ferdinand, Indiana

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated February 21, 1940, to Mother Seraphine in re the school in Jeffersonville re-opening and suggesting to the pastor that Sisters from Ferdinand might staff the school

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated March 13, 1940, to Mother Seraphine in re notifying that the bishop has asked the father abbot of St. Meinrad to be his proxy in conducting canonical interrogations of postulants at Ferdinand; attached is a copy of Bishop Ritter's letter to Abbot Ignatious at ST. Meinrad

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated May 31, 1941, to Mother Seraphine in re notice that chaplain, Fr. William has been told that beginning with close of the Academy and before sisters return, prevailing manner of receiving Holy Communion at the convent should be discontinued and traditional manner followed (what practice was being followed is not defined, nor is the traditional manner defined)

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated September 24, 1941, to Mother Seraphine in re possibility of Sisters of St. Benedict being assigned to new school of Christ the King, Bishop Ritter will refer the matter to the pastor, Fr. Lensing

Typed letter from Henry Dugan, Chancellor of Diocese of Indianapolis, dated May 11, 1942 , to Mother Seraphine in re contents of a telegram received from Msgr. Ready, from the Bishops' War Commission giving information on gasoline rationing

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated March 17, 1943, to Sr. Mary Placida, subprioress in re the Bishop's attendance at election for Mother Prioresses, provided the election is in the afternoon of June 16.

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated April 15, 1942, to Mother Seraphine, in re the Bishop's approval of arrangements for reception ceremonies; also posing question of whether or not he should have a visitation before election? He notes that this is not prohibited by the Constitution of the Congregation of St. Gertrude, and is in line with Canon Law

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated May 4, 1943, to Mother Seraphine in re his wariness of being Visitator at a Visitation, since the sisters do not seem to open up to him or even his delegate, Fr. Duffy; also offering two other priest possibilities as Visitators

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated My 7, 1943, to Mother Seraphine, in re his decision not to have a Visitation before election, as several have already been held

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Bishop of Indianapolis, dated June 19, 1944, to Mother Seraphine, in re his pleasure that a Rural Life Institute will be held at the Convent in July

Typed letter from Henry Dugan, Chancellor of Diocese of Indianapolis, dated December 6, 1944, to Mother Seraphine in re directions of Bishop Ritter, that a festive dinner is to be served on Tuesday, December 19, 1944 for the sisters, to celebrate the erection of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and Bishop Ritter's instillation as the first Archbishop of the Archdiocese

Handwritten letter from Joseph Ritter, Archbishop of Archdiocese of Indianapolis, to Mother Seraphine and sisters in re his appreciation of spiritual bouquet and gratitude for check, which will be used to defray the expense of the installation ceremonies; he also regrets passing on the spiritual direction of the sisters to Bishop Grimmelsman of the Diocese of Evansville

Typed letter from Joseph Ritter, Archbishop of Indianapolis, dated July 31, 1945, to Mother Seraphine in re thanks for providing sisters to a new school in Indianapolis and offering congratulations to the community on receiving accreditation of the normal school from Catholic University of America

  1. Letters of Information from Mother Seraphine to St. Scholastica Monastery, Boerne, TX
    Photocopies of handwritten letters from Mother Seraphine to Mother Theresa, most from 1930, one from 1932 (the originals were found in the Boerne, TX archives); Mother Seraphine offers advise, describes certain customs used at Monastery Immaculate Conception - clothing, washing dishes at table, novice dress, how a deceased sister is dressed, etc.

bound booklet, Fr. Venantius Buessing, O.M.Cap. HOLY HOUR for PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DEVOTION, Detroit, MI, Capuchin Fathers, no publication date

leather bound booklet of prayers, cover page has Mother Seraphine's name and her laundry number, printed prayers appear to have been cut from other books and pasted in, some in Latin, some in English; many holy cards inserted throughout; recipe card at the back listing death dates of Kordes family members

Soft cover, ringed binder (4"x6.5") cover page: Reverend mother Seraphine, OSB, Convent Immaculate Conception, Ferdinand, Indiana, Easter, 1933 - In kind remembrance of and sincere gratitude to P.K.; typed pages of prayers, medications with holy cards
interspersed throughout

Hard bound ringed binder (4"x6.5"), REVEREND MOTHER SERAPHINE....as I knew her, by Sister M. Antonilla, OSB - typed pages of memoir

Prayer book, Latin, OFFICIUM MAJORIS HEBDOMADAE Juxta Ordinem Greviarii, Missalis et Pontificalis Romani ex Editionem Authenticis, Ratisbonae et Cincinnati, Sumptibus, Chartis et Typis Friderici Pustet, 1892

Softcover booklet of typed pages, a souvenir, A TOUR EAST: A TRAVLOGUE prepared by Sr. Gabriel Brenner; Mother Seraphine, Sr. Clarissa, Sr. Gabriel attended the NCEA convention in Washington, DC and then continued on the east coast up to New York, April 10 - May 5, 1939

Softcover ringed binder (7"x10") of typed pages - talks presented to the community by Mother Seraphine; other talks prepared by retreat directors

Red bound guest book with signatures of those who attended visitation for Mother Seraphine at her death

Set of Latin Breviaries, gifted to Mother Seraphine from AIC Alumnae in 1938, for her Golden Jubilee (the set was stored in an area where termites invaded - binding on Autumnalis volume is evidence

CD, "Mother Seraphine...as I knew her" recorded by Sr. Francine Ackerman from written account by Sr. Antonilla Kraus (see above)

Printed announcement of Golden Jubilee of Mother Seraphine, May 30, 1938 (see also Box 5A, folder #10)

Kordes, Mother Seraphine, O.S.B.,(1870-1958) - Sisters of St. Benedict Archives (2024)


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