Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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tl I A 4 IMIIWm XX 9 LLMJ 11117 pertinent who is to report the facts to the President and' JwJe and low prices for labor and produce will always UDOn UCn fpnnrt ihn ProL'nlanl Io I 4( 1 li a Kiuii I ewwj4jvw iue iwiiuu nave piaceu a military and commercial cordon around bobble was then glittering on the blow pipe mail its prismatic the world) there will be stranger revolutions in the political fiscinatitur colors It kent aloft lone ennnrh tir Ofnlimant a aT lk Cmil 1 a 1 i ituajunr luai if the first step to be followed by others until we reach a 'i Thus British economists estimate that 'they sustain an i Huai I 1 I 1 A I a ttu iuM ui sterling equal to $72018154 nnv Aiivronen Lw 9 Tonaeen Im rvsrt ol LOU iuv MICHI CUIUIIU Deduct East India tobacco Lssves fof 'American tobacco which at 6 pence per pound equals Same could be furnished by India at pound 411236783 85577197 I tt SOO CORDS PINE WOOD zi 1 Naw Ornes IV WjtsHrsoTOX A co VT 2411840 Proposals will be received at thia office until the Sth of September next for furnishing and delivering at the ciavy Yard in this city ive Hundred Cords of Pine Wood The Wood must be well seasoned and of good quality and piled corded and inspected at the Navy Yard at the expense of the contractor The delivery may commence as early as the contractor pleases but must be delivered by the 15th day of October 4 ELIAS KANE dtSSepi i i ry In tbi table we perceive that in no one year did the ini ports exceed the exports as much as twenty two millions The difference between them was greatest in 1831 The jear before the exports exceeded the imports neatly three mil lijans and in then hole ten yea the excess of importations only amounted to S75022 5814 This difference being lesa than 10 per cent oh the amount of our exports was nd doubt more than doubled by the increased money value of our exports in the countries te which they were kent and the profits on freights and wages which do not enter into our custom house estimates Thus the table exhibits flourish dug state of trade for the period under consideration Now! let us look into a similar taule constructed for the years inbe the deputes were removed since the Stale banks were flat tered and indited wjth the pride of the frog to imitate the ox since we were promised a better It will embrace a period of three years to wit 1835 26 and 1 leave out 1854 because in that year the work of deslruc tion on the settled order of things was commenced 1 would etop the account in May 1837 if I could because then the bubble burst Which President Jackson anil hie political as sociates had blown up with sueh apparent delight but I am compelled to extend the account to the end of the commer cial year in (September 1837 as the Treasury documents which I have seen do not enable me to distinguish the por tiwns or quarters of each year i drafts payable in those cities will generally if not alwayt com mand a premium Under such facts by the machinerypf thii bill it will be in the power of any Administration to collect an electioneering fund every year from a hundred thousandto half a million of dollars Just a exchange shall be low oibigh Jvowj siradd this to the amount levied on office holders com pel postmasters to account for tbeir perquisites from box rents (an abuse which 1 in vain endeavored to correct some since and which the late Postmaster General has left rected although! believe we were informed by authority that he promised to investigate the matter) call on the collectors at your custom houses to throw in their profits ori warehouse rent which in New York amnunts to $15 000a year some member hej remarked to and then take into the estimate the sums voluntarily contributed by thoae who ex pect to get office by pleading their for the good of the parly and weshall have a fund devoted to politi cal purposes large enough to endanger the liberties of the Peo ple if they canfea undermined by indirect or open bribery Sir my only hope of safety in considering the present enor mpus powers of the President in connexion with the mischiefs Which I fear will grow out of this bill is founded upon pul pitsand school houses Let the one instil into the heart ind 1 and Christian principles so that 4 he honest citizen shall be able to sny to the tempter Gel behind me' illuminatq the minds of the rising generations with knowledge to understand their social religious politi cal and civil rights and the fund of corruption will make n'o impression upon them Unless this be unkss our po pulation sre now sufficiently honrst and wise there is immi nent dagger that it will soon be written of the Republic J' the experiment was fairly tried and'it was ascertained that men had hot honesty and wisdom enough tp sustain popular re presentative 1 have confidence in the provi dence of God 1 trust and believe that the institutions of this country are to be the lump of leaven for the whole world and that in andilhrougb them all nations of the earth will ulti mately be blessed with civil and religious liberty There is now a moving of the which will end in political re generation This bill contains aVrinciple which has always been odious to me It ssnetions the practice of the last eleven years of removing officers without a trial oh ex parte statements lt is so far as I know the first legislative sanction of ibis odious practice If any disbursing officer violates the duties pre scribed to him he is to be suspended by the head of the De present state of exchanges wduld command a premium of at least one probably two and psibly three per cent The paymaster might therefore makeVrom one to three thousand dollars clear upon everyhundred thousand put into his handk 1 he question is how would be dispose of this profit 1 Wj know from the proofs taken by the investigating comtoittifo sent to New York to inquire into Ihe Swiutwout peculation that officers of tbe Government are for political and party purposes and dismissed unless they py the amount ex acted: When that is done would the parts any dis bursing agent to pocket for hisiown use thousands of dollar made as a premium for selling drafts 1 Or Would they not require him to account for it as so much gained for the genei ral benefit of the to assist in controllinglections It is remarkable that the bill should have restricted disbursing agents not to exchange a draft for less than par and few silent as to the prehiium which every body knows they wibkiften have it in their power to make If the officer does notlim self choose to pocket the premium or hand It over tothephr fytreasuryto purchaseand print speeches documents el arte ra he can show favor to merchants and others of congenial urty affinities by letting them have the draft without charg ng sny ruing ior premium and tnus nis I vws wvasssa hilt SAVsm A 1 a umivtio AuorcTrnuc wiucu maj uc rxpecieu topaMtbroQffh bits ufltius nr msnnrmniv nrronre traw tn a jlhsw svB SUQ UGAk acig jcra prODADlY DOC Ilii nndar tWAntv mi ianaanni Cotton imported into Great Britain Deduct East India cotton (xavea for Americas cotion 355 709 586 1 wiiavti at ri ueuce jflriiBiinn riiiiw rv Same could be furnished by India at 2rpcnca per i pUUM koss i I mu vdib lur aggregate ex pcnuiture exposing caotn cborch but I remember all these things coupled with: I wa S1447l8036 34 Divide each sum four and yea now feel fecolieclipn of the hopes and the prayers then devoutly ex I have the average annuallyof the two period This doctk mnro I Hit! ill Dlironna tn mvp fhr nV0frtl0 amMinl nvnanlnJ oMVave a IAU4MUMV VAJJCUUIU MIIUU" I P4VIIUU3 UUUUllIOn I navfk WllnMSOtl lh aKwkaa Io mAVMaa I AliV trnm IX'Zl tA 1H lAAlstmimA it Ta a 1 I 1 UV vMuugVj VVUIC ww tin iuat'Vi I VI lliaiir II allU avfanr a ts iak 1 Tv 1 a a a I I monarchs who tax agriculture manufactures and commerce not so much with a view to promote thrse great interests by supporting Government as meant conducive to that end but i who regard the personal welfare and glory of the Crown and its dependents as' the first great object of State and all the rest as pubordinate and subservient io it Sir this wheie sub Treasury scheme is nothing more than a sort of uhiorv among the office holder a strike for higher wages They suppose it will diminish the currency'' and thereby re duce lhe price of property and labor whilst they will receive the same number of hard dollars with which they will be able to purchase two horse instead 'of one Land pay1 the wages of two servants instead of one Nowr sir the tenants of the Jdg cabins do not intend to stand by with folded arm arid' see the officers of Government play this game in their own way On the contrary the log cabin have taken it inlo their heads that it is a matter which somewhat con cero them an they intend to shqw you their hands next Nov4ntier ond if the gentleman from Pennsylvania ddes noj dscder trumps and honors enough to win the odd trick 1 am much mistaken I know it is expected that the little will stock and mark the cards but ir the Peo ple htjye become so well acquainted with his tricks that de tection and exposure are certain in all attempts at imposition will not Je allowed to shuffle cut and deal just as turplease 4 7 7 very evident Mr Chairman that there is something in 111 idea of j1 log for a dwelling hard for beverage and coon for currency which troubles xboth the gentlemen Who have referred to these things "very permit me to show you how it is that things so hum ble should excite such alarm) The secret is this sir: the Peopfowho live in log drink and trade 'in coon are an industrious enterprising sensible racp of meh and women who know' if the Gon erhmept )s properly managed that they will one day tie able shelter themselves in framed 'brick or stone houses to supply' themselves with comfortable food and beverage and use something more valuable coon for currency They know the history of their fathers from tte erection of the first log cabins at Jamestown and Plymouth and (hey know how it is that punchun floors and clapboard roofs are soon succeeded by plank and shingles un der a wise and beneficent administration of their Government! they nwceive that the policy of Mr Van Buren with his sul Tfeaury and army of 100000 mil'nia to supnort in lime AA 11 vw1 a 1 I I kd lpia Jit may be proper to remark that a large portion of New Yo'k i distributed through Philadelphia Th domestic produce exported from those ernes the same year was as follows: New b1PhLIUePhla Or irens It thus appear that whilst New Yorkh tributes for consumption near six limes as much foreign Tnerchandiic a New Orleans the lattrr exports nearly double the amount of domestic produce and that whilst Pbiladel Hi) distributee for rnnttiinntinn Jim a a UHIV UlUID IVICIUU U1V(' chandise according to tho tables than New Orleans the lat ter exports mote than twelve tunes the amount of' domestic produce It also appears that the exports from New Orleans XCed the foreifrn mprrh iniliA YotiKa! A 1 NW ASA IUI VUIIUII)JlsVls 1 bis lare sum is distributed ovex tho country in varjous ways and assists in paying for the important New Philadelphia over and above their exports The valley of the Miisippi must have some belter mode of con ducting this vast business of equalising these unequal ini porU and exports at the great commercial points than the unsteady and clashing operations of State banks This equalization is effected by the' internal trade of the country and it cannot be well conducted without the assistance of a national bank? 1 have documentary evidence to prove the Hdmirable effects produced upon the t'oreign and internal trade of the country by a national bank and likewise the calam itie wiich result from the disturbance of the currency and eettledjorder of things by the ill digested projects of po Ittical Quacks for instance the imports and exports for ten years prior to the removal of the deposites from the Bank Qf the United States and the reckless war upon that institution (which lies at the foundation of all ogr present financial and pecuniary embarrassments) and we shall see jj that there was a gradual advance in our exports and imports commensurate with the increase of our population and re sources whilst the business operations of the country were enoductcd with harmony and prosperity Look at the fol lowing table and then reflect that A national bank was ths great instrument of trade during the whole period Pounds 50000000 50000 49930000 1 peony per It thus appears that while thw Stale banks werg using the deposites and enlarging their accommodations according to the recommendations of the Administration in Tthree years our imports exceeded our exports $113089001 being verynearly thirty one per cent on the whole amount of our ex ports during the period and making a sum so large that magic uu truuM4iny me pronis 01 IDO tnuifl jreifhtt and wsgs cxAT produce oanct rn our vor It also ap" pears from the contrast of the two periods that in the latter our loss exhibited bjr the tables without respect to profits (which cannot be estimated for want of data) amounts to a per centage more than three times greater than the loss sus tained during the former period I' Noone can ba surprised that these disastrous rexults should havefollotved the wretched policy of the Administration when he is told one other fact and that is in 1837 as nigh the 1st a lamiesuAflksl A raw va uua a xuv orcmaiy oi tne i roasurj couki procure the! inform vion which he reported to Congress the bank notes jn circulation amounted te 148411 850 The fascinating colors It kept aloft long enough to allow Pre sident Japkson to ay iri taking leave that he left prospe rous and happy Il tumbled to the dust soon after President Van Buren was inaugurated A universal bank suspen sion took place in May and Congress was convened in Sep tember 1837 In October we commenced Sustaining the Gov ernment by authorizing tbe issue of ten millions oCTreasury and from that day to this confusion has become worse confounded until no man can see any chance for deliverance except by the expulsioq from office of all 'those who have aided to bring about the present state of things and who yet control public affairs without capacity to extricate either Government or people from the calamities which have result ed from their blunders My colleague (Mr White) has ex hibited the contradictory sayings and doings of some of tbe prominent and aspiring! men of the in such a light that a thinking people who will read and make themselves acquainted with the facts mUt feel a disgust for their pre tensions as statesmen and they will henceforth sink to their proper level and lose all power to delude by kumbuggery and arrogance Il is impossible that such men can lead this na tion to that high destiny to which it is entitled from its great natural advantages aad iu position on tbe fefie of the earth But sir Lam digressing I must retorn to my tables they exhibit the facts The currency diininished in the course of the year 1837 so fat aw it depended on bank paper from113411850 to $101074212 This rapid curtailment prov ed the great efforts made by the banks to resume specie pay ments They did resume but their resumption considered premature by many did not last long another suspension took place tbe la' ter pirt of last year: which yet continues over a large portion of the country There things have in Urrupted business and destroyed confidence The banks' must diminish their circulation yet further to maintain specie payments on another resumption As the currency is dimin uhed the prices of property and labor go down In this stale qf things this bill is forced on us wuh the avowal thatil is a measure of 'reforming the currency by coercing tbe Lawks to call in their issues to a yet greater extent As far as it has any effect it will be to reduce labor arid property still lower to the ruirfof the debtors and the enrichment of tne creditors 1 ne Ir lends of the bill thus practise upon the I 4 a I a a jxiuvijJ Cj WU4VU tviiuuu tuuiiuaiiOD iiiey nve cnargfti upon theft adversaries of making tbe poorer and the rich I was really amosed at 'me apparently grave cal culatiocs which a gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr Wu lums) gave us with a view as it seemed to me to prove that low prices were better than high He look the price of labor at two different periods and the price of flour at thesaine times and then' he proved if his information correct thatthe laborer could purchase more IJour for a work when the price of hi labor was lowest than he could when it was highest He and his friends then seemed to regard themselves with much self satisfaction as having demon strated beyond all doubt the excellency of their policy in re ducing prices and that the laborer who works for bis daily bread will be the gainer by it Well ir I will admit that iffloor is 49 per barrel when labor is 75 cents per day laborer can purchase a barrel bv 101 labor andthat If by diminishing the currency flour come down to $5 per barreland labor to 50 cents a day then the laborer cafi purchase a barrel for ten labor and save two thirds of a work This might all be well enough if man lived by bread alone Bert the laborer will want meat ax well as bread end he would likb to add a little coffee and tea and sugar His good wife will want a decent cap for Sunday and his daughter would like to beve a pretty bonnet and ribands and sir tbe customs of our country have made ail these things necessaries' I wjolce that our laboring classes have heretofore bad it it) their power to enjoy these and many other comforts 1 object to putting them on bread and water andyet sir they must come to that if you go on reducing prices until you get labor dow to the standard of Europe and AsiaThe genjleman from Massachusetts deludes himself by pot taking into consideration all the articles the laboring man roust buy If flour is reduced more than labor does it thence follow that coffee tea sugar and all other articles no matter where produced will fall in the same proporiionl No sir no On the contrary all foreign articles will keep up to what Xhey: now are and in purchasing these there will be a much greater loss to tbe laborer than be can gain fiy reducing the prices of domestic productions' But if domestic productions and labor all fall in the same ratio (which is most probable) then the laborer will have no advantage in purchasing sup plies raised and' made in hi own country and whatever he purchases from abroad will cost him a greater amount of la 7 bar But let tne nut a case a sum to tbs gentleman from' He seems to be ready with figure and can no doubt work' it through the rale of three Suppose a la borer owes 7 50 and th price of a day's labor 75 cents bow nutty thj? ific My awwwwopW rhA km a 7 7c U9mVi iu juuwuwg success on urwro a inounai io 1 Dev MV Inat (wnd matHi r'limntoa an ai la I nurtv ar horn I 1 Africa and India capable of producing sugar Jotton nekton banco aml lhey say that labor tnjndiaas lest than two cause the collector at New Yprk anl the other seaports and 1 accuser I would tuU'iury bsh wnymese (JOfmani iMWpffl i receivers or tine lansi nffir riarVolAiii I ihu refate1 int0 'aCiOn fr WUh60t JherfoS Zynot ine tsrnisu niarxot Let ms aiva vou sir nomp extriirfa I lhe receivers tronitaai tMnrmia nt i lsni which I recently took from British estimate as to the man to hav th $21000 The York hi secret ciao ner in ahirh th ini: a i vw ivu uv uiuia tiatiQ sis Kuvir rniLiin Jinn inimt'i'n LitrKs iro nnw nannt a jn i I 1 a 1 vmau su vct avwuiiia ui rwcry MOIJSr 'em I cti 11 111 ms in aim i i Biinni tnm s1a 1 IaaI! 1 i MU uauu nu us IU SniClt'S 7 1833 I Sugar imported into Groat Britain 235700 ton cost I mix uMaiKVB lijcmrietl a inn sivisl lo Tddinfi niixnfifv rnntri cas' iu axuax mum aim tom at juio pei ion IiOM porler pt the President a reward for pah service is irJiren sable The object of the rule is to stimulate the faithful to perseverance to prevent desertion and to encourage all who may enlist in tbe unscrupulous support of Executive supre macy to go the whole right or wrohgJn full assurance that whatever may happen a suitable provision shall be made ttg the rue potent in it iLfluence Jt'iftb' ltwas'ionce a proclamation principle that tbe evr phi revenue might be constitutionally distributed amoi g'the States Il is now denied by tbe that a divtnbutVn of the' money arising from tbe sales of the public land (which emphatically belong to the Stqtc since the extin guishment of the debts contracted during the last War and th iwarbf the Revolution) can be constitutionally made i' Sixth To reform extravagance and locurtail the eriorntont expendituresof Mt administration averaging $12 25478 32 per year was one of the proclamation rit ciJw ofthe They are probably indebted to tbeir pro ft none on this head in connexion with thd'greal military re putation of General Jackson fqrsncce jn getting into office The promise has been performed by spending annually the last: ten years an average of $23020800 67 In these estimates payment on account ofthe public debt aie exclud ed I have taken the data furnished by the Secretary of the Treasury to the Senate by a letter listed May 4 1840 bring i Senate dqcument No 450 And here iir me call vnDr attention to a pitiful little fraud introduced tfito ihal doeu ment for the purpore ofmaking a false impression on the pub lie mind 11 have given tbe average expenditure of the last ten year as the document intend the People to understand it: The readqr who does not can the document with particu larity wqulff calculate a I have donettht the average ex penditure of the last ten year a above a Jittle more than tWenty threemillionsz i Butto produce thi reiult arid make tt a favorable to the Administration as possible the Secreta be JndifBr( 1 of 4831 8 9 the aggregate sum of $16774142 23 which they wait paid on account of the during those year 1 Now the People have been told a billion of time that President Jackson paid off the public deb) And here we have a statement showing that Mr Van Horen has paid' more than tlxteen militant of the publie debt These payment have been made no doubt on account of theTrea eury note issued But here is the delusion attempted to be played 1ff: i the Treasury notes issued on the credit of the '1 Goveinnwnt paid its debts contracted in the prowcutum of the lorida war or for any thing else and when the note were repaid out for tupplie or to pensioners they were qiril to an expenditure of that much money for which Mr Van Boren's administration should be charged and a be pay it hesbeuld have credit It is not like a debt contracted un der a and paid off by the present Administrations Under this example if Mr Van Buren should borrow a hun i dred millions and lay it out in the lorida wr or pay it to "special and then by enormous laxes on the pie discharge the debt he would be applauded for squaring rhe accounts and his partisan would maintain that there ws ho evidence of extravagance igainet him at all Sir th $16774142 23 must be charged' to him snd then the ave rage expenditure for the last ten years is $24698214 89 a ns nually over and above the expenditures for'tbe payment ef the Revolutionary debt and the debt of ftbe last war Th American must blush for the degridatioh of those of ficer who can descend to such a low trickto conceal the truth Butuppose'you compare the average expenditure ofthe fast i LS A ja 1 I sk opinions are manufactured to order and paid for by the Exe cutive apd there i no longer any hope of successful resistance fp the encroachments of power ALE GpOD URNITURE Oq Tuesday nef tbe 1st September 1 shall sell at the residence of Mr Wm Owner on Pennsylrania areuue between 3d street and the Car vEueo me luronuro mat estauitanmenl auen 4 i Mahogany hair seat sfefa Brussels carpets sod rugs 1 Cane sat and other chairs looking glasses lamps Mahozany tables cut fflaRK nn1 rrnrkwrv warm fi Windaw curtains brass andirons shovels and tongs and feMders V1 i A High and low post bedsteads excellent beds and mattressesy Variety of bedding quilts counterpanes 1 sckets 4c Mahogany bureaus wardrobes toilet glasses Excellent chamber carpets ba ire and window curtains Washstands toilet tables and toilet seis With many other articles of chamber furniture The above sale of excellent chamber and other furpitnre is sre'l deserving the attention of all those furnishing being of good qual 7 ity and in good order Terms o(sale: All sums of and under 310 cash over 310 a credit of six months for Dotes? satisfactorily endorsed bearing interest EDW I) TER sag dtsAifBt Auctioneer ng any thing for premium and thua his political friend will be the better able by such gains to make liberal party contri buttons 1 he revenue whiten may be expected tfi paa through randtytni tbe next ten year will and protection against foreign assault argest of this sum I 1 ouwsift Posfoa Xwk Philadelphia and old acre tfthe taw of Gowuinpnt Thii precisely the creed of refusing to bebe fcwougb goiMum flood the cquntiy with their mote and ypu can do nothing to prevent it i ffectuaily without amending the Constitution ully sensible of this truth as 1 suppose a gentleman from cnosyivanii (Mr Galmaith) some years ago submitted a proposition to amend the Constitution with a view to the ai complishment of the tityrct nd mare recently a Senator (Mr Bcchamxn) of Pennsylvania introduced a resolution in thb Senate proposing auainendment of the Constitution which if adopted would be partial restriction on the pow er of the States and State banks These: gentlemen have suggested the only plan calculaVdito secure any thing like hard money currency But they will find that the States can not be persuaded to surrender their towe'r to incorporate bank If they will not the present disorders must conti nue until a national bank is created If it be the will of the American People to strike out of ex istence more than half of their currency by putting an end to bank paper I shall not be injured in a pecuniary point of view I owe no there js much owing to me I have been seqt here to legislate for the general 'benefit and not to enrich myelr by making every dollar due me worth 'double what it now is We ought not to be influenced by aelfisk sordid con siderations There is not a member here who Has' a heart ca pable of feeling happiness or misery ou account of the condi tion of the community in which he lives but must suffer infii nitely morein contemplating the general distress than Xe can le compensated for by the increase of Ki own fori nd Jf there be any member here who intend to vote for thisKilfobe cause it will in a year or two enable him to purchase double the quantity of his nronertv far the conld now buy it with I forewarn him that! bis motive will certainly show itself hereafter and he wiR just as certainly become an object of indignant scorn for those whom he has ruined The meuiber who thus acts may from bis increased wealth himself jn purple fine linen and fare sumptuously every but when the darkrirw of night sur 1 round him when he lay bis head upon bi downy pillow there will be no sweet refreshing sleep He will dreambf an gry multitude of men £le will dream of famished women? and children crying for bread lie will dream of mobs de hn windows avid mav dream to witneits realit I But sir I must elose my remark bn thq'iiecond head and take up the political aspects of this bill And here tlfo first' thing' which mhde an'impression upon me jn the progress of tuc iArUca4iMl was me iavviiiaxiiig Ilftulfl WILD WDICl) IOC bill ba been christened I kqow sir that the World is very much governed by name and that political guiLcatehers have an eye to the most successful modes of popular delssion even in christening their bantlings' Under some design of that ort this bill' has lost its old mib Cognomen under which it has been often defeated and it is now introduced nnder thp sonorous title of the Independent Polly Brown rejected Sawney Snooks threie ti'mes because never woull consent to be called Stress Sawney The Legislature interposed and changed then sine and the wedding took place in a Week aherwards The neighbor said however that the newinamedid not change tbe conduct of the man he was a cheat and a ecamp beforej and so continued Sir there is something in the fascination of name too deep for my philosophy Estates are vested upon tne condition of changing a name by Statute Cbilrchand State go for and with names The religfous world run jte peculiar sectarian name and the manner in which politicians Usd the terms ederalists Republicans Democrats' Aristocrats Slate rights Ac without sene br meaning is enough tq make ond think that wordsi arel no Kroger used'a the sign of ideas but because they possess some magic pbW er to influence the conduct of men some 'charm like that which the melody of Orpheus in fabled antiquity possessed to put rocks and trees in (potion' "Sir "the man that is'gpv erned by a mere name by ftiere sound) although it fall upon his enraptured ear like the harmonious notes of the best in strument in a band is certainly destined to be the dupe of a knave The people tbgiyo all their at tention to names they must go beyond thrr narhe into the consideration nfthing Our good father and motbeis have had thousands of sons christened George Washington and ThoMeffwsoa Have then great naohe made tbe chU "i if' 4 ei 'l' I '4 "if ten workl Now if this' sub Treasury bill reJudes lren on whom they have been conferred equally great) labor to 50 cents a day how mafiy days work will pay the There ought to be nothing in names personal politicalor debt i fifteen is my answer Work these sums ye cipher 1 religious to throw the people off tbeir guard in scrutinizing ere and if you domot find that tire laborer has lost five days I the conduct or doctrines of men but I fear there tatoomuch work I will review my arithmetic am inclined to think he I respect paid to party names both in Church and Slate will try to save them by losing a day in going to the election I Names are often appropriated with a viewito imposition next November 1 amj fraud They are often assumed for popular effeqt to pul rrice Mr Chairman) are fixed to a great extent by tne suspicion and caution asleep sand to enable the villain the qsaniity of currency circulating i(i tho neighborhood or better to carry on his purposes of and plunder Tbe country where tbe property is situated I have seen theeffect I robbers and aesassins who banded together in the South of of this in Kentucky I have seen the rich lands in Bourbon I rance during the bloody Revolution carried qn by tyrant and Layette selling at between fifty and a bundrbd dollars in tho name of liberty after concluding tbeir infamous arli pcr acre whilst lauds ofthe same intrinsic value in my neigh I cles of aasncialion with a view: to greater success adopted borhiKid sell at from ten to twentv only Thb'greatcr amount the name by Which they were to' announce thpmsdveiAnd of bank capital and currency in BpUrbon and ayette is one I their Order to the public of Companione of The great cause of the difference The consequence of that dif murderer Harp the morning before be cut ibo throats of he land of my friend how sitting before me wife hnd children qnd fired the cabin over their (Mr Dayn) will give him if he fishes to exchange it five I murdered bodies wild grace gt breakfast and passed himself times as much public land as mine will give me So if we as a preacher of the Gospel I implore the American people wish to buy broadcloth coats or sugar and coffee he can get I to look beyoud names and professions The flck ia in dan uve times as much as I can for property worth intrinsically I ger of being devoured by wolves in clothing The no more than mine? He has the advantage over me because I tree can only be known by its fruit' The tjmo has come kl'k' i out Sut in his neigh 1 when the People must look at the conduct ind action of horhood five times as much bant cipilal and currency as they men They have been long deluded by merit professions have placed in mine If Kentucky by regulation of of retrenchment and reform of a better currency cf a hard currency could make her horses sell for double the price that money currency of rotation in office of democracy Ack 8et State would bring then it is gertain that' I tryst they will not now be humbugged With the name that the Kentuckian who lived by falsing that useful animal of Independent ft could furnish his family with more comfort aad luxuries than Sir 1 admit tihat if the advocatBsofthisbillmeanaTrea 'fv States engaged in the same business ury independent of the People and their Representatives So if the United Statescan bycurrency regulations) keep and altogether: dependent on the President of th United up the prices'of the productions ofHer citizens above those States then they have given it a proper name but nototber of the other nations ofthe earth American will enjoy cor wise This bill in connexion with other doctrine held by responding advantages If my hog head of tobacco will the party in power make the Treasury the nfot dependent bring SUN) instead of $100 in Ionllbn I can afford to pur obsequious tool of Executive power that has been Invented chase double tbe quantity of British goods unless the cause in this country since the day bur lather declared indepen which double the price of iny tobacco should likewise double dence of the Crown and Government of Britain According the price of British good Now sir it (s a mistake to sup 1 to tbe doctrines of the party in power the President may fn po that the prices pf our produce are altogether regulated stantly remove the Secretary of the Treasury br Patmaster by the demand in foreign markets Jn those countribs where I General who fails to obey bi order The Stvruimv th WE WIEL REGULARLY ECEIVE by Phila delphia Packets from celebrated 'Brewery Por ter Ale and Brown Stout which will be sold low by ihe Cask or YUe have now oh hand a fresh supply at oui Groeefy and Gram Store on authsidc Water street between Congress and H'gb atreet Georgetown 3t BERRY A PICKRELL This is to forewarn all person from crediting any person on my account as I am determined to pay B0 debt contracted after thia (fate 1 aug ELWOOD IJM11IV VUI ElMOUirr This bill in connexion with other doctrine held by of Executive power that ha been Invented flinrA thf Java nnr CafhAwm vuvia uwiiJICU MJUrLiJ intr of the party in power the Presldentmay fo the Sacrelferv nr tha a bjLlhe demand in foreign markete jin those countries where I General who fads to obey bis orders The Secretaiy of the tobacco and cotton cannot be cultivated on account of climate Treasury and Postmaster General ive directions according if the people use cither article they are compelled to pay the to this bill to efeery fubordiiiite officer in any way Connect prices fixed by the currency of the country where they are ed with it and the President may displace these high func raised wuh such addition for freight commissions as the I tionariee if they refute to obey frim and appoint those who course of trade demands To reduce the price Of any staple at! will obey6 The President is therefore master of the whole home is to reduce it abroad Let not the Southern planter! and cn control every movement according to his will and imagine that tins bill will be a bksdng to him hy reducing the pleasure Now sir I will undertake to show that this bill when by the cdntraXn" tbeaiX be th army of one ny check op the head of the Department or on the Pferi crying aloud for change Their cries are not beard or if come He will find his eonoW time of urdetn UPf I of lbe of 'N berded aod lbpj nd to change public men in thing Ire is subject to the pr'X by Xindanre dire to bUt toht by bem changing publid measures is the ma ter vert them from mante7ing and the ylavT tVade? he peo et of Officers TwhZ labors tviU noTle worth one'cenf to iZ? knowledge of the log life' 1 have en four 'year with those of Mr Jdminitrrion) how pie of England are making great Calculations upon three People but may be invaluable in rromoting th success of before tribunal to yre5ttId nne lru danceJnyhood sheltered by a clapboard roof I will it stand according to this document After charging the efforts They say that God has de climate Sd soils in party scheme: Ibd in for I If found jlle with three that mount of tire debt contracted and paid by this Adminltra4 i in iJiiuricH ir arniiirtAii Asrro rsivn i waa rtiTiiev tnnio A A I I I A A AMA 1 1 It a a wiih hrtnn a i i I i i 7 witcu uumu uui uc prucuiea dui we i uvu Ruu cAciuumg ioe uems oi tne Revolution and lastwr the disgrace fall upon the tripped umeon with the melody of the human voice In 1825 and the aggregate expenditure was S50 vCUSer 1 wOUid miku inforlA rifix ros ara A I I ran a I am a li i a I It A I ni4 O't 7 i U1 uc ws can vcnooi nvuse ana tne tog oi toe last tour years ine aggregate expenditure aS tnimnarl hnlilnaaj 1a thorn in ovnrunn I fflnin ftnflw'h hni TvAmmh 11 a li ij I isi 4 noi? flr tv i lni i wwhw Muw gcwi i me uvtb iinuiue prayers men aevo are and never will until this despotism of removals for pressed thty would ere long be sonerieded bv nil I secret causes la hilt 1nwn AAA a i i tJU3 Ltniuii Hifi a nitro xvir nncaojt th Ah a a a a i a i rvnm yx vra 1 aIa aa is A i I I haA kU A A 2 uvucs wo mi un ivi priinanrill ailU OICl lectI ami nit 17k1 wi removals made ty every rrei extent so mucn desired But a though wonderful changes I nry purposes excluding payments on recount of obicri collator and his eahtorc anTelX as it stands under the head of expenditures X9S99400 to be constructed in the new and mlrndid custnmhmM ni the errri nr th Li nonesuy opposed to uy cea pumpxin pies knd "cw whiskey and brown I permanent and ordinary and contrast tbe four id I i pay out the money in' satisfactioT of the drafts of tha tras1 never sustain 0 rfno'a would I sugar otlt of a gourd are good enough for my constituents I years of Mr Adams with the last four years and bow doe it 4212600 surer! Why reouire th entlrer re nv 7 ro th lh ho Practised it and it appears from the who live jn og cabins I think them as much entitled to The expenditure during Mr four' years 1 erigenerar en remoalfrpm the enjoy llh ood things of a Mr Van Buren $28812114 03 that of the last four year wafl5195o" £56800 tEhe I maffifret herearoa lident Jackin fe oran wholive ln marble palace I rejoice in th 703 63 The expenditure of the two last years being (he a "rufra 11 maniust mat tnereare a iuent Jackson When be came into office tbe work of uer advance which many of them have re first Ml receive and couX the mln Th i Tb on for sake commenced I think tbq number brick ami ftarte houses I wish to see it universal and be 1 327163394 62fdr (permanent and ordinary purpose whilst th discharge of duties" The genTral counu' it a train to a thoXX'or'morV hot publabed nn Ihey lie if tt were it wouldadd much to tbe happiness I expenditures for the two first year of Mr Adamsf adminis when he take it from th JutX! I i A Kut no notice is now taken of such of the whole 1 will not therefore vote for this bill theten foratiou only amounted to 813596543 39 These are the in satisfiction of a draft from tte treaurer there ft Another for comment or remk? Tt" and XUDM25 And not atufied wHi 11 these counts the 12th out assigning nd publishing the riaures oouht and hard 'peD0W Bomero i aiprrirara kii i im i I vowikb muiu vtuti iihf my uuiauiict auu iKxunuirx i anti in nu worn Tra urrarir i mi at ue oecreiary oi ml reaiurv I ne least cuuntenannA framanv i I kaAaL I mi! Led 151679 to makaminX7flh bookLuntk and of the mere tool aqd slaves and becare it aviated wuh the recoilectiort ofthe coridi change and we change with In the lp of a ftw 2 Loney on hand ofltbZeXpSri account office fox" I I If thlerem nstimte freedom of election and to provide more effeetull for the scribe principle tbeir flag whilst the Administration will take the last drop £1248750 neyl at beLealtand offiZX' and ail taraZtZLxcTw Ute wire WhSSriL and the independence to proclaim I thus sir cafled the atteirtion of the gentleman from ona is hereinafte" part XlZ iZ) KftaZta o' ior ExeZuiv officer 'r everywhere and on all occasions True sir Vermont to a proclamation principle of hi party Tor every 20a12 lie money an JezpreLlvreuires aXu nd murt remain I P'T reit Professions and day in the week and I might contmue tha lil for every day I I of Government Now sir these special afferto mav be I be cottneiled tuao thmr'i 1 11 consciqnentlv I but have they acted up to In for the purpose' showing him how easy it is to I UflVIIt ill liOlwli nSl an flinty Ihn I ft ran rtf A kail I MHI ft rram A ire ba! a1 a wra a i I a x1 ivUUll IUC I re ws uv aasssv ww Buy KMv VI MirUI IIHV nation and even dailyViimina bordinates the provisions of th7 bin tore cE duties dT currency by ddayipg re eaolhichelplt sir I M'V'h 8U(lpl'n '0fou nd tobscep Now the framers of thf bill had mghS elftions those torpelamation principles which have been published Could I prccribe maxime for my countryman I should tell I 1 daur gre wiU re jinfiling sound of the hard dbllare oronrietf b' 1 reepgnised from the iioure tops ami the manner in which they have been ihemt Beware the man who wins your confidences by talking I duced quite fast enough by East India Mml Africah compe providng fora £iXl Wk of himself beware lheparty who make a parade of their pnn hastening their downfall by the passage of may be thalthey were bv tbe whnau I without President to ascertain the fact irst ft wks proclamation principle of" the that I ciples and give no evidence that their conduct comport with thw bU the calculations of British talesmen are real indeSr re nXd ihu thhX nf P'? BUe' of the Government should not comiin conflirt br precook 'When I reflect upon the tUlXng Sh0U1ii that the energies of that coLt ZVcE Xual requftm ba of hi Ttfon and he This promise ha been kept regard ofthe profess and promire7mde bf the leader of nation nave niaced a mihtirv nl a I requiem io lay urm troubled I oi action Mv remedy in nnt tn cil rv rtf hv making 'vrw a I la 1a i the world) there will ns nd ut of mischief No matter bat the officer of Government but to them re De ate wutreaij until im mu roArdn a i i 4wvi vi calum tiimKPii mm uiuvu tvciiutiii anti uirafiur? nrin nn buuth than any whch have ever Occurred dance over the country to count the dol lari Wb7 other ritizeire to rk P1 I'ke for to deposfte the public money as directed bv the Sec I perceive the same party still boasting ihemselvee'nd th ir i Tto! win Prmt menare given to change fciaJ agent may cost no one teM There i wSS fhL i fb Und lhat be not to hat 5' iwhert connect with these thTngs the im I JroZfon tenffgave them from de to there number or The whote deSTnnn idt make I n'e' eln over that every aenre amount of money purloiheds by subdreasurers (for the direction of theSecreTry ofhe TreTs "I Kthof the system has brim in practical operation foryero) Pcannot tShe firetfro! rn iDa2ine tbal rdance with the directionsf ih TPrelXnt 9 now compiled whcb tfier are I part by Officeholder and they will stand by and hear help thinking that self aggrandizement the pwer and emo followed by othera 'until reach a Now sir let us contemplate tbe abo! to which this ba i 8r? known falsehood uttered against political opponent without 'uments of office a craving for the spoil the influen hprdtaoney currency not only for this Government) but for of special agent mav Th 1 noi constitutional power to punish offences pretending to correct them The case of William Burke I tiai motives which govern tbeir conduct instead of that dh all the States and the People The ide of reducing th of Ee tbe Statba postmaster at Cincinnati is in point We see almost daily and benevotetked Xrim whieft th rtreTy h00" Of VT tj and and because the bosfaere cln done without inv VfoT fi cloh re mlf Proposed to do BoVthw if not a nea tg the newspaper of tbe peregrination and stump actions of the ather of his CoLtry The ex hf bovarnfeant is wholly im Lionel expend by b' at Wheeling in behalf of Mr Wple'or Washington is peitbor fell hbri imitated by the men practicable Without a change of the Constitution Thel dent wishes to reXand la nX! nrrtirtLhlIh i I na' uend' have barel ter Van Buren The last statement which I recollect to have I power 1 i ava thir nd lhMe row 5 bo doe not like recreate I vcaS bv aemovalXl'! 7 TwreT read in t0 represent him as carefully collecting Whigi proclaim nf principles Sir bur principles and ypu can do nothin? I tbe offices rrnfA! hw Y'lb vew 10 e5Pres tny decided conriction I forwarding to tbe palace all newspaper articles condem I our purposes are universallv known The creed nf 'quious friends in GcJ a case therieci1en" ieXrovZi or can effectu natory of? his course for the purpose of convincing hi mss Whig is to lessen thefcwer id 'patronage of the President for in this bill afford the mean UronaS efSS One ofX obiretiunto Ltionl 7 horougbgng servant he had what denunciation nd bring back the Government to where ft was when de ing brawler for his menial scr" icre lcUoneer eff he haa lway been wr enefountar and of course how great tbe reward ption and humbug got the better ofthe public judgment Before the election! if tbe President desires to send mi I trol elections nI ir rconi dr Why sir it )ia been but a few days since we I have not deemed it necessary in considering the provi senger into every Congressional district in the United Stales objection kffarost a hnk' ftZ WkbC Urgj tbe re1 of postmaster in Missouri and then I bill to notice the arguments of th President in to confer with the faithful to stir up the lukewarnftto othi bilfore nlr th hL are about by the passage I removal or contemplated removal of a receiver for daring I foundedon the example of other Governments I 1 lyte opponents and to furnish mean to Provide for LwLon under the control nf the of be plates I the citizens in expressing the opinion that the I do Dot wish to import the policy or principles of the tnonar i verts he ha nothing io do hunL mach In in cha re'L and in connex chie of Europe Low prices for labor and property may suit end him into your district Mr Cbairmw Efto mroe under hta eiX more rePfl 7 7 1 esMraDsaCtion we Mw the published letter of a but I am sure they will not suit us I have endeavor things whethey favorable mrunfavOTablMobe0" XXX befipd to fft and re 7 YWbelber whotbu violate their become tedious twill only say ft conclusion thrthi bill In thi way (ihe tbe of keerwntr I a re election toth hmhMt nfficAt PrnciPa tochmatl language of the I Uito at credit through the that it may and nd doubt Sp a unity of rmpoiWof be Weth Vnub i Sir thtrue and of the Devil will wound but it cannot dtroy for Che credit system de political clubs thTsrcrct Lireionrv Xriv Tthi tl mfnv and not to grat too th People to deade Lend upon the law which Zgulie contract between man I mileage and a per diem equal to that of a member of Con 1 one hands is nreciselv qf all pomer in Second It jvas once a proclamation principle that a na I and maty and those laws are the creatures of the State Le gress or greater or smaller just as the President through nntism It nneh 8 definition of des 1 Ctonaj bank Was a valuable fiscal agent of the Government I gislatures over which this Government can exercise no con ubedient Secretary of ihe treasury may be pleased to deter? Cave guarded bv Drovidinff tp ight be institutionally created I power in reference torthe subject of credit mine Why sir theJe special aJnUt sent out' from Ihe na The root of all uur Political Sml badhcxecuuJe bcen called upon to furnish the pro remark m'oreand I am done A great blessing may lace may be charged ti (examine renJiiii beencheer find will be atrilmtable in part to the passage of thi billjrod andparUalitics ofthe bfficer unheld i I ft felly (See Prendent bank veto roes is the overthrow of the prerent Administration This lary and naval and lo get up courts thartial to investigate and efficiency ini dividing ih w1 wIDXneM doctrine now is that any such bank would be measure is forced upon the nation in defiance of its known their official conduct bn account of ha bearinrra on nnlirir I Rtprutisp inflnnr 'e 8' i must lessen I unconstitutional and the present incumbent although pledged I wll by politicians determined torule or rUinJ There is a and elections 1 hive ar 17'' We would I presume dechne to for spirit of indignant opposition abroad among tbe people Why will you thus enlarge the powefe of the President 1 Port Office nd lbe 8Uch even if called on to which piuLtriumph If it does not those who speak the berationsX You kJHU MP r'h i tb! Wh' Houre that a "log is(heir the desired nomiriionsucceeing in and iS1' i rv case Mr Chairm9nin which I treasury snd another from Vermont fAfr Smiths tpflk I servtnff asecoiid term' iu it enough8! there poweragive him infloee that we inscribe no principle upCn our banner that we Inly in the to a though Uhre But sir thire is another onintinJn2ta re ti ik PT cabins and cider Well sir given uk npiproclamation repudiating the principle previously maybe for H( cXurX re berc aomc trutl? the first gentleman says if the published And the Constitution still remain unaltered not corrurtine extend Bv the 21m SreXro TTt aCe PY denominated ror withstand thfl party" who profited this principle have to VxaXortt Jbe Whig party have always looked upoh the had large fokjofilie in Goth Hous4 who could have passed fond placed in there hand nrovideit rn tbe Unltcd State as thq treasure of the nation rroolulidns 'fecOnimending th alteration to the States and ftB SB draftaonNw Yk fa ire? i furnb Mhore the Wertern Wilderness and in viewofshch to act accordingly If for nothing else but to set an Xamule I nt what lPe gentleman ttearury arid hi "treanire 7 1 least whichjaffllcts us to have the patronage of the Exern Hi treasury consist in vault and safes located in marble tive dispensed for four years 'with a view to secure votes and struct me erected at a cost of million and hi treasure is a setond term Jf the President had op if be had the hard dollar put under dquble locks and keys withje no money apl no offices to bestow I would not care how ceivers general and spacial agents to count and guard it often he wa elected in succession In such case the ofener Ye sir the dsctnnenf this Admimrtra(ron and its suppprt he was elected thy better provided he discharged the duties re retbrxth muchifrom Government of the office in such manner as to entitle himself to the com feat the Government must take care of itself and det fee mendation bf Well done thou good and faithful servant oftltemae 7 wc Bank wd But a he has tnoney arid offices bestow the danger lie is the cry fee watch word but the trueroeaping of the I in his dispo ng of them in such manner as will enlist parti fro that fee I san to helpfeimjin the second election instead of consulting office holders have an interest in their salaries and in fee I exclusively the interests of the People The temptation to re08 D8 tbe nterwti of mak0 Peonage of his station iuWrvient to his own ele re re Pple or portibn ration great that ft require the firmness and forbear of them th business of the People iMntimately connected ance of a Washington to resist it It i too much for a little with and dependent upon amnhe Government ujkn mind as we have seen ite ourth Itwa a prpclamatiou principle thai important apJ tie to the interest of the People and make itself subservient pointments in the gift of the President should not be con aDd Premot've of femr interests but Upon the principles ferred upon member of Congress We were told if tho of the ruling party Government should divorce' itself ffem I practice continued) would become the' order of re Are" Sir the fee je ia now history that the man whoihada therm Ky and it officers I diction was fee instrument of its fulfilment I have had for 'be tjie year a proposition on your table to prevent this corrupting great mass of the Pepple tn their agriculture manufactures practice and although there hen enirtiv inWrCC 8fldbV Scurimr tn th Am inform I hArk kelleb aL eL a Lt eJ Wivy iDce 10 7 7" Exportsofdo oreign uter Years Imports me tic for produe ex chandise con etgn produce aumed I 1 i ilStt I 530549007 $7598657 830619500 455211850 1925 196 34(1075 99335388 66944745 63749432 '1826 34974477 77595322 53055710 60434865 127 1 79484063 82324827 689I69I 56080932 63509824 72264086 50669669 I 1329 74 492527 72358671 55700193 57831049 1830 70876920 73 649508 59462029 56439441 1831 1 103 U) 1 124 81310533 6t277057 33157593 7832 101029266 87176943 63137470 76989793 1633 (1081(8311 90140433 70317693 88295576 'Total 837565599 3812543018 590135762 665158343 I I 'A I fl of A Domestic pro floods 1 ear Imports mestic and fc Juce exported consumed i reign produce 8 i 955 $11X594743 1121693577 lIOllSl 089 1129391247'1836 18980035 123663040 106916680 168233 675 4337 140339217 117419 37fi 95564414 119 134255 Total 9490864991 1367775993 9303670176 3416759177 I 4.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.